JacobwWaltz HoS Application the third Let's do this AGAIN!
Usual character name: Jane Doe™(RP servers only DO NOT CONFUSE WITH CLASSIC SERVER JANE DOE), Mendi?Δ(Mendicant Bias), Strange Mannequin(Clowniqeun)
BYOND username:Jacob_waltz
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Jacob Waltz
Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play:3,4, and five when there are events that I can make time for.

Reason for application: I'm always looking for ways to make both my own, and other peoples' experience with a round more interesting or entertaining. A head of security is capable of spicing things up for lots of people as I've both witnessed and experienced.

Security experience: I started playing security seriously about 2 or 2 and a half years ago I am not sure when exactly and it's been great! I've had a great time playing with all the people on the RP servers and I'm so glad to have been here for the duration! From my first "real" experience as a secass fighting off an entire salvager group, to my more recent rounds chasing a fake Santa for giving GUNS to the whole crew and having to gun him down with a minigun! I have been through the ringer for sure, and definitely had some bad times. Though the good positively outweighs it! Security is the kind of job I may not play every shift, but I enjoy it and think I've gotten pretty good at it's little ins and outs. I can't thank enough the people who taught me all kinds of things over the years and I hope to learn more! It's not an easy job, and I'd have it no other way. The challenge and reward of being able to keep people safe and having as good a time as possible are some of the best parts of it.

In any good officer you'll need lots of different basic traits. Like a desire to keep people safe and the station from falling into disarray. Being robust can certainly help a lot, but it's not always completely necessary. There are many ways to get the job done and help the station and its crew. Knowledge on your gear, and other peripheral equipment is key to getting really good at the job! Knowing just what kind of piece you should use in a situation. It's also important to be able to talk and listen to the crew and anyone committing crimes! We all can be tempted by the offers made by shadowy individuals with buckets full of credits or fun toys! I do my best to balance strict and lenient in things, it's not easy and I bet I make a fair number of bad calls I may not notice. But that's all part of the experience! We're all human, just trying to keep people safe.

Answer two or more of the following:

• I'll start this off with some advice for sec officers, as I said earlier being robust is a great tool! In my opinion being able to talk your way into and out of situations is just as important. You never know who you'll be able to turn around from evil unless you try to talk it out! Besides, even if they don't listen, that's why you have you kit! Stun them down or call for help! Sec is rarely solo work.

• My new favourite round I made minor reference to earlier in the post. I was working security with a few others on a mostly quiet shift. Something started to seem off however when I saw "Santa" a quarter master giving out weapons. Things went from concerning to wacky when we went to give him his sentence, he had gained Spacemas powers! He managed to get away for the moment, so I decided to investigate cargo and find out just how many guns he was collecting. Things turned to the wild spaceland quick with more and more crates of crazier and crazier kit started flowing in. From simple gang kit to rifles, cannons, and ROCKET LAUNCHERS! I spent a good while trying to defuse the situation, but that only lasted me so long. Eventually "Santa" grabbed a nearby 20 mm cannon and SHOT ME. Fortunately I had collected two genes that helped me tank it and survive! I TANKED A 20 MIL, HA! After that the gloves came off and I grabbed the nearest gun I could find and so did our Santa. As fortune had it, we belted each other with miniguns! I was lucky enough to get more early hits in so I managed to knock him down and take care of and got the shuttle secure for transit. I had lost the ability to speak and was happily waiting for us to get home. Only for it to start LITERALLY RAINING GUNS on the shuttle. I hunkered down and let the round reach its end without involving myself. The other officer and the captain had it handled long enough to get home and I was just needing to relax a bit.

• I have a gimmick I want to run at some point, inspired by a song about a headless mercenary with a tommy gun. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner. The idea behind the round is to play as an NTSC/O and/or syndicate operative whom gets betrayed and decapitated by an ally. Only to return and relentlessly hunt down my betrayer and possibly finish the round as said headless person keeping people safe by removing threats. I've still got some planning to do for this to be fully fleshed out in my brain, but the idea is there!
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None, though I think I've come close a few times.
jane doe is very fair when it comes to security, and is a great roleplayer. hes calm, coolheaded, and collected in the face of danger, while being swift to disarm any threats! thats a +1 from me!
Jane Doe is a good officer and fair. not too heavy handed and I know Jacob has been doing allot recently to do more time in security since the last application. I still think he'd be an excellent HoS and would like to see him in that leadership role. He's a great roleplayer and trustworthy in my opinion. +1 for me
No complaints from me. I've seen Jane show new recruits around plenty of times, and they always handle situations well.
+1 from me

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