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Pods suck
We need more stuff for pods, its no fun. I haven't any ideas but maybe this thread will get people thinking? One thing maybe is different types of pods, like clown pods that shoot bananas and honk or some thing
you suck
pods are dumb
While I think this thread was dumb in its execution (you can make pod armor custom now, and you can have super fucking fast pods and/or bling sparklepods, how is that not fun?), I do have to admit I'm a little sad that the use of mining pods seems a little diminished now that there isn't exactly an asteroid field with ore anymore.

... Though wait, the asteroids are still there right?

Here's an idea to make pods not suck: come up with new ways to use the ones we have, like using mining pods to dig out a secret cave headquarters for your dumb secret spaceman club.
Crumplehat Wrote:While I think this thread was dumb in its execution (you can make pod armor custom now, and you can have super fucking fast pods and/or bling sparklepods, how is that not fun?), I do have to admit I'm a little sad that the use of mining pods seems a little diminished now that there isn't exactly an asteroid field with ore anymore.

... Though wait, the asteroids are still there right?

Here's an idea to make pods not suck: come up with new ways to use the ones we have, like using mining pods to dig out a secret cave headquarters for your dumb secret spaceman club.

Sounds like something that should be in the concerns about minnig thread...

Cog said if he had the time he was going to figure out the ore vein spawn coding so he can set up some roids out in the debris feild for miners to pick at.... I still miss mining though.


Pods with assembly arms or RCD cannons that can be used to fix massive hullbreaches! Since Canister bombs we're added we need faster, new ways to fix the station
Silvercloud29 Wrote:Pods with assembly arms or RCD cannons that can be used to fix massive hullbreaches! Since Canister bombs we're added we need faster, new ways to fix the station

The indyputt had a metal foam sprayer, but last time I used it, it was broken! Now, with the map update, I'm not even sure if there IS an indyputt anymore!
Mining pods still see lots of use, and they're very helpful. Some rounds have a constant racket from them tearing through summoned asteroids. They might see even more use if the miner/diner shuttle were moved to a new public location, perhaps old arrivals. A gantry for it could be added onto the end of a docking arm. Then, where the shuttle is currently, you could move the mining pod bay to there. It wouldn't have to be a big one. A single pod is enough.

Really, I don't see a problem with how much pods are used at all... But, if I were to make a wish list for new modules and systems... Here's some modules that should be top-tier manufacturing objects, or stuff that you just have to go out and find or buy.

-Mechanized cargo hold
Includes cargo grasping arm and internal sorting mechanism to allow objects other than crates to be efficiently stored. Also capable of loading things without having the pilot exit the pod, which the current cargo hold doesn't seem to be able to do. It can be a real pain, getting out of the pod to load something manually, only to have the pod fly away due to momentum.

-Combat sensor system
Doesn't include the specialized sensors that the Conclave Sensor System has, but if you Look at another pod/drone, you will get a list, just like when you look at a person, of what equipment it has. It will also give you a note about the strength rating of that equipment.

-Escape teleport system
Secondary system. Upon activating the system, or when the pod explodes, you are teleported back to the location you entered it from.

-Interdiction field generator
Secondary system. Requires a significant number of telecrystals to build. When active, for the entire visible screen around the pod, no wormholes may be created. A counter to those traitors who like to use pods to zip around the station in a way that's very hard to track.

-Nano-repair system
Secondary system. Slowly regenerates pod damage. Simple enough.

-Self-destruct system
Exactly what it says. Able to set detonation time.

-EMP pod weapon
Fries enemy pod circuitry, without damaging pod. Stun only lasts for a short while, and of course you won't have a second weapon system to finish them off with unless you're partnered with another pod. Percent chance to be resisted depending on enemy hull strength/integrity. More effective against mini-pods, less against giant drones.

-Kinetic cannon
Causes enemy pod to rapidly accelerate in opposite direction. Inflicts zero damage against pod, but damages pilot and anyone else inside due to physical stress. Should be weak, so it takes at least ten hits to crit someone.

-Pod flamethrower
Produces a simple, but pretty long, spout of flame. Will melt windows and pass through grates, but not solid walls or floors, and not very damaging against enemy pods. Possibly a syndicate weapon, like the artillery launcher.

-Compact pod frame kit
Made from rarer materials than a standard pod frame. Able to use two secondary systems.

-Y Pod Armor
Extremely strong armor similar to that seen on the Y drone. Only available in a certain telescience expedition zone.
The cargo hold can be used while in the pod, but only if the crate or object is near the bottom left corner of the pod, because of dumb code reasons. I think it had to do with the code having originally been for pods as single-square objects or something but meh.

There's already an EMP weapon, it's called a taser. Sec has a couple in its hangar.

The thing about using two secondary systems is that some of the fancier ones use a lot of power load, but I can see how that could at least be useful to pick up a cargo hold and such. It might actually make having the tractor beam system worth using since you'd actually be able to store shit you pull in.

All those other ideas are kind of neat. I particularly like the kinetic cannon idea, because catapulting things away is always hilarious fun.
Oh boy, seems we're starting to get into eve online territory now.

What about hull repair subsystems that heal it over time?
Webbing generators that slow down ships that get caught near it.
Warp scramblers have been mentioned.
Another thread that is essentially this one was started up so I thought I'd bring it here in hopes of keeping this all alive.
How about having a rare chance that if you use a wormhole from a pod, you would end up at Bee World.

This bring the problem up that, that is all people will want to do. Just like that epidemic of slot gambling that machoman had to stop.

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