Azoth Mentor Application
Usual character name: Azoth The third
BYOND username: Azoth13
Discord username: Azoth (azothapollyon)
Goon servers you play: Whatever is more active at the time, as of now 4

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
I've been playing for about 4 years, which I enjoyed a lot. My knowledge of the game is limited to some departments but I believe that in those departments that I know well, I have my fair shair of experience that I think I could help others with. One of my biggest joys in the game is helping others learn it, to the point I tend to forget whatever project I'm doing at the time if approached by a new player seeking help. It's so fun to see what ideas they come up with!

Knowledge on departments:


My most played department, formerly as a Mechanic (Which I miss very much), which leads me to the main point of my experience in this department, that being Mechcomp Contraptions, Construction, Packets and Fixing things. Yes, after all this time, for some reason I still haven't learned how to setup the engine, any of them.

That is why I have learned to play this job only when there are others also playing as engineers or to ask for mechlab access as another role depending on the project, in order to not be the sole engineer thus leaving the station without power.

That's it for the bad stuff, for the things I do know about, Mechcomp is some of the most fun I ever had, I built all kinds of contraptions, either for gimmicks, helping the station, or random projcts. I would provide images of some but sadly I lost my byond screenshots by accident. Some of the contraptions that I built are:
-My famed home-made monkey crusher with a airlock with it's safety wire cut and packets opening and closing it repeatdly.
-A "dancing" mini-game 
-A codeword activated contraption that outputs my exact coordinates at the time
-Remote controlled walking cabinets (With googly eyes of course) that output my voice remotely to trick botany into worshipping their new strange machine god
-Robot Sumo using said walking Cabinets
-A static electricty engine (Doesn't actually produce power, just a gimmick) Involving gravitons, tesla coils and the rancher's sheep (With their permission)
-"Traps" involving a glass cage, a pressure sensor, some cheese, and a airlock automatically closing through packets (I do not keep people in them against their will, obviously)
-Private and public teleporter networks

Hopefully these are are good examples. Basically, I'm resourceful with all the different kinds of mechcomp components and know how to use and format packets, which I believe can be very confusing especially to new players.
When teaching a new player the basics of mechcomp I usually use a simple two teleporters and buttons setup. For packets I use wifi comps and sound synthetizers to send messages and make them into audio. I also know how to use packets using the PDA or computers.

My second most played department. I have experience with all of its activites except for toxins, which I've only done once or twice.
-I can operate the Artifact Science Machines but usualy tend to use examination and manual tools to activate artifacts.
-I know my way around the chemistry system, including some secret chems.
-Telescience: Know how to operate the teleporter (using a calculator site that I understand is allowed, because math is scary), have visited most of the azones, though because I don't find as many players that know telesci in the hours I usually play I have had to use a singleplayer server hosted locally to explore them more thoroughly. I also really liked messing with the teleporter in station, either to get more artifacts or whatever gimmick or project I'm doing at the time.

Love to play this department for more laid-back shifts and have a bunch of experience on it, usually as bartender, janitor or staffie, I also had a ton of experience in botany the first years I played ss13, but eventually switched to other jobs. I also can manage as Chef, but don't play as usually since I only began playing in the roleplay servers more recently, where it has more purpose. I played some Chaplain but dislike dealing with antags and combat, especially more "complex" ones like the wraith where the chaplain has more responsability. I am looking forward to playing with some of the stuff that seems to be getting added soon to the chaplain role though! Less experience with Rancher, but can manage it. And never played Clown somehow.

I played as all modules of borgs except Security and Medical, I highly enjoy it and know my way around them. However I get anxious when rogued because it usually leads to having to fight the players I was assisting seconds before, so I haven't played in a while.

Haven't played much of it, but can manage my way around it.

Since the medical jobs have more impact on other player's enjoyment of the round, I get needlessly anxious about them so I have never played medical or roboticist, at least that I remember. I intend to play it eventually and have practiced surgery with monkeys and npcs in other roles and also helped heal or re-stock healing chems as scientist.

As for geneticist I played it a bit and still remember most of it so it shouldn't be much of a problem, but It's just not as interesting for my particular playstyle.

As I've said, I get anxious about impacting other's fun, and dislike combat, so I've never played security for the time being.

I played some antagonists, mostly traitor, but for the same reasons I previously stated I prefer to play with anatagonist job selection disabled.


I do realize, especially after writing this application, that my knowledge of the game is still very limited to certain departments, but I consider myself very knowledgeable in those departments and would love to help people learn them.

I'm not very active on the discord, which is something I intend to change, and part of the reason I'd like to be a mentor, so that I can engage with the wonderful community more outside the game. Due to certain circumstances, I also find myself with a good amount of free time lately, and I'd love to use part of that time to help others learn my favorite game. Additionally I'm slowly learning how to code for byond and intend to suggest a myriad of ideas.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
None that I know of, but I did get warned once when I was initially learning to play the game.

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