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Vampires and the Bleeding System
I had a recent vampire round with the new blood system on, and it was kind of odd.

I had been bleeding pretty badly and I was losing a lot of space blood. I eventually got to medbay and was able to use a blood bad to not die. I still had all my blood points though, which made me think there should be more interaction between the two. Maybe make vampires able to heal bleeding and blood loss by using their blood pool? It just seems odd to me that I am out of my own blood but I'm still running around with a bunch of other people's in me and can't use it. Letting vampires drink from blood bags is something that I could also see happening, but that might make it a bit too easy for them.
Add a maximum volume for blood bags maybe, which has to be refilled with other people's blood (or extracted from the genetics grinder)
Give Vampires really specific messages when using a blood bag.

"Dumb pubbie can't help but take a bite into the blood bag, what the heck?"

"Dr. Fred Frederick puts the needle into dumb pubbies arm, but something is not quite right"

Like a doctor who tries to use the blood bag on the vampire will instantly know that it's a vampire.

Risky because you're feeding a vampire, but also useful for proving vampire.
Vampires are something I wanted to consider a bit before tying them into the system, so any ideas you guys have are helpful. I'd expand a bit on my current ideas, but unfortunately I'm nearly falling asleep at my laptop as it is, so that'll have to wait until the morning.
Haine Wrote:Vampires are something I wanted to consider a bit before tying them into the system, so any ideas you guys have are helpful. I'd expand a bit on my current ideas, but unfortunately I'm nearly falling asleep at my laptop as it is, so that'll have to wait until the morning.
From what I see, people want the blood system to be a bit more fluid, sure vampires are anemic and can't make more blood by themselves, but they can certainly take advantage of spilled blood, open wounds, and other facts, of course, the longer blood was out for, the more would be clotted and dead, so spilled blood should be worth significantly less than it is worth in damage, so it can't just be gamed.
My current thoughts regarding vampires:
  • Humans have 500u of blood to start with. Obviously, something's gotta change in the transfer of blood to vampires, because you can't have vampires drain one dude to be at full power. I'm not entirely sure where to go here - have some bloodloss while draining someone, so you only get x units of blood for every y unit drained? Change the numbers for vampire powers entirely?
  • I definitely want vampires to be able to drink from bloodbags. I'm thinking that since I'm going the "synthblood" route for bloodbags atm, they'll be worth way less than fresh blood, or just make the vamp gag and be really obvious or something.
  • I like the idea of letting vampires heal bleeding/blood loss with their own blood pool, but more thoughts on this are always appreciated.
  • With the blood system, I feel like vampires could get special powers or new effects from some of the changes in the game. More power from spilled blood around them? Special considerations in the system itself? I have a commented out clause in the bleeding code for checking if the person bleeding is a vampire, but I've yet to think of anything that could go there that I like.
As always, your thoughts and suggestions are way helpful here and really appreciated.
Haine Wrote:My current thoughts regarding vampires:
  • Humans have 500u of blood to start with. Obviously, something's gotta change in the transfer of blood to vampires, because you can't have vampires drain one dude to be at full power. I'm not entirely sure where to go here - have some bloodloss while draining someone, so you only get x units of blood for every y unit drained? Change the numbers for vampire powers entirely?
  • I definitely want vampires to be able to drink from bloodbags. I'm thinking that since I'm going the "synthblood" route for bloodbags atm, they'll be worth way less than fresh blood, or just make the vamp gag and be really obvious or something.
  • I like the idea of letting vampires heal bleeding/blood loss with their own blood pool, but more thoughts on this are always appreciated.
  • With the blood system, I feel like vampires could get special powers or new effects from some of the changes in the game. More power from spilled blood around them? Special considerations in the system itself? I have a commented out clause in the bleeding code for checking if the person bleeding is a vampire, but I've yet to think of anything that could go there that I like.
As always, your thoughts and suggestions are way helpful here and really appreciated.
Ideas from a person who hasn't played vamp in about four months:

-Give vampires an extended blood pool, about 750u-1000u.
-Vampires do not suffer blood loss from cuts as badly as normal people do, and only see negative effects from lack of blood when they get to <50u.
-Vampire abilities cost blood (or in the case of things like Cloak of Darkness require a certain amount of blood for the mutation to be active).
-Vampires gain .1u-.2u per 1u drained from a human, meaning one FULL feeding gets the vampire 50u-100u of blood.
-Starlight causes the vampire's blood to evaporate in addition to doing damage, as their blood is boiling from the star light, a loss of 5u-10u per tick in space.
-Church functions similarly to a lesser extent, losing 3u-5u per tick.
-Chaplain blood draines .5u of blood per 1u consumed.
-After not feeding for a while, all blood over 500u-600u slowly drains, starting at a rate of .05u-.1u per tick and speeding up to about .5u per tick, meaning the vampire must feed.
-Holy Water causes the vampire to lose 2u-3u of blood per 1u applied.

With this sort of system the ability costs would have to be something low, but this seems reasonable to me despite the fact that it is inspired by sleep deprivation.

Or it could be terrible and I could be terrible.
Anything stopping vamps from just going over to the closest monkey dispenser?
Amuys Wrote:Anything stopping vamps from just going over to the closest monkey dispenser?

Vampires can only drink human blood.

I don't know if Mutadone monkeys would count as regular humans, though.
maybe to unlock powers it could be based on sucking a certain amount of blood from a certain amount of people (ie: suck 100 from 1 person four first tier, 150 from person 2, etc)
Winklabom Wrote:
Amuys Wrote:Anything stopping vamps from just going over to the closest monkey dispenser?

Vampires can only drink human blood.

I don't know if Mutadone monkeys would count as regular humans, though.
Don't monkeys count as humans, though, just with a mutation that makes them monkeys?
Paineframe Wrote:
Winklabom Wrote:
Amuys Wrote:Anything stopping vamps from just going over to the closest monkey dispenser?

Vampires can only drink human blood.

I don't know if Mutadone monkeys would count as regular humans, though.
Don't monkeys count as humans, though, just with a mutation that makes them monkeys?

You get a message telling you that you can only bite humans when you try to bite a monkey.
Potentially dumb idea: Allow people to mix blood and holy water, for something that looks and acts like blood and can be filled in blood bags but makes vampires easy to detect. Give it a cool name, like Saintsblood.

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