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SpaceNaba - LLJK4 2AM GMT - Ban Threat For Swearing
Admin name: SpaceNaba
Server: LLJK4
Date/Time: 9th Nov 2AMish GMT
Synopsis: Was being silly in a round where everyone was sec, found the constable uniform and started playing as a British police officer, and changed my text to match, calling people mate, cockney rhyming slang, whatever. The offending word I used was "cunt" which I threw around a couple of times. I used it after I died an immediately got hit with a warning.
Log: DEAD: Ghost (Honey Nutt) wails, "that cunt nicked me identity"

Mr. Grizzwold stabs Honey Nutt with the proboscis!

Damian Garneys says, "nice"

Lorenzo Romano says, "I am a GOOD doctor"

Shitty Bill asks, "I ever tell you 'bout that time I met some spooky ghosts?"

Mr. Grizzwold sucks the fluids out of Honey Nutt!

Damian Garneys says, "if only we had some top gun music"

Mr. White says, "ow"

Gary Colt slurs, "i shhould gill you"

Father Jack exclaims, "ARSE!"

Admin PM from-SpaceNaba/Some Jerk : Watch the language, lad

You are eligible to be respawned as a random event antagonist. You have 120 seconds to respond to the offer.

Mr. White says, "whats this button do"

Reply PM to-SpaceNaba: i'm roleplaying being british/am british irl

You have been added to the list of eligible candidates. The game will pick a player soon. Good luck!

DEAD: Ghost (Unknown) moans, "oh dam"

NightShade Everdeen pukes all over herself.

Damian Garneys exclaims, "watch the shields!"

Admin PM from-SpaceNaba: That's cool. You want to roleplay being banned?

Fox Mulder exclaims, "A total damage of 0!"

Gary Colt slurs, "haha"

Damian Garneys says, "um"

Mr. White says, "uhh"

Mr. White says, "uhh"

Shitty Bill says, "Hey pal, gimme yer hugs."

Mr. White says, "uhh"

Dions Dopamine says, "ABANDON SHIP"

Mr. White says, "cants move"

Damian Garneys says, "who mae you the navigator white"

Mr. White says, "me"

Fox Mulder says, "Total damage 277, oww."

Damian Garneys says, "good thing im not a terrible gunner huh"

Asriel Dreemurr removes the good gold bar from Deep Fryer!

Mr. White says, "yes"

Damien Fraser says, "robotics is open for business; bring those in need of revival"

Damien Fraser [145.9] says, "robotics is open for business; bring those in need of revival"

Dions Dopamine says, "right turret is broken"

NightShade Everdeen slurs, "iii ccaann bbrreeaagggg dddduuesshhhheee ccuufffsssh"

Asriel Dreemurr takes a bite of the fried good gold bar!

Shitty Bill asks, "Got any cola?"

Fox Mulder says, "Enginer is nearly broked"

Asriel Dreemurr takes a bite of the fried good gold bar!

Admin PM from-SpaceNaba: A'ight, that's your warning. We have kids playing on this server, so keep that in mind from now on, aye?
Extra Information: I don't doubt SpaceNaba was doing what they thought best, and I don't think they were simply being being a fun hating lunatic. I don't intend for this complaint to be a way of getting back at them either. I just want to point out that the word "cunt" already exists within the game - space madness hallucinations will call you a cunt, for example. If I threw the word around too much, I apologise, but I think it was only 5 or 6 times over the course of about an hour, and most of those were in the British, friendly use of the term. If I was hit with a warning simply for using the word in the first place, well that seems a bit mad to me, to not be able to use a word that already exists within the game's language.
Nah, mate, you're in the right here. I'd thought that cunt was still considered a bigoted slur, but apparently it isn't anymore.

Although to be honest it was a bit compounded by the fact that I constantly get "It's okay for me to say X because I am a/come from/roleplay as X" as a justification, so I was def a bit trigger-happy.

Thanks for bringing this to our/my attention, mate. You're doing a service.
At the risk of peanut posting, "cunt" is also sometimes used endearingly in Australian and NZ vernacular. But, if the subject of the word is female, someone is saying it often and repeatedly, and it's not being used in the sense of like "Oh yeah they're a bunch of good cunts ey?" or whatever, then it's probably sexist. Otherwise, it's probably Auzzie.
Yeah, in the UK it can also be used as a term of endearment as well as an insult, though that's considered a very boorish thing to do (For example Ed, in Shaun of the Dead). You wouldn't call the Queen a terrific cunt, for example, but you might call one of your mates that.

But yeah, I can understand and appreciate someone not knowing all of that deciding to clamp down on it. Considering how people will try and twist their way into using slurs, I entirely understand your reasoning, and didn't want to argue back at the time out of fear of exacerbating the situation.
This isn't a can of worms I'd like to open.

Let's not be this guy
[Image: 200_s.gif]
This seemed relevant to me; space drug hallucinations scream "cunt" at you.
As does the captain's antique gun. It's the british influence of the game's coders showing.
EDIT: Pointless white noise and 2 cents when the matter had been closed for almost two weeks now.

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