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some way of turning bulky items into edible items without pickling them
I just REALLY want to eat a folding chair but there's no way to without waiting a round with it in a pickle jar.
I'm thinking something like candying?
Note: also cooking items into cakes and stuff, so no matter eater!!
space bear space bear space bear space bear Backdoor PR of getting pickles out of spooktober and into the weekly/daily jobs list space bear space bear space bear  space bear

I mean uh, maybe a fun chem thing? Some kind of food-grad formaldehyde? Seems relatively silly. I am marginally concerned that it should be about as difficult/not difficult at all to achieve as empowered matter eater, but as long as it's got a similar pathway I don't see why not. Until someone points out why not.
You can always just bug gene nerds for matter eater, it's not like they do much but stare at a screen
simply roll matter eater from mildly mutated every time
^ and ^^ yes but also, what if i want to COOK the folding chair into a cake

^^^^ oh yeah forgot about those guys
pizza smoke
^ what
Turning things into pizza material (the chem, not the delicious round object) through chemsmoke distribution. It's fun.
^ oh yeah but isn't pizza (chem) hard as hell to get good amounts of, i don't even know HOW to get Soft Soft Pizza, its not even stated which vendor gives it out!
There is a couple of easy solutions I've seen people not point out...

1) plate it in flesh to eat it
2) plate it in butt to eat it
3) plate it in pizza to eat it
4) deep fry it

All 4 of these solutions allow for the user to eat it by clicking their character
^ its bulky, you can't place it into pizza nor a deepfryer, not sure about the other two though

also also, do these allow the item to be baked into a cake/pie/sandwich?
Probably not no, also when I said plate it in pizza I meant arc electroplate it pizza with the pizza ore

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