Norah Snow's HoS Application 2
Usual character name: Norah Snow
BYOND username: Angelx3
Discord username (if you are on our discord): shougorori
Recommended by (if applicable): None
Goon servers you play:  Mostly Goon 1 Classic, rarely Goon 3/4 Roleplay

Reason for application:

To make shifts more engaging and interesting for everyone. There's shifts that it's noticeable the stark difference that the presence of a HoS could cause to said shift, such as being able to coordinate security to ensure antagonists are not being overly punished, and to ensure the officers knows the ropes of security. Also to ensure security officers are not overstepping their boundaries, such as using meta knowledge or powergaming gear, since as a HoS officers are more likely to listen to you, and understand that they shouldn't do it. Also, lately I have noticed less communication in security comms during classic shifts, so I would love to try to push the newer officers to try and use comms more, which I believe is more likely to be heard if a HoS is the one actively advocating for the use of comms. I also believe that the presence of a HoS in a shift can lead to a lot of interesting and unique interactions, and really cool RP scenarions, such as the one I will talk about in the security moments section of this application. Over all, I am applying as a HoS to ensure shifts are more interesting, and that everyone is able to have fun, and to try and create some fun and interesting scenarios for both security and antagonists to partake. I believe from my last application to this one, I have improved as a person, I understand the concerns the admins had, and it made me reflect onto the way I played the game and how I could have so much more fun if I didn't powergame certain tools and gear, and only using what is required for what gimmick I plan to do. It is not fun for anyone to fight against someone who has prepared themselves to face against every possible situation. What is fun is creating an engaging and fun scenario that every participant gets to play and enjoy themselves.

Security experience (300 word minimum):

My first experience with security in ss13 was not as playing as an officer or assistant, but rather getting arrested and not fully understanding the game, it was confusing, but interesting, and it made me want to someday try playing security to see if I would enjoy the role, and see how exactly did it work. I first started as a security assistant, to learn the basics and what to do, and what to not do, I was taught secmate, and how to use a flash and barriers, the usual basics of an assistant by a HoS that I currently do not remember, but they were very kind. Such a good first positive interaction made me hooked into the role, so I started doing more assistants shifts, learning about the different game modes. After I believed to be ready, I moved onto to playing security officer, as an officer I started to understand more of the game, and how important it is to be able to play along with antagonists, and interact with their gimmicks. A security officer is NOT the "stop all antagonists" role, your role is mostly to ensure the antagonists aren't just outright murdering the entire station, but also quite a social role, interacting with the station, issuing tickets to minor crimes, and of course, having fun with different gimmicks you might come across. As an officer, it is crucial to understand you should not shoot first, always try to deescalate situations and talk things out, and of course, if someone is just doing a silly gimmick like using a chameleon projector to turn into a tree, there's no reason to go out of your way to arrest them, interact with their gimmick and see what they're trying to do, you will certainly have alot of fun. Also, another important skill I learnt is communication, communication is extremely important for a security officer, communicate with your peers and ensure information is being shared, as mentioned before, security officer is a social role, so make sure you're always communicating, not just with the other officers via radio, but with everyone, communicate with antagonists, play along with their gimmicks, deescalate situations through communication, talking is your strongest weapon as security. Through my experience with security, I also got to see how unfun and annoying people powergaming can be, annoying to antagonists, annoying to security, annoying to everyone, it is just not fun to engage with someone who has went out of their way to loot every single place possible, and has enough gear to just silently rampage and counter everything they come across. Negative experiences like this made me learn and reflect on my own playstyle, to ensure I do not repeat the same mistakes, and make sure I do not cause an extremely unfun and annoying shift to others.

Answer two or more of the following:

What advice would you give to other sec players?

I would give two advices, that I judge to be very important, communication is key as security, always communicate, make sure you're active on radio, talking with your fellow officers. But communication does not end there, it is also a good idea to communicate with crew, and of course, communicate with antagonists! Talk with em, have fun chattin' with them and engaging with their gimmicks. Instead of trying to solve things with batons and tasers, try to talk with them and deescalate first, I'm sure you will see it's a lot of fun aswell. Overall, communication is very important for a security officer.

