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Empty Servers in the US
Earlier I was given shit because I was playing on a EU server instead of a US server. The problem is that the US server is empty or near empty (less than 20 at the moment or much less). Why don't the rest of the US members of the community play on the US ones or stick to a US server, and if they do, why don't we advertize more for new US players to pick that one where there is less lag for us. I enjoy playing where there is much players? Is there a problem with liking to play with the larger server. Excuse me for enjoy servers with 40+ players. Some servers I've been on to had 70+. I just enjoy playing with more players.
20 is, and always has been, a fine number for a round. 40+ is excessive. You were playing on, and contributing to the lag of, a 60 player server.
Are we actively telling people to move from one server to another now due to over-population?

I don't think it's very fair at all to give people shit for playing on the more populated server (and it's the first i've heard of it), especially when the other server is empty a large majority of the time. By sheer co-incidence, the server on US is actually 17 players as i'm typing which is a rarity. Even if there are around 5 players, nobody wants to play on a 5 server population unless they want to do some quiet work, in which case the extended server would suit their needs far more.

If stuff gets near unplayable due to sheer numbers after a set amount of time, then why not a server cap?
Like everyone absolutely shits their pants and screams heresy when someone even so far as mentions the word cap but is it really such a bad idea if we are now actively grumping about people choosing to play on the populated server?
Admins did not give anyone shit for joining #4.

Some players got very vocal in OOC about it during the start of one particular round.
Why are we making this a US v. EU thing the fuck it's just that 60 people causes lag, doesn't really matter where they're from.
Spy_Guy Wrote:Admins did not give anyone shit for joining #4.

Some players got very vocal in OOC about it during the start of one particular round.

That's what I thought.
Although I do agree that there does need to be some passive form of managing the population of #4.

I remember one admin once suggested a inter-server shuttle that would once per round transport 10-15 players to another server. It was possible but the issue was more the fact about filtering out traitor targets and what to do with antagonists. A solution would be that traitor targets are treated as dead if moved and antagonists would be gibbed if they chose to leave.

cgrn10 Wrote:Why are we making this a US v. EU thing the fuck it's just that 60 people causes lag, doesn't really matter where they're from.
I didn't get that vibe from this at all.
Sundance Wrote:
Spy_Guy Wrote:words.

That's what I thought.
Although I do agree that there does need to be some passive form of managing the population of #4.

I remember one admin once suggested a inter-server shuttle that would once per round transport 10-15 players to another server. It was possible but the issue was more the fact about filtering out traitor targets and what to do with antagonists. A solution would be that traitor targets are treated as dead if moved and antagonists would be gibbed if they chose to leave.

cgrn10 Wrote:words
I didn't get that vibe from this at all.

During the round people were being very anti-America/pro-EU namely Dr. Chef. I found it all very mind boggling.
Hulk Hogan Wrote:Why don't the rest of the US members of the community play on the US ones or stick to a US server, and if they do, why don't we advertize more for new US players to pick that one where there is less lag for us.
As someone sitting in Indiana I found the US servers much laggier than the EU server for some reason. I also really don't understand how the US based servers died so quickly like, I think the EU server had been up like 2 days and everyone had gone to it and abandoned every other one if I recall, with the others down to like 5 - 3 players.
The U.S. Severs remain empty because of a weird Catch-22 situation. People, including me, want to play on a populated server. No one plays on the U.S. server because there are never enough people on. (I'd say the random number of about 30 would be needed to be considered "populated.") Because there is "no one on", only a handful of people (Mainly those who want no one on.), if at all, join the servers. The amount that joins is not enough to convince people who favor populated servers to join. Because no one ultimately joins, the server remains empty, and because it is empty, no one will join. (Side note: This is apparently what lead to the death of Mars Station a long time ago.) Server 4 is permanently populated because it's become learned among players that it is the server to go to for a populated server.

Solution? I don't know. No one does. The big problem is that it has been learned among players to go Sever 4, even if it is empty, because they know people will be there or will go there. The most extreme solution would be to take down 4 for a few days to convince people to play on other servers. Problem with that is either it will have no effect, or it will cause 1 or 2 to become new 4, while screwing over Euro players either temporarily or permanently in all cases.
It's also the fact that when US Server #2 Was the primary server it had a MASSIVE host of horrible lag issues that even american players had problems getting a good ping on the PEICE OF SHIT at peak hours. Even when Server 2 has no people on it. Join it and just SEE how laggy it is compared to EU4...

Other than that, I feel the large cluster fuck rounds of 50+ people are a blast to play. It adds to how hectic the station is. I do like playing On the empty servers now and then for things like controlled experiments, telesci and the like..

I wish more people played on LLJK3 honestly. I loved construction mode a lot.
Xeram Wrote:As someone sitting in Indiana I found the US servers much laggier than the EU server for some reason. I also really don't understand how the US based servers died so quickly like, I think the EU server had been up like 2 days and everyone had gone to it and abandoned every other one if I recall, with the others down to like 5 - 3 players.
Oh hey, another Hoosier.
Things which are contributing to the perceived lag on a server:
  • Tick rate
  • Server specs
  • Player count

The first two, you have no control over. Clearly, these specs are the best currently on #4, however, at and above 40 players, these advantages begin rapidly degrading, becoming nearly unplayable after hitting 50. This is why I'm saying everyone that actively refuses to play with 20 people when there are 60+ on #4 is contributing to the problem of the lag. We're not going to give you shit if you play on #4 anyway, but don't be vocally outspoken when it is repeatedly suggested by admins in OOC that you should divide so everyone can have a smoother experience.

Things which do not contribute to the perceived lag on a server:
  • Physical location
  • Country
  • Continent
  • US or EU

This cannot be stated enough. We're working on improving the hardware and software infrastructure under each of the servers as well as the elimination of the lag, and the million concerns that keep arising about how the US servers feel are much less valid now than they were a few month ago, and it is quite clear that since US and EU based people perceive basically equivalent performance on the US servers, it is logical to conclude that distance only affects lag minimally. This is not Counter-Strike, people.
I feel the reason why the location of the server doesn't matter as much, as per-say... A modern FPS is that (This is a theory mind you) for how old byond is, and how it was coded.

Byond was originally made back in 2001. When ISDN and DSL were very big (and slow compared to modern cable/fiber lines) So you needed to make a good lag compensation system, especially for a multilayer platform that is measured in ticks on tiles and blocks. With that kind of environment, being a 2D world like an old Dungeon Crawler game from the late 80s. (Taking a step is considered a turn and thus one tick) It's easier for the system to synchronize players together.

Anyway, that's my guess as to why the distance of the server doesn't matter as much for SS13/Byond then it would for, per say, Call of Duty, Counter-strike, Chivalry, etc.

Out of curiosity, what is the specs of the machine that hosts #4? If my machine blows it out of the water I could make a virtual machine for just SS13
My PC Specs are as follows
I7-3770k (4 cores, 8 threads running at 3.5Ghz each)
16Gb of Memory (Ram)
A Geforce 970 Oc with 4GB of DDR5 Vram (If this matters at all for SS13 hosting, I doubt it does)
I have half of a 256GB SSD that isn't being used and half of a 2TB HDD if that isn't enough for the system.

TLbig grinR I just shit a theory out my ass about byond coding and told the admins my computer specs and offered to use it to host a server.
#4 is a complete clusterfuck these days.

Pop caps are a touchy subject if I remember correctly but the round flows really well with 30-35 people. I wouldn't mind seeing it enforced on #4 even if it meant the current avalanche of shit would spill onto #2.

2 rules, 4 is garbage. Come to 2, I love you.

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