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Emag on shuttle computer
With the new little restricted cockpit area on the shuttle, I think it would be fun if the emag shortened the shuttle launch time AND rerouted the destination of the shuttle to something like the sun just to kill everybody on board. It would make for an extra traitor objective and would encourage people to make sure that no unauthorized personnel got into the cockpit.

Also the reactions in the last 10 seconds of launch when everybody realizes they're going to die would bring surely bring some laughs.
"You have 2 choices: Jump in the wormhole and get gibbed or die in the sun. You have 2 minutes before you're in the sun. Take the good decision!"
This is a good idea.
I wholeheartedly support this idea.
Not a fan of this idea. If you want to kill everyone you need to work harder than just buying an emag, popping the shuttle door and console before anyone can react.
Grayshift Wrote:Not a fan of this idea. If you want to kill everyone you need to work harder than just buying an emag, popping the shuttle door and console before anyone can react.

It's not like it'll have a lasting effect. The round will end immediately anyway whether you get to cent comm or fly into the sun.
Eh, maybe instead of the sun it could just crash on a special desolate planet looking location that counts as centcomm for round end purposes?
maxiumattack Wrote:Eh, maybe instead of the sun it could just crash on a special desolate planet looking location that counts as centcomm for round end purposes?
When it crashes into the sun the round will still end.
How about:

-Emagging it once will shorten the time to ten seconds.

-Emagging it twice will reroute the shuttle, with a confirmation asking if you want to do this.

-But anyone who gets to the computer after it's been emagged will be able to reset it.

So if you really want to kill everyone you have to get to the cockpit, emag it twice, then defend it from everyone else trying to reset it.
Roomba Wrote:How about:

-Emagging it once will shorten the time to ten seconds.

-Emagging it twice will reroute the shuttle, with a confirmation asking if you want to do this.

-But anyone who gets to the computer after it's been emagged will be able to reset it.

So if you really want to kill everyone you have to get to the cockpit, emag it twice, then defend it from everyone else trying to reset it.
I think there is a better way: You can choose when you emag it.
Emag the shuttle computer to send the ship into the sun, then pipebomb the shuttle computer so they can't undo.
Roomba Wrote:How about:

-Emagging it once will shorten the time to ten seconds.

-Emagging it twice will reroute the shuttle, with a confirmation asking if you want to do this.

-But anyone who gets to the computer after it's been emagged will be able to reset it.

So if you really want to kill everyone you have to get to the cockpit, emag it twice, then defend it from everyone else trying to reset it.

I think this totally kills the idea of the emag. It's a tool meant to permanently fuck something up so the crew shouldn't be able to do undo it.

I came up with this idea because it feels like the emag was missing an ability. Yeah it shortened the launch time to 10 seconds but what good is that really? Rerouting the destination by hacking into the shuttle computer is so much more in the spirit of its function.
Shortening the launch time is invaluable to those 'escape alone' objectives. I was just trying to suggest a way to balance it out, it seems more fun that people can struggle over the fate of the shuttle than 'oh hey, someone with an emag slipped into the cockpit, he wins'. Even with the ten-second launch time you can still give the finger to the emagger by getting on the shuttle at all (beating him up optional).
I support rerouting but not in a kill them all fashion.

What if it rerouted the shuttle to a syndicate base? It might be one of several ways to get there to fulfill a kidnap 'X' objective. The others perhaps being a rewired escape shuttle, a pod, or changing up the aim on the space disposals outlet or chaplain's ejection thingy.
If it weren't gonna be overplayed and turn unfun quickly, it might be cool if emagging the shuttle caused a chance for the next round to have a few "kidnapped players" who would be spawned in a syndicate HQ and need to escape/be rescued. Obviously you would enable "kidnapping" in your antag game selection so that if you wanted to play a ss13 room escape game you could.

I know disaster round is a solarium thing, I think maybe one or two other post round altering things could be added if such things don't already exist.

As for the general idea of "emag the shuttle to reroute it" I like the idea, in fact I've been in support of things that cause the shuttle to veer off course in previous threads about prolonging shuttle time.

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