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engine gas leak outside of cryo chambers in medbay?!
I was having extraordinary difficulty with the cold loop during my last round, all of the gas kept disappearing... I walked over to medbay some time later after going through 5 cannisters... to find it had leaked out into all of medbay, the visible concentrations by the cryo chambers!

I also was playing with the cryo chambers a couple rounds ago to experiment what was gasses were better at cooling... anyway that round I set the temperature to hotter with n2 in the port, the pressure climbed to 4000+ (usually it's at 2000 and drops since the temperature is set to decrease) and I noticed n2 started leaking for the far left corner of the cryo chamber!!

In this particular case, someone else set up the cryo for 203.15 and it ALL my damn cold loop gas has been going out into medbay, some idiot on extended mode threw welder in while I was in medbay, anyway here's a photo. When he threw the welder out the meter was reading 20,000+ kph.

I thought this was very peculiar when I was fiddling with the cryos a couple of days ago but dismissed it because I didn't know how to reproduce the issue, I am fairly certain that this could be replicated, it might have to do with the way I had the engine set up too, but something is definitely funky.

[Image: 2eycm4z.png]
The cryo tubes do leak a small amount of gas per tick when they're switched on, which is normal. That said, I have no idea how there could have been a connection between the cold loop and cryo piping. If I remember correctly, there have been some major changes to the atmos system in the last couple of months, and this could be a rare bug the overhaul has introduced.
I'll bet you're right, I'll also bet this would explain why so many rounds I have seen gas disappear from the cold loop in the engine, probably only leaks when it's configured a certain way as well as the cryo chambers, but yeah, pretty strange.
Convair880 Wrote:The cryo tubes do leak a small amount of gas per tick when they're switched on, which is normal. That said, I have no idea how there could have been a connection between the cold loop and cryo piping. If I remember correctly, there have been some major changes to the atmos system in the last couple of months, and this could be a rare bug the overhaul has introduced.

also that's hillarious, that image from that page is from when I was testing n20 to see if it was any better at cooling, unless that was someone else, also I want a damn edit button. frown
Okay, so I double checked, yes the cryo chambers do leak normally, however the cold loop gas is still vanishing, it eats through canisters like crazy! so unless I can replicate results without directly putting plasma etc into the cryo tubes for whatever reason the engine is funneling cold loop gas into an abyss somewhere.
BeardedElectron Wrote:Okay, so I double checked, yes the cryo chambers do leak normally, however the cold loop gas is still vanishing, it eats through canisters like crazy! so unless I can replicate results without directly putting plasma etc into the cryo tubes for whatever reason the engine is funneling cold loop gas into an abyss somewhere.

I'm sure you know this already, but cold gas takes up less volume.
I've never had the problem with running out of coolant.
I think this happened in a game I was playing 3 or 4 hours ago. I was the CE, I set up a basic engine (N2 in cold loop, Plasma in hot, just using the furnaces). The cold loop had extremely negative temperature/pressure but I thought it was just being a bit screwy because I'd just opened the valves as I was walking around, rather than opening them all then connecting the canisters as I normally do. I stepped out of the engine room a second, then when I went back the hot loop had exploded and people were screaming about Medbay filling with gas, as the 02 container there had exploded. When I saw it later the dept was filled with a blue explosive gas.
If you mean this round on #4 earlier, it probably didn't have anything to do with the engine. A coder was messing around with the atmos vars for some reason.
Convair880 Wrote:If you mean this round on #4 earlier, it probably didn't have anything to do with the engine. A coder was messing around with the atmos vars for some reason.
It's known to happen on occasion that the engine yearns for the singularity days and tries to eat everything as stuff gets so cold even borgs freeze to death.

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