12-16-2012, 01:26 PM
Usual Character Name: Jacob Philips (There are lots of other Jacobs out there, they aren't me!)
BYOND Username: MorphingDwarf
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Times Available: Whenever I feel like getting on. Morning and afternoon on weekends, afternoons and rarely mornings on weekdays (Typically there aren't many other mentors on, which is exactly why I am applying.
Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): I am applying because there are lots of times that I am on, and there aren't any mentors, namely because I am on the server with the smaller population, and all of the admins/mentors are on the other servers. So that is why I am applying. As far as player experience goes, I obviously haven't been around that long, but have played under a different account that I won't reveal because I feel it would make you all hate me. However, if an admin asks me to, I will send him/her a message telling them, and I feel I have changed since I had that account. I have helped people before, especially with the very confusing things like security, engineering, and genetics (rarely). I think of myself as a nice person, but that is for you to judge. I am not necessarily a saint, and don't go out of my way to help people in game, but if given mentor, I would gladly respond to their pleas for information. I have been here since Donut, not sure if donut 1 or 2, I don't really understand that part, however, I can tell you that I have been here since the security room was next to the HoP's Id changing area, once again, not sure what portion of donut's evolution I was at. I have noticed quite a few things since I joined this community, and have learned alot aswell. So, in all of my experience, I think that I have learned all that a pubbie can learn about chemistry, I have a decent understanding of genetics, have mastered the art of cooking and mixing (as per yesterday/today), and like to think of myself as a decent head. Now, I don't want to say I am a good security officer because I was recently rejected on that front, and haven't really revisisted that after my failure, plus people just have too much fun fucking with security officers. Also, I want to put this in here, because I know it will be read: GET RID OF THE WEIGHTED GLOVES!!! For real, they are so OP. Now, to continue with my application, I would like to tell you that I have also gotten a good feel for all of the possible rounds as a citizen, and most of them as an antag aswell. I have not really been wizard or syndi-cat much, but I understand how they work and how to play those rounds as antagonist. When I am a chemist I don't know many recipes, because I don't have the patience to try out all of the possible combinations, of which there are probably thousands, not counting the ones that require ingredients from outside the chemmaster. I don't think that I would abuse the mentorhelp option, and I am not sure how one would abuse it. In conclusion I would like to say that last time I overreacted, although I still do feel that I was given alot of bulshit by certain people.
Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum: Shrek is green, and should brush his teeth more often.
Your opinion of Clowns: Many times I have slipped on their yellow fruits, those monstrosities.
Your Opinion of Poo: Just the other day an admin spawned in a single poo. I touched it and died.
Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): Erm... No?
Now, I know that I applied for HoS a while ago, and I was rejected for that, and I hope that this isn't too close to my HoS application, but it shouldn't matter, as I am not applying for the same thing.
Thank you for reading, please conside my application.
Sincerely, Jacob Philips
BYOND Username: MorphingDwarf
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Times Available: Whenever I feel like getting on. Morning and afternoon on weekends, afternoons and rarely mornings on weekdays (Typically there aren't many other mentors on, which is exactly why I am applying.
Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): I am applying because there are lots of times that I am on, and there aren't any mentors, namely because I am on the server with the smaller population, and all of the admins/mentors are on the other servers. So that is why I am applying. As far as player experience goes, I obviously haven't been around that long, but have played under a different account that I won't reveal because I feel it would make you all hate me. However, if an admin asks me to, I will send him/her a message telling them, and I feel I have changed since I had that account. I have helped people before, especially with the very confusing things like security, engineering, and genetics (rarely). I think of myself as a nice person, but that is for you to judge. I am not necessarily a saint, and don't go out of my way to help people in game, but if given mentor, I would gladly respond to their pleas for information. I have been here since Donut, not sure if donut 1 or 2, I don't really understand that part, however, I can tell you that I have been here since the security room was next to the HoP's Id changing area, once again, not sure what portion of donut's evolution I was at. I have noticed quite a few things since I joined this community, and have learned alot aswell. So, in all of my experience, I think that I have learned all that a pubbie can learn about chemistry, I have a decent understanding of genetics, have mastered the art of cooking and mixing (as per yesterday/today), and like to think of myself as a decent head. Now, I don't want to say I am a good security officer because I was recently rejected on that front, and haven't really revisisted that after my failure, plus people just have too much fun fucking with security officers. Also, I want to put this in here, because I know it will be read: GET RID OF THE WEIGHTED GLOVES!!! For real, they are so OP. Now, to continue with my application, I would like to tell you that I have also gotten a good feel for all of the possible rounds as a citizen, and most of them as an antag aswell. I have not really been wizard or syndi-cat much, but I understand how they work and how to play those rounds as antagonist. When I am a chemist I don't know many recipes, because I don't have the patience to try out all of the possible combinations, of which there are probably thousands, not counting the ones that require ingredients from outside the chemmaster. I don't think that I would abuse the mentorhelp option, and I am not sure how one would abuse it. In conclusion I would like to say that last time I overreacted, although I still do feel that I was given alot of bulshit by certain people.
Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum: Shrek is green, and should brush his teeth more often.
Your opinion of Clowns: Many times I have slipped on their yellow fruits, those monstrosities.
Your Opinion of Poo: Just the other day an admin spawned in a single poo. I touched it and died.
Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): Erm... No?
Now, I know that I applied for HoS a while ago, and I was rejected for that, and I hope that this isn't too close to my HoS application, but it shouldn't matter, as I am not applying for the same thing.
Thank you for reading, please conside my application.
Sincerely, Jacob Philips