06-29-2024, 03:56 AM
Usual character name: George Khouri
BYOND username: JORJ949
Discord username (if you are on our discord): JORJ949
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: 1
Reason for application:
Recently with Security Officer becoming priority and the wave of new players I see more and more newer, inexperienced Officers who don't think to ask for help and can get easily overwhelmed, playing HoS would allow me a more visible role to show them the ropes with as it shows more experience and trust. I love playing command and coordinating my team and I would love to carry that over to Head of Security.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
I wasn’t initially interested in playing security, but slowly became more intrigued over my time playing AI and eventually tried it out as Security Assistant and after a particularly engaging round chasing down a rampaging C-Saber wielder, that had killed the entire actual security force, with nothing but my riot launcher I decided to play more and eventually came to really enjoy the role. I love all the individual quirks that come from playing each security role from ticketing people for dying as assistant to unloading a riot shotgun in a nuclear operative's back to the slow investigations of the detective such as "Who stole Rocko?".
As someone who uses the short-sighted trait my usage of SecHUDs is very limited causing additional reliance on team communication for me which really helped me learn how important communication is when playing a role like security. I see many officers arrest people and then not communicate that arrest to the rest of the team, causing someone who should have got a harsher sentence for repeat offenses to get off for their “first time”, so I try to coordinate them into saying who they are arresting, what for and for how long.
I try to make a point out of using underused items, like tracking implants, riot launchers and the pod tractor beam; in the hope hope that this encourages other security players to try new things and alternate ways of playing.
Whenever I see a new security (or for that matter, any) player I make sure to explain what it is that I’m doing so they don’t get overwhelmed by the sheer pressure that is playing security as a new player. New players are faced with a mountain of stuff to learn and its important to help them through that, putting pressure on them will just scare them off.
Answer two or more of the following:
What advice would you give to other sec players?
Leave your pinpointers and disks in security at the start of the round. I know you have read this a million times before on a million other HoS applications but it’s important, yes someone may take your stuff and having your pinpointer on you is handy but it’s much handier when you inevitably go missing.
Don’t be afraid to lay down the law on someone you don’t think is an antagonist if for example they won’t hand over their contraband, you never know when John Staffie who saved you from the katana-wielding traitor will awaken as a sleeper agent and use that katana against you.
What was one of your favourite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
As clown I was once promoted to Security Officer and there was a Security Assistant called Plant Plant that was a plant in a wheelchair; we protected the armoury with a banana peel and deployed Stirstir to fight the loose singularity. I was awarded a medal by the HoS for my great service.
Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
When playing in a group I try to keep everyone talking over the radio so nobody can silently go missing and that everyone has the information they need to deal accurate punishments to criminals. When solo security I can worry less about the team and due to the weaker security force and likely few antagonists encourage a “Tom and Jerry” type relation with the antagonists by using tickets and deshoe-ings as punishments for lesser crimes
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Undercover officers, rename all security IDs to things like “Not a security officer” and go undercover in botany saying, “I sure do love growing illegal drugs”. Then flashing our badges and arresting them when they grow said drugs.
Draw a picture!
The Head of Security (I had much grander plans but am not an artist)
![[Image: The-HoS.png]](https://i.postimg.cc/P5ds8J4r/The-HoS.png)
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None
BYOND username: JORJ949
Discord username (if you are on our discord): JORJ949
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: 1
Reason for application:
Recently with Security Officer becoming priority and the wave of new players I see more and more newer, inexperienced Officers who don't think to ask for help and can get easily overwhelmed, playing HoS would allow me a more visible role to show them the ropes with as it shows more experience and trust. I love playing command and coordinating my team and I would love to carry that over to Head of Security.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
I wasn’t initially interested in playing security, but slowly became more intrigued over my time playing AI and eventually tried it out as Security Assistant and after a particularly engaging round chasing down a rampaging C-Saber wielder, that had killed the entire actual security force, with nothing but my riot launcher I decided to play more and eventually came to really enjoy the role. I love all the individual quirks that come from playing each security role from ticketing people for dying as assistant to unloading a riot shotgun in a nuclear operative's back to the slow investigations of the detective such as "Who stole Rocko?".
As someone who uses the short-sighted trait my usage of SecHUDs is very limited causing additional reliance on team communication for me which really helped me learn how important communication is when playing a role like security. I see many officers arrest people and then not communicate that arrest to the rest of the team, causing someone who should have got a harsher sentence for repeat offenses to get off for their “first time”, so I try to coordinate them into saying who they are arresting, what for and for how long.
I try to make a point out of using underused items, like tracking implants, riot launchers and the pod tractor beam; in the hope hope that this encourages other security players to try new things and alternate ways of playing.
Whenever I see a new security (or for that matter, any) player I make sure to explain what it is that I’m doing so they don’t get overwhelmed by the sheer pressure that is playing security as a new player. New players are faced with a mountain of stuff to learn and its important to help them through that, putting pressure on them will just scare them off.
Answer two or more of the following:
What advice would you give to other sec players?
Leave your pinpointers and disks in security at the start of the round. I know you have read this a million times before on a million other HoS applications but it’s important, yes someone may take your stuff and having your pinpointer on you is handy but it’s much handier when you inevitably go missing.
Don’t be afraid to lay down the law on someone you don’t think is an antagonist if for example they won’t hand over their contraband, you never know when John Staffie who saved you from the katana-wielding traitor will awaken as a sleeper agent and use that katana against you.
What was one of your favourite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
As clown I was once promoted to Security Officer and there was a Security Assistant called Plant Plant that was a plant in a wheelchair; we protected the armoury with a banana peel and deployed Stirstir to fight the loose singularity. I was awarded a medal by the HoS for my great service.
Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
When playing in a group I try to keep everyone talking over the radio so nobody can silently go missing and that everyone has the information they need to deal accurate punishments to criminals. When solo security I can worry less about the team and due to the weaker security force and likely few antagonists encourage a “Tom and Jerry” type relation with the antagonists by using tickets and deshoe-ings as punishments for lesser crimes
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Undercover officers, rename all security IDs to things like “Not a security officer” and go undercover in botany saying, “I sure do love growing illegal drugs”. Then flashing our badges and arresting them when they grow said drugs.
Draw a picture!
The Head of Security (I had much grander plans but am not an artist)
![[Image: The-HoS.png]](https://i.postimg.cc/P5ds8J4r/The-HoS.png)
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None