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Gibber voodoo exploit after respawning
After respawning, if you gib your old body by stuffing it into a gibber, you yourself get gibbed as well. Works for gibbing others too.
Shaboom Wrote:After respawning, if you gib your old body by stuffing it into a gibber, you yourself get gibbed as well. Works for gibbing others too.
That sounds both hillarious and awful, also thank fucking god I never got to discover this as chef.
This made me think of a new Antag proffession: Voodoo Priest, it could spawn you in a shuttle with a voodoo doll and "operating altar".
Shaboom Wrote:After respawning, if you gib your old body by stuffing it into a gibber, you yourself get gibbed as well. Works for gibbing others too.
Hold on, you mean... If you get cloned and the chef gibs your old corpse then your new one also explodes?
Pretty sure it doesn't happen for cloning, just respawning, which is currently only enabled on Construction mode server afaik.

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