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Remove everything fart and butt related
Warning:Captain Buzz Kill is here.
Lately this forum has had a couple of butt ideas that have denied pretty quickly due to being really dumb or borderline creepy. In my opinion I think butts have run its course, and I'm really tired of butt jokes. This recent butt obsession is getting really stupid, and I don't think any more butt ideas should posted as they seem to get dumb pretty quick.
I am here to warn you all now.

Hold on to your butts, hide them. They are coming for your ass.

First it was poo for being too immature. What comes after poo? BUTTS AND FARTS.

We need a #probutt hat in-game.
it's going into magical realm territory
I think they're just a little too self-referential.

Yes, butts are funny. But they don't need to be rammed into every jokey suggestion for the game. Why not a butt-themed cocktail? Staple butts onto your hands! Make floors out of butts that fart when you walk on them! It gets stupid and unfunny real real fast.

A little originality goes a long way.
Ali0en Wrote:I am here to warn you all now.

Hold on to your butts, hide them. They are coming for your ass.

First it was poo for being too immature. What comes after poo? BUTTS AND FARTS.

We need a #probutt hat in-game.

Then they take away screaming, and take away the clown again for being the BUTT of every joke.
Butt jokes test:

While reading a proposed butt joke feature, does the author's tone seem uncomfortably reminiscent of Gollum?
If yes, do not proceed.

seriously though knock it off for a bit you fuckin' weirdos
Fuck everyone that likes this stuff and fuck the people who are really fucking wierd about it.
This seems like an equally awful idea.
honestly you can already wear peoples asses on your head and make robots out of them? unless its been removed you can make ass pies that you can throw at people and eat???? how many more butt things do we need????? calm down and stop running things into the ground god damn
Goddamn, that icon is a mindfuck.


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