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Can oxygen damage be toned down
At the moment you can spend seconds without air, but any longer in any circumstances and you will be spending like 5 minutes fixing it in medbay. Along with this, it seems like going into crit from this damage means you do not start breathing again, even if it is not the main cause of damage or if there is an introduction of air

This has probably nothing to do with the krokodil overdose I was experiencing at the time I am sure
but still oxygen loss is super super awful debilitating right now
Oxygen damage typically goes away in a matter of seconds once you're breathing again. However, if you fall into crit, that means you're either having or are about to have a heart attack. The main way heart attacks kill you is by rendering you unable to breathe (or more accurately, preventing you from getting any oxygen from the air you're breathing). In other words, if something puts you well into crit but doesn't kill you, oxygen deprivation is what will finish you off - even if you're surrounded by breathable air. Seems like you might be blaming small air loss for the suffocation caused by your heart failing to do its job.
I think this is caused by a number of factors:

Keep in mind my numbers aren't exact, can I could be very wrong, but it seems to function something like this:

(1) you accumulate oxygen loss at a rate of, we'll say 3.
(2) you recover losebreath oxygen loss at a rate of, we'll say 1.

This is even further be complicated by the fact that you appear accumulate losebreath every life() proc, but even when you can "breath" again, your breathing doesn't seem to occur every life() proc.

About 2 weeks ago, it seemed you just had to be in an oxygenless environment for about 5 seconds for you to pass out (even if you entered an oxygenated area), but sometime in the past week or so, it started functioning like normal again.
I don't know, I've had the effects of oxygen damage screw me over a lot lately. Usually what happens is, a bomb goes off stunning me but not doing significant damage. Only then the oxygen drains out, I suffocate enough to take me into crit, and then a heart attack or shock prevents me from getting somewhere safe. I suppose I could just always be wearing a mask with internals, but those aren't as common as they used to be. It would be nice if I could survive just a little bit longer in an airless environment.

Now that we've got this fancy new stamina system, maybe when you're losing oxygen, it first drains away stamina before doing the actual damage, reflecting your character's ability to hold their breath?
Frank_Stein Wrote:Now that we've got this fancy new stamina system, maybe when you're losing oxygen, it first drains away stamina before doing the actual damage, reflecting your character's ability to hold their breath?

yeah sure, as long as it won't COMPLETELY reduce it (maybe down to a small sliver?)
my reason being that, you'll have to wait for your stamina to recharge completely before you can move and by the time it does you'll be unconscious anyway

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