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Dealing Naughty Santas
So, Santa is a special role some ghost gets.
Great for that ghost.

And there is not much wrong with a nice santa that tries to do nice things.

But I have seen some Santas being naughty. And heard about even more stupid things:
From force feeding meth, freeing prisoners, bombing places, calling the shuttle for no reason and just being a nuisance...

A big problem with the current Santa design is: It is very hard for security to deal with that issue IC.
Arrest them? Poof - they are now somewhere else.

The question is: How shall we deal with those naughty Santas?
The options range from:

* Do nothing.
* Encourage the admins to make liberal use of the anvil for naughty Santas (they basically just got a second chance to live)
* Nerf the Santa kit (There is a PR out there)

The other thing is: Their All Access ID makes them a valuable target.
But it doesn't really feel right that Santa is a mindhacked bad person.
So maybe give them a mind protection implant?
I was a mindhacked Santa once... all I was told was: "Give a syndicate christmas"
...Rolled with it.

But I am 100% fine with Santa being Mindhack proof.

I don't think Santa's should be able to forcefeed anyone or such. Security won't be able to keep him locked away. So I say this. When Santa is cuffed, his abillities are on hold. He cannot escape.

After that A-help it.
I've seen security struggle to get them to the point of cuffing, since they can just teleport. But yeah, I would agree that the best course of action besides code nerfs is to just report it if you feel like someone is using it as an excuse to grief.

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