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What is creepy?
KikiMofo Wrote:Sucking up someone's fluids through a proboscis
Slashing your throat with a shard of glass
Using a wire cable to hang yourself
You're confusing sexual-creepy with horror-creepy, horror-creepy things like spooky ghosts or turning the lights off are not against the rules. The rest of the things are arguably creepy and viable for discussion here.
KikiMofo Wrote:That is just the stuff I can think of, I'm pretty sure there are alot more things in SS13 that can be creepier than nipple tweaking so why is it that THIS ONE THING is the thing you guys want to remove? Why not any of the other things?
Well, I brought up Nipple Tweaking specifically, if you want to somehow simultaneously discuss every single topic in the game that could be considered creepy at the same time then be my guest, I would gladly take part in it. Just because we're talking about One Thing doesn't mean that we're somehow condoning or ignoring the other things that are creepy.
KikiMofo Wrote:because in your mind it serves no purpose?
It doesn't serve any purpose, though. It can be replaced with something not sexual (hugging yourself) and virtually nothing would change. Being explicitly sexual it is against the rules. Unlike other things that are sexual in certain contexts, Nipple Tweaking is inherently sexual in any context other than breastfeeding a baby, which happens in SS13 approximately 0% of the time.
KikiMofo Wrote:What about peeing? How about the many suicide options? Why aren't you complaining about those being too creepy?
Peeing can be creepy in certain contexts, yes. Despite that, we're talking about one thing at a time here still, I hope you can understand the difficulty of discussing every possible creepy thing in the game all at one time. Suicide falls under horror-creepy so that's irrelevant.
KikiMofo Wrote:I'm sure peeing could probably get removed if you complain about it enough.
Once again you're somehow saying like this is a bad thing. Do you not want us to discuss creepy things in this thread about "what is creepy?" in this discussion forum? Please stop trying to shoot down any form of conversating things just because you don't want to.
KikiMofo Wrote:It's just a game and this is a server that bans creepy people so if someone is actually going to use something to be creepy you should just admin help them and then voila no more creeps.
Yes, if someone is going to use something to be creepy, having them banned is an excellent way of dealing with things. If we gave people less things for them to be creepy with, It would happen less in the first place.
KikiMofo Wrote:I just want to know why is this nipple tweaking such a big deal? Are people going around using it to torment your sensibilities every time you play or something? No one barely even knew about it until you guys started getting angry over it for some reason.
It isn't a big deal, would you like to know who made it into a big deal? My bet is on the horde of people here coming in to defend Nipple Tweaking (a sexual thing) after I merely suggested that it feels out of place and doesn't belong on our ~no sexual things~ server.
KikiMofo Wrote:I just don't get it. It's one little thing that barely gets used but it needs to be removed and or changed for what reason?
Are you aware of what thread you are posting in? This thread is about Sexual Content and one of rules is how there is no Sexual Content allowed. Nipple Tweaking(being Content that is Sexual) falls under that rule and therefor should be removed.

For the third (?) time, I ask you to read the thread, because most, if not all, of this shit was already answered. For the love of g-d and all that is holy, read the thread before you post again.
People who find it creepy/discomforting need to grow a pair. I've seen more explicit content in PG13 movies.

Now can we just change it to hugging yourself and call it quits? This discussion is ridiculously long for such a stupid little thing.
KikiMofo Wrote:Why care so much about a shitty 2D space man simulator on Byond?

Mofleaker Wrote:Now can we just change it to hugging yourself and call it quits? This discussion is ridiculously long for such a stupid little thing.
I would sooner die than not be able to tweak my own nipples to intimidate the security staff.
Readster Wrote:I would sooner die than not be able to tweak my own nipples to intimidate the security staff.
Indeed, now, lets lock the damn topic already.
Sam Guivene Wrote:
Readster Wrote:I would sooner die than not be able to tweak my own nipples to intimidate the security staff.
Indeed, now, lets lock the damn topic already.

can we stop asking to lock a topic that an admin started so we could talk about things we think are creepy jesus fucking christ

this is what this topic is FOR. talking about things in ss13 that should/shouldnt be allowed because of creepy.
Walrus, embrace the nips
Generally this is a fun feature that's never taken seriously.
Frank_Stein Wrote:
KikiMofo Wrote:Why care so much about a shitty 2D space man simulator on Byond?
Taking it seriously seems to be a bad idea. We're a good amount of posts in and you're all as mixed as usual! Some folks are avoiding this thread like the plague.

Personally, I've went through the whole game and never been creeped out by it at all, and never heard anyone complain about it. I'd rather have it as the feature which makes you go 'oops I did not mean to do that' and laugh, and ban anyone who uses it creepily (which I've never seen myself).

Might settle for the 'hug yourself' version too. Some people hate change though.

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