BYOND username: MrGlasses
Discord username (if you are on our discord): MrGlasses
Goon servers you play: Monty!
Reason for application:
I believe at this point in how long ive been playing on Goonstation I have the experience and security judgement required for the HOS job, (knowing when to be strict and when to be lenient for the fun of the game)
Security experience (300 word minimum):
I first started off as your lowly assistant, barely knowing how to ticket people let alone arrest them or use secmate (Thank you Dr.Puggers for taking your time to teach me this when I was new!). I then transitioned into an officer where at the start I was probably much more trigger happy with arrests, but after taking the time to learn the game better by both playing more challenging roles as well as antags, I have a better understanding on how to keep the game fun while also knowing when you should be more strict for the safety of the station. I now mostly play as detective as overall I prefer the aesthetic and feel of playing detective (While also being an inside rat when Im an antag

I have also played as HOP (When captain is dead or cryod) and Captain and have coordinated with sec in order to have a more orderly station. This includes one time when I as HOP (acting captain since captain had died/cryod I cant remember

One time I was the captain, everything was going fairly smoothly helping sec arrest traitors etc. When suddenly we had a report of a changeling. Slowly my entire sec crew was dwindling, until it was just me and two officers. I noticed this and had told the remaining sec offs to group up and not to go alone. Then after having reports that the chaplain had eaten I head over to the chapel, where I and one of the other officers find the changeling. It did not go well, the changeling was prepared and had ambushed us with sec gear nearly killing me and successfully stinging the sec off I was with. I was quickly extracted by the AI before I too was eaten. After being healed I knew the officer I was with had died, I ran over to the armory and opened it, supplying myself with a riot shotgun and flare ammo. The lights then shut off (Due to engineering losing the singulo) Thats when I saw him, the officer I was with. The changeling had taken their form in an attempt to surprise attack me, I knew they were a fake. I shot them in which they revealed their form in an attempt to kill me. But I was crafty kiting them and shooting them with flare shots and rubber shots to knock them back. It almost had me when luckily the last officer came in to help. They certainly did help and distracted the changeling long enough for their DNA points to run out and for them to go back into human form, where I shot them until they died. It was probably the most horror movie vibes I ever had from a SS13 round where I had to pretty much save the station from a single ling which is why I remember it so vividly.
Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players?
Personally I find it better to be more lenient in the beginning of the round, and as the round progresses become more strict towards the antags. As this playstyle allows for the antags to have more time to become a proper threat while also allowing you to bash heads with them causing conflict that should result things becoming more intense. That said if someone is being overly aggressive in the beginning (such as killing or obviously using contraband.) don't be afraid to do your job as it wouldnt make much sense in RP to allow such events as part of the security team.
- What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
I think an ammo type should be added to the armory, specifically I noticed that there exist equipment (Clock 180) that simply cannot be used in the roleplay server as 9mm ammo only exists via scavengers or admemes. As 9mm does exist in the server for the scavengers I think it only makes sense that the armory should contain a few magazines of 9mm as well specifically for this equipment. Plus the Clock 180 is so fucking cool but we never get to see it because of this!
[*]What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Clown detective. Thats right. I combined the two worst things, a clown and someone with authority.
[*]Draw a picture!
I introduce! Silly BEE!
[*] detective. Thats right. I combined the two worst things, a clown and someone with authority.
[*]Draw a picture!
I introduce! Silly BEE!
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
I have luckily not angered the gods to this extent :p
God why did the text come out like this....