Reese Cash's HoS Application
Usual character name: Reese Cash
BYOND username: FaintCalf
Discord username (if you are on our discord): stama2

Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: Goon 1

Reason for application:
 I have been playing security quite extensively since I returned from a break a few months ago (and a couple months before that) and I finally feel like I have the knowledge and skill necessary to lead the security team, teach new players and keep the round fun for crew and antags alike.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
While I have been playing the game for close to 3 years now, I have only really started playing sec a bit over a year ago, after I finally replaced my old laptop with a new one, one that could run the game without lagging out constantly. Since then, I have come to really enjoy the role, and it has slowly overtaken RD as the job that I play the most. While at first I wasn't very good at it, struggling to deal with antags, by now I have enough experience in the role to be able to perform most arrests without complications - but of course, that's not all there is to being a good sec player. There are other, non combat related aspects, which I will now try to cover. As a sec off, I strive to be someone my teammates can rely on, always responding to emergency alerts and calls for help on the radio, but also by playing along with any gimmicks that they might be doing. I believe that communication is also a vital part of being a security officer, as it helps keep the team coordinated and effective. After all, you can't really catch a ling when you don't even know it exists because your fellow officer didn't bother to let you know they saw a person get eaten by it. That's why I try to be as active on the radio as I can, answering any questions, letting others know when and why I arrested someone or occasionaly doing a status check. Another important part of being a good sec off is being fair - making sure you keep your punishments reasonable and based on what crimes the suspect has committed. That's because brigging someone for 5 minutes and stripping them of all their gear just for being a traitor 10 minutes into the round just isn't fun for anyone. And last but not least, being willing to teach new players. This is probably my favourite part of the game - sharing my knowledge with a newbee, making sure that they don't just stumble around the station clueless. As a sec off, I tend to do that by offering my help to any obviously new players in security, showing them the basics like how to use secmate, the brig, giving them some general tips and offering them to follow me around.
Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    My advice would be something I've already mentioned earlier in the application: Be communicative! Let your team know when you see someone commit a crime, when you arrest a suspect, when you're not sure why someone is set to arrest, whenever you need help - basically, whatever you think is worth sharing.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
    The one thing that immediately comes to mind is making PDA's more user friendly. Currently, selecting a program is quite slow and clunky, which can be especially annoying when you need to quickly summon the port a brig. A solution for this could be being able to select a program as 'favourite', making it show up on the main screen of the PDA.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    While I'm the only officer pretty rarely, when it does happen I try to work together with the captain, AI and detective to make up for the lack of officers. I'm also much more careful than usual, because I know if I mess up, there likely won't be anyone to back me up.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

[*]What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
 While I'm not great at coming up with gimmick, I think it would be fun to transform the genpop brig into a security ran bar  bee
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None  Sleeping bee
I find Reese very capable, communicative and reliable, they're also visible on sec often. I've never seen them make bad faith calls, myself. +1
Whenever reese plays security, they’re always extremely reliable, as well as being competent and fair with giving punishments. These points, in my opinion, make you the absolute worst secoff I’ve ever seen!!

You’d make one hell of a HoS

Reese plays sec often and I've never had any complaints about how they handled antags, whether I was a fellow member of the sec team, a command staffmember, or the antag in question.

They know how to lead but also aren't overbearing or obnoxious. Also by far the most reliably communicative sec main on classic right now. I have captain on medium role which means I roll it fairly often - and when I glance at security radio, I see Reese communicating whenever nessecary.

Reese has been a great partner secoff whenever I have played with them, they communicate very well, they are fair with their punishments and overall have been a joy to work with or conspire against as an antag.

I think Reese would do very well in a leading position like Head of Security +1
Reese is a competent and reliable secoff. I've seen them lead teams successfully and they have good communication. Furthermore, Reese is fair on punishments and interacts well with the crew. Never seen nor had an issue with them. I feel they would fit the position of HoS.
Big +1
After review of community feedback and internal deliberation, we have accepted your application to become a HoS. Congrats! Please familiarize yourself with our HoS Guidelines and reach out anytime if you have any concerns or questions.

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