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Vampire Power (Internal Blood Tracking)
Hello there, I hope this is a fun idea. I was just thinking of how fun it would be to have an antagonist who could always track you down physically, or maybe an implantation that allows them to. Something supernatural in the vein of like resident evil. 

But since this isn't resident evil 13, I think allowing the vampire a blood tracking ability would be better. The player could activate it by drinking the blood of their desired victim, doesn't matter wether it's blood in a cup or from the source! It would work like an internal blood trak and could track only one or a few at a time. 

Maybe its goofy, maybe it's great. What do you guys think?
Cool idea! Draft PR here:
Yay! I'm gonna look at it.
i think itd be a little busted if it functions from the ranged blood steal, cause thats really easy to do on anyone, and if you do it to like hos or The Singular Secoff then you can successfully never be near them ever. if it functions like lings appearance grabbing and you need to actually suck their blood up close to do it, yeah thats cool
I do like this idea. A vampire should be able to stalk people via their blood.
I like this one because it make janitor have role to help station
(Yesterday, 04:51 PM)meaow589 Wrote: I like this one because it make janitor have role to help station

Oh yeah! Janitor mopping up blood is now passively sort of helpful. Of course if the vampire just goes to the source not much they can do. But janitor definitely deserves more workplace hazards to handle. 

Janitors being a small counter to vampire as well as plague wraith is nice.

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