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Re-Usable Personal Lockers (For Genetics)
Basically, I want a Personal Locker that locks to a player's ID, and once that ID is used again to unlock it, a new ID can be used to lock it and override.

Why? If we plop one or two in Genetics, there's finally secure storage for a player's shit. If I'm cloning Joe Pubs the sec officer, I can strip him into a Secure Locker, lock it, pocket his ID card, and just chuck it at Joe Pubs when he gets out of the cloner. In a normal situation, I'll get distracted and a roboticist, the other genetecist, three assistants, and the clown will take Joe Pubs' cuffs, taser, baton, headset, flash, donut box, shirt, and sunglasses, and he'll probably suicide out of frustration when he gets out of the tank.
This sounds good but make it so that captains and heads of staff can override the lock.
Pretty sure the lockers in the crew quarters lobby already do this.
Then put those lockers in genetics too.
So I just tested, since I didn't get around to doing it earlier, and no, you can't rewrite a normal Personal Locker.
How about about something like the morgue trays that is open when the cloner isn't in use but closes shut when it is? With maybe a few second delay for the person to reorient.

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