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Make the Obsidian Crown disable all healing
The Obsidian Crown constantly damages you and totally fills up your bloodstream, rendering you immune to every chemical. However, it doesn't disable healing from touch reaction chems like synthflesh. The stun resistance, teleporting away of hostiles and the constant flushing of chemicals from the Crown bearer's system makes them a literal god that you can do nothing to harm. Please make the Crown disable all healing, or change the way it disables chemicals so that poison attacks on the crownbearer are possible.
explaination behind this thread: a traitor got the crown, the round went out for 80 minutes, sec chased him forever, I threw 70 units of sarin on him, nothing worked

it was the most frustrating thing ever

seriously fuck
I agree, but will wait for further input on this one.

Also, no need to have a thread deleted, just leave a note to have it moved.
Marquesas Wrote:I agree, but will wait for further input on this one.

Also, no need to have a thread deleted, just leave a note to have it moved.

I'll remember for next time, thanks!
One thing I did when I had the obsidian crown was walk around eating chips all round because the health boost is enough to negate the damage from the crown.
I don't agree the obsidian should disable all healing, it shouldn't flush chems that's for sure.

How about this? All chems work on the wearer, but concerning knock-out chems and anti-psychotics will breaks the crowns "control" over the person, rendering the crown useless until out of the wearers system.
Shoot him thrice with a laser gun.

He will not have time to heal and just vanish in a cloud of misery and pubbie tears. Lag will keep you from teleporting away until after they're gone.
As far as I remember this was how it was supposed to work but then patches broke that because they heal differently. v
Spy_Guy Wrote:Shoot him thrice with a laser gun.

He will not have time to heal and just vanish in a cloud of misery and pubbie tears. Lag will keep you from teleporting away until after they're gone.

That's if he's a pubbie though.
If he's anyway experienced he'll at least dodge two of those shots and you'll get teleported away, in which he'll immediately use some burn meds.

The thing with the obsidian crown is that it's a bit of a old relic of the past that falls into the artistic toolbox bracket where
A) It's a rampage item
B) The only hard counter against it is if the user is inexperienced.
If the user is anyway experienced, he will rampage. There needs to be a hard-counter that a player can use against the wearer, which is why I think chemicals should work, OR if you want to chose a less lethal method than pouring sarin on his smug face, knock-out chems or an anti-psychotic (another use for the tranq rifle) could disable the powers for a short while
Spy_Guy Wrote:Shoot him thrice with a laser gun.

He will not have time to heal and just vanish in a cloud of misery and pubbie tears. Lag will keep you from teleporting away until after they're gone.

This is a lot easier said than done. Lag does not keep you from teleporting, and if he's on the move, your single laser will not slow him enough to get even a second one off. I spent the entire aforementioned round with riot shotguns and a charged egun shooting him over and over, even on the ground, and he just stands up, sprints off, and keeps going
Riot shotgun slugs keep him on the ground for about two seconds maximum, it's not fun nor is it really a fix.

The guy using the crown had a spray of synthflesh that meant any time he got too injured, he was exceptionally quickly healed, and given how fast he regenerated from stuns, he was really very invincible.
He was also cloaked in the dark, and hitting him with mutadone did nothing because of the bloodstream flusher.
Weavel Wrote:
Spy_Guy Wrote:Shoot him thrice with a laser gun.

He will not have time to heal and just vanish in a cloud of misery and pubbie tears. Lag will keep you from teleporting away until after they're gone.

This is a lot easier said than done. Lag does not keep you from teleporting, and if he's on the move, your single laser will not slow him enough to get even a second one off. I spent the entire aforementioned round with riot shotguns and a charged egun shooting him over and over, even on the ground, and he just stands up, sprints off, and keeps going
Riot shotgun slugs keep him on the ground for about two seconds maximum, it's not fun nor is it really a fix.

The guy using the crown had a spray of synthflesh that meant any time he got too injured, he was exceptionally quickly healed, and given how fast he regenerated from stuns, he was really very invincible.
He was also cloaked in the dark, and hitting him with mutadone did nothing because of the bloodstream flusher.

Welp. This is why we can't have nice things. Astonished stare

I'm all in favour of unleashing Marquesas the Ruiner of Fun on this one.
Make it so if you put the crown on you get hit by Space Madness and Berserker after a while. And if you live long enough you get hit by more stacks of them, until they are so compounded you are a hallucinating, screaming mess that won't stop punching himself and others.
Removing all healing is a terrible fix.

All the crown needs to be balanced is one hard counter that'll keep people from being literally invincible with meds.

Idea: Holy water disrupts the crown's powers for however long it's in the person's blood, enabling a swift toolboxing.

Bam, problem solved,
Or, alternatively, get creative.

Water the floor, weld the crown clown in a locker after he slips, space/incinerate/gib him.

Spray him with a hellfire mix and watch him burn alive.

Get the AI to help and electrify a door before having it crush him. Repeatedly.

Have the mechanics set up a bunch of launchers in the hall and fling fifty floor tiles at him as you chase him down.

Force feed him a rainbow melon slice and hope it blows up in his (and your) face.

Immunity to chems and teleporting away direct attackers isn't all that helpful when there are so many wonderful indirect ways to kill someone in SS13 if you just get creative. The crown is fine as it is, you guys just need to get gud.
shadowdimentio Wrote:Idea: Holy water disrupts the crown's powers for however long it's in the person's blood, enabling a swift toolboxing.
the crown flushes your bloodstream permanently

shadowdimentio Wrote:Water the floor, weld the crown clown in a locker after he slips, space/incinerate/gib him.
shadowdimentio Wrote:Get the AI to help and electrify a door before having it crush him. Repeatedly.
he is not stunned long enough by a riot shotgun to get a second shot in, I would be surprised if he falls at all from water or electricity

shadowdimentio Wrote:Spray him with a hellfire mix and watch him burn alive.
probably not an awful idea

shadowdimentio Wrote:Force feed him a rainbow melon slice and hope it blows up in his (and your) face.
You can't interact or you teleport away instantly, might not happen with food but he could simply move away

shadowdimentio Wrote:Have the mechanics set up a bunch of launchers in the hall and fling fifty floor tiles at him as you chase him down.
this sounds hilarious and I want it to eventually happen

I don't know why I wanted to reply to each suggestion but there you are, he just can't be stunned or damaged fast enough unfortunately
Out of my severely underwhelming repertoire of experience with the crown, I don't think it actually reduces stun times from slipping, only from tasers/shotguns and such, which makes sense because literally bulletproof.

If the crown actually DOES reduce stun times across the fucking board, INCLUDING from slipping/door electrification, I vote that the stun reduction in all areas that aren't bullet/melee induced be completely removed for the sake of balancing.

Hell, maybe ALL the crown's stun resistances could be moved over to the rune armor so that it'd be slightly less shit, and giving people more of a reason to wear both at once besides bragging rights.

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