The second advice, that to be honest is truly the most important advice every security player should hear, is to HAVE FUN. This is a video game, and the most important part of video games is to have fun, don't get too mad if you die or if the shift seems frustrating, remember to take breaks and chill out a bit. Does the current shift feel extremely tiring and frustrating? Maybe cryo for a little, chill down. Also don't worry too much about making mistakes nor about being perfect, no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, and at the end of the day we all play space game just to have some fun. I can't convey how important this advice is, this is not a game you should be "playing to win", this is meant to be a fun experience for everyone, "winning" is having fun, you died to someone, but it was fun and engaging, guess what? "you won", because the true victory is enjoying yourself.

What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)

It's a really funny story, it was a gang shift, after the gangs rework, but it was still new-ish, a really fun and funny HoS, that I will chose to keep anonymous, decided to try making deals with the gangs to keep them peaceful, a really interesting and unique take on how security was handling the new reworked gangs. First, the gangs were asking for monetary deals to avoid crimes and hand over their guns, there were several funny interactions, very mafia like style with the HoS meeting with the gangs, talking over their plans, trying to haggle to pay them the least amount of money possible, and keeping them at bay via money. Later in the shift, the gangs started getting a bit more violent and demanding more cash, after they assault a civilian, the HoS issued a few arrests, of course that caused the gangs to get more agitated, which lead to the HoS to try and calm them down with another meeting and maybe another money deal, but what happened is that one of the gang leaders kidnaped the HoS and brought him to their base. This was really funny, and honestly really cool of the HoS to play along with the kidnaping, he could've easily just ran away, but decided to play along with it and have fun, the most important thing in this game. With the kidnaped HoS, the officers had to plan a way to rescue him from the gangsters base, first we pretend to try to strike a deal with em from their front door, while AI would rescue the HoS with it's shell from behind, the plan almost worked, but when the HoS was almost free, the gangsters noticed and a shoot out between security and gangs started. In the end, the most of the gangsters were arrested, and the HoS fled to the bridge, but the gang leader also managed to escape the arrest, caught up to the HoS, and ended up killing the HoS in a fight at the bridge. Luckily, we managed to recover the HoS body and clone em. By the time the HoS was finished cloning, the escape shuttle arrived, no signs of the gang leader on the shuttle, but right as if it was about to take off, he rushed into it, and chaos ensues in the shuttle, gangsters shooting everywhere, officers trying to baton the gangsters, the usual shuttle chaos during gangs, and then we arrived at centcom. I really like this story, because it showcases how fun it can be to play along with antagonists, even if it means playing a "losing" (letting yourself be kidnaped) role, losing or winning in this game does not matter, what matter is how much fun you have with it. I also like this story because it showcases how boring it would be to be prepared for every situation, how it is a lot of fun to just play along with the shift and not go out of your way to chase after gear and counter every possible encounter.

What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?

I believe if the PDA was easier to use, it could help security a lot. Often I fumble when trying to summon the port-a-brig and end up taking way longer than I should. I also end up almost never using the securitron pda controls because of how awkward it is to use the PDA.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.

What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?

I thought about a clown security gimmick once, all the officers wearing clown outfits, the masks and shoes and what not, and also baking their weapons into pies, thus making pie batons and pie tasers to use as weapons. Also carrying banana peels to slip any crimer, while also cracking very dry unfunny jokes and one-liners during their job, and overall doing silly funny antics.

Draw a picture!


[Image: tc7es5.png]

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):

I do not believe I have ever been banned before, I have been warned before by admins via admin pm.
Norah is very active player and potential to be a good sec. Base on some experience saw him robust many people as antag-nonantag.and my experience at this month yes many sec right now is less talk more baton.and should have someone to rebalance this.promote Norah to Hos mean engage people to become security and try to improve security department.
By the way he very active on discord +1 for Norah
I don't know the full reason why your last application was denied, but personally I have not noticed any change in how you play or act that would change my thoughts. I still have the same opinion of +1 that I did last time, so I will copy paste my response to your last application, I think it and the spirit of it still holds true:


I think you’re a really fun person to play with. You’re knowledgeable and active in everything security related (brigging, comms, etc.). I’ve seen your comms be more on the leadership side too. I remember one shift when I was playing as security with an officer whose name I didn’t recognize. They were very pleasant to interact with and active, and that person was you when you were random naming.
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to lack of community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 9/18/24. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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