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NTSC Expansion
I think the NTSC should be expanded from their current role of just being a mini HoS and have something sec-adjacent to do like the detective does. Giving them access to a NanoTrasen channel as in was part of this but I want to hear other ideas for how you would expand the role of NTSC beyond just being another HoS, while also being able to do sec work if they have nothing else important to tend to (like the detective). Other servers have Blueshield Officer and Nanotrasen Representative as their NT roles so inspiration could be taken from these, though I'm not a huge fan of the Blueshield itself.
I like NTSC as it is right now (not to say that I do not support the change of adding them to the new channel, I like that a lot). It‘s a fairly flexible role beyond being a mini HoS/HoS guard. In highpop rounds, they can lead a smaller group of officers and are overall useful in facilitating teamwork.

However, I do also see room for improvement. They already have command access, so I think that splitting them a little further from sec and nudging them into the command category as a guard of sorts could differentiate it from being SecOff+. Of course, they could still respond to important sec calls when needed, since they follow more direct orders from command.
I'll be honest. Considering security slots where changed to have them scale with population I question the need for an NTSC at all.

Security has lots of slots as-is. For example on tbe low pop server they they only have 3 sec off slots, 2 assistant, a det and a hos. And an ntsc. So a 10 person crew could have 8 see security staff.

I'm sure its not the most popular opinion but i think the NTSC slot should be something that isnt selectable unless the hos is cryoed or a red alert is presently on going.

A command specific guard would serve to make command harder targets, when they allready are some of the hardest targets.

But of course this is an extreme idea. Its just one I've tbougnt about a long time. I've done alot of security. I'm not sure if they need the help.

This of course, in response to the "them needing more to do". .. i don't necessarily have a marriage to the idea of their limitation but I'm unsure if the healthiest place is to give them more tools. Especially since as this thread points out, their purpose is allready vague and ill defined
NTSC is just a cool kids club. Lets add more funny gimmick roles instead
it would be pretty weird if hos certification gave people access to play a role that distinctly wasn't hos
I think after some consideration my biggest issue is that this idea is framed as giving more uniqueness to a role that's sub-nested in a role most people will not play.
I wouldn't ever want someone who had a great idea for it and wanted to put the effort in on a passion project to not do that, but I would say that's a -very- small audience it's being done for, and that's something I'm not a huge fan of for similar reasons we don't work on jobxp rewards that aren't instantly obtainable.

I do think you could do that, but it would need to be a conversion that fills a gap that appeals strongly to other people in the round rather than the player of the role. I'm not sure how you achieve that for a security-environment job that also necessitates it being on the whitelist.
(8 hours ago)Waffleloffle Wrote: it would be pretty weird if hos certification gave people access to play a role that distinctly wasn't hos

This is a good point and most of my ideas for NTSC improvements can already be done through roleplaying it

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