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Traitor Toxicity
So I'd like to touch a little bit on what's right and wrong as a traitor, and what we should/shouldn't do despite being given near absolute freedom.

I understand how most chat/OOC related rules apply to you regardless of antagonist status, but what about things like being an insufferable prick?

Regularly I've found myself doing some questionable things (before promptly questioning them after reactions to it) as a traitor. One of the more obnoxious things is stunning people, stripping them, and melting their items with acid. Ideally I'd have a bunch of naked staff assistants chasing after me by the end of the round, inevitably and without fail, ending with my death. The idea of this, to me, is actually knee-slappingly hilarious but after considering the community and the anti-troll mindset within it I have to reconsider doing things like these, especially when it boils down to me actually just going out of my way to make another player have a humiliating experience, although I'm not sure many people actually feel that way.

To be a little more clear on the purpose of this thread; what's acceptable as a traitor? Not necessarily according to the rules, but according to the community/general mindset? Is dressing up as an officer and pretending to be a shitstain hilarious to everyone, or would this (and my stupid acid gag) be considered toxic/inappropriate behaviour? I've been doing things like these for years and have had mixed reactions when it comes to acceptance/taste in humour. While I'm almost certain all of this stuff is acceptable in the rules, I kind of want to discuss how it is being at the butt end of it, and a good player tries to help everyone have fun.
The purpose of the antagonist is to provide opposition to the crew in a way that generates conflict and action. They're what keep rounds from being dull and boring and severely lacking in (as many) explosions.

Courtesy or not being a douchelord isn't necessarily part of the equation. It'll probably earn you a fair spot of grumbling at in deadchat, but traitors are free to be as obstructive and jerkish as they please; that's the entire point of the antagonist.
Let people play antag rounds how they want.
the main thing to remember is that people will almost always complain if they died, regardless of the situation. obviously there are SOME ways to murder that are not fun at all for either party (hint: it rhymed with "shmoak and shmyalume shmaber") but for the most part, people are angry that they died, not because of how

i guess the best rule of thumb isn't so much if the murder is fun, but if it can make the round interesting
Ed Venture Wrote:Let people play antag rounds how they want.
This, really. Sure, you can prefer traitors who do this or who do that, like I prefer wizards who don't use guns for instance, but in the end every type of traitoring -can- potentially make the game interesting. So long as the antagonist goes into it with that in mind, it'll usually be just fine.
I don't really care how you traitor so long as you don't drag the round out for hours. call the shuttle when everyone is dead
hipBEE Wrote:I don't really care how you traitor so long as you don't drag the round out for hours. call the shuttle when everyone is dead
Honestly, burning people's junk with acid sounds pretty great. That's way more interesting than just murder, and creates conflict that everyone can participate in. A+ traitoring in my book.

I only really get salty when a traitor seems to take the role of being a jerk really seriously. Doing things like stunning you, then taunting your helplessness before finishing you off. Seems overly aggressive and confrontational, like they care more about trying to upset and humiliate you.

It's a lot easier to swallow death and defeat when it's just a case of getting in a traitor's way, having something they want, being in the wrong place and time, or if it's just impersonal chaos.
Acid melt is ok, better than the usual stun, strip, space, bomb, repeat thing.

Be aggressive. Just don't be boring. It would do more traitors good to learn that.
Sex_Robot Wrote:Be aggressive. Just don't be boring.

my favorite thing is to kill people sporadically because i love to imagine them dying and spectating me only to find me pretending like nothing happened and acting like a normal crew member. the fun in legally griefing someone lies in actually causing them grief. also in shooting people. i'm a cowboy baby sorry if you disagree
Traitors are supposed to be assholes.
Bandit Wrote:To be a little more clear on the purpose of this thread; what's acceptable as a traitor? Not necessarily according to the rules, but according to the community/general mindset?
The community is made up of many people who think many different things, no one will ever be satisfied no matter what you do and this game is a griefing simulator besides. So just have fun with it.
I remember one of the experiences I had the most fun with was being restrained and force fed various edible and inedible things for awhile. As long as you aren't just forcing somebody to go through something un-engaging, boring and torturous (Death obviously not included in that listing) I feel that traitors should be free to do as they please, server-wide ruination possibly withstanding.
Pretty much what a traitor wants to do i'm fine with. I don't care if a traitor is being weird and mutilating bodies and leaving heads on spikes everywhere, once they're obeying the rules of the server and adds no sexual or racial undertones into their violence then that's ok.
If a traitor keeps you alive then just roll with it. We're not an RP server and IRL you wouldn't be able to hold your breath and suicide when caught, I can speak for everyone suicide when captured is lame as heck and ruins the fun that a traitor might have in mind for you. Same goes traitors suiciding when they're caught by security, funnily enough.
I suppose murderboning, although an awful word, can rustle jimmies, so if you're a traitor and the station is a ghost town then it's not particularly fun for you chasing the remaining crew who are hidden, so call the shuttle. Another thing that's not great is deleting the commaster, as that can drag on a round a bit.
Otherwise nothing really else!
My rule for traitors is, if I get killed/harassed/whatever by one I can't complain. But when I play as the traitor myself, I'll do whatever I damn please to the crew.

I mean, what exactly do you WANT the traitor to do, OP? He's either going to be a dick to the station, or outright murder them. As the should, because without that conflict, there's nothing for the crew to do half the time. It adds a little spice to the round.

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