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Make Synthlimbs/Synthhearts Do Something
An addition was made recently where cyberhearts could be transplanted into people. These hearts grant noticeable bonuses and drawbacks, which make them interesting and could serve a greater purpose as a part of some gimmick or traitor plan.

Around the same time, synthlimbs had their sprites changed, and synthhearts were added. Could these do something as well? Maybe a small passive healing bonus? Make the transplantee more vulnerable to burning damage? Perhaps make it so they don't need to breathe, if they have a synthheart, due to some weird nonsense plant oxygen bonus? Maybe make them regrow on their own if blown off or cut off, at the cost of some brute damage?

Heck, even wendigo arms have their quirks, and cyborg limbs once had the ability to break out of handcuffs more easily.

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