Mentor Application Template
Use this template when making an application or it will probably be ignored!

If you post an application, do not comment on other applications while yours is open!

Quote:Usual character name:
BYOND username:
Discord username (if you are on our discord):
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play:

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

Don't apply if you've been playing for less than 3 months!

e: If you want to be both Mentor and HoS apply using the HoS template not this one!

e: If you want to be both Mentor and HoS, fill out both this applicationĀ and the HoS one! And make them two separate threads!
Don't ask about if you should apply for mentor in mentorhelp. This is not what mentorhelp is for and will hurt your application as it comes off as recommendation fishing.

If you want to ask people do it in IRC/Discord/OOC
Minor update: Because some players have different discord usernames than their byond ones it helps if you list it. Being on discord is not a requirement for being a mentor - this is really just so we know who needs a role added.

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