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Station Goals and Corporate Rewards
This creates a performance goals/quotas for every job on the station, and will contribute to the department score at the end of a timer.

This could be for medical it could be the production of chemicals, cyborg assembly, genes, or damage healed.

These goals can be exceed, and will be known as "Stretch Goals" that award additional points.

At the end of the timer, a report whether a department has finished it's required quota or exceeded it. After which a bonus will be assigned to the department's payroll.

"Station Points"
Depending on how well the station performs, station points will be given to the captain who can use the points to order from Centcom some rewards.

The captain can redeem several different options:

1. Shuttle Rewards: The captain can order items, or things that will arrive on the next escape shuttle. They could be animals, party equipment, food and drinks, costume crates, decorative streamers, or a pre installed "Kitchen" loaded with ingredients, and  aquarium filled with fish mobs, and even go-karts (Expensive).

2. Preloaded Cards: This creates an id like object that can be used at cargo, or for traders with a preset amount of credits inside. The credits cannot be withdrawn at an atm. This allows the captain to award departments by giving them the ability to order their own reward.

3. Medals/Placards/Special Cake: This allows you to hands out customizable medals/placards that can be edited to say custom messages, or people. This can help personalize each department, or celebrate a hard working person. There is also a randomize message option if you want to make it extra goofy. The special cake will be mailed to cargo onto a crate containing a large cake on a wheelable table as well as a personalize letter card that you can leave a message for them to read.
This is not a bad idea, but I don't know how it will go. It would be neat that the shuttle reflects these goals.
other servers typically have an overarching "station goal". the ones on tg i'm familar with generally involve ordering some parts from cargo to initiate it and then on-station needs. i'm not really familar with any of them outside of the dna vault.

"bluespace artillery" or whatever requires manufacturing and assembling some goods for what is effectively a station-equipped gun to blast thinsg with, i think.

there's one for shielding or something? i forget. some stations have that built in and we have meteor shield generators so i dont think it would really work.

the "dna vault" is one you buy the starting kit for from cargo, set up somewhere, and then scan various crew, animals, and plants. this is the one i'd usually see attempted on monke when i checked in.

Quote:This could be for medical it could be the production of chemicals, cyborg assembly, genes, or damage healed.

some of these run into the same problem that job exp (to be removed, eventually! probably) has: gaming. especially if you tie it into "stretch" goals.

"medbay needs to heal 1000 damage"? ok, get an assistant to touch a lightbulb while law 2, heal them with a mender.

you also run into instances where a department simply cannot do the thing required of them, and that makes everyone feel bad. "artlab needs to correctly analyze 3 artifacts"? i hope you're providing them, and cargo is staffed + able to ship them, and someone is manning artlab, because otherwise it's too easy to end up without -- and if any one of those parts fails, anyone else who was trying is failed by it, and that's not really good feeling for anyone.

these are also similar to requisitions, where cargo needs (department) to make / achieve (thing).

(in general, i think more objectives is good -- more than just "ship to cargo to make number go up".)
I know this is a bit...nutty but I don't think it's beyond the scope of possibility. It's an idea I've had for a while about station goals and I tend to agree that it's be nice to give more feedback to station departments about those zany things they all do.

I'd switch the whole thing around in an ideal world: Instead of pre-set goals and data collection on round end, I'd instead be on the look out for regular "Crazy" things each department can do and pick one of them to talk about in the round credits. For example:

Engineering: Made (and forgot to withdraw) 1 million credits from the PTL! / used 302 mechanical components! / Placed 800 floor tiles! / Loosed the singularity! (nth times)
Cargo: Made 500 Jumpsuits. / Ended up with a budget that needs mathematical expressions to display / Bought 60 skateboards
Medbay: Used the cloner 35 times / administered 600 hypospray doses / Used a very strange reagent on X
Robotics: Replaced 12 arms / Built 6 screenheads / Something to do with law linking?
Botany: Grew 14 different kinds of plants / 800lbs dry weight of weed / Grew some very WEIRD seeds
Custodial: Mopped eleventy billion tiles / Caused eleventy billion slips / Responded heroically to nth number of crisis alerts
Security: Used a stun baton nth times / ate nth bites of their donuts / slapped cuffs on people x times

You get the idea, probably with some better (and more code-trackable) things to report on, and probably some kind of ranking system so as to report the more "interesting" stuff first in the credits over the less. Every department gets -some- feedback about what they did even if they couldn't do OTHER things. There's definitely some trackable information happening in every department. However, I appreciate that just throwing this idea out and going "Yeah I have no idea if this is doable also you'll have to code it" is a thing, but since we're talking about providing
I very like this idea a lot because I normally focus on my work and my goal of department 
Medical : Survival rate / Clone scan record
Security : Survival rate / Criminal arrest 
Science : Artifact analysis 
Engineer : Budget / Power generate 
QM : Budget / contract finished
Civilian : N/A
Most of department are have their goal already we can use that goal for the reward TG station they tend to do a research and use research point to reward station like cloning system or robotic.
So in your idea is very candidate use for something like that too!
Also since you also mention some reward that for special fun like go cart or animal I additional for more idea.
-Shuttle reward : once you redeem the shuttle will come with special shuttle like Bar shuttle / Ring shuttle so people can enjoy it at the end of round.
-Enable Pathology system
-Special Anomaly
-Special game mode
-Rehabilitation clone system

There is a ton of something that in station that we never meet them.and should bring them back via this mechanic.
Could be cool, but I have the same concerns as Zamujasa, depending on the rewards you'll end up either with people cheesing their way to the rewards, or people not bothering to do it because the reward isn't worth it. I think having some genuinely difficult tasks be medal rewards for unlocks could be a good way to incentivize it, it's how we do it with most things, and some of the medals already require team work so this is kind of in that vein. Yes, that would mean people would only do it once, but rewarding people on achieving tasks beyond "having fun" is really difficult to make work reliably.

What could be cool would be if the last station's performance factored into the next station's budget. Say you absolutely aced it last round, that means on this round you get a couple of cool extra goodies, maybe supply crates or things that CentCom sends as reward programs. Really sick costumes, funny goodies, or maybe even tie this into the random modifiers suggestion from Frank_Stein. Doing something like that could actively incentivize people to do it every other round or so.

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