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Hat Penetration for Shamblers
Agree with Mon0, I was a sec officer who was involved in trying to bring his shambler form down. It was an incredible clusterfuck, and said hat penetration not been bugged he woulda wiped the floor with us. Please fix this!
While it doesn't make sense, I don't really know that changelings need a power boost or any more advantages... they are already easily the most powerful antag role in rotation
RandyArcher Wrote:While it doesn't make sense, I don't really know that changelings need a power boost or any more advantages... they are already easily the most powerful antag role in rotation

It's not a boost for a changling. It's a boost for the shambler. This is the whole point of going shambler, you don't mess with it up close.

Actually it's always been like this for a shambler, hat/internals/glasses/ didn't matter, so this whole thread is actually a bug report imo.
I honestly don't have enough prior experience to know whether this is actually a bug or not. If it is I'd ask for and admin to move this to the bug reports forum in the hopes someone will get on this.
Engaging superior necro powers in the hope this will get more attention.
Confirming that a hat protects people from being devoured by shamblers.

Really, headgear shouldn't matter at ALL to shamblers, they're fucking swallowing you whole. Glasses likewise arn't going to block jack shit.

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