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Which trait do you think it unpopular and should be rework?
We have a lot of trait but just wonder which one is unpopular from our opinion and think it should be change.for me I rarely see medical allergy and picky eater.i play medical doctor more than 200+ round and I only see it once.And picky eater I quite not see it too as well.
(05-12-2024, 01:33 AM)meaow589 Wrote: We have a lot of trait but just wonder which one is unpopular from our opinion and think it should be change.for me I rarely see medical allergy and picky eater.i play medical doctor more than 200+ round and I only see it once.And picky eater I quite not see it too as well.

Medical allergies can reaaaaaaally screw someone up if they are unlucky.
"Allergic to anti allergans"
I seen this happen once and that guy never left medbay all round. Cause there was no way to keep him cured at all times.

Picky eater I never seen in action.
There are a few traits that are essential do-nothing's for various reasons:

- Matrix flopout, claw school graduate and smooth talker have far too low effect for their high point costs
- Trinket traits. Besides pet person and lunchbox, none of these should have a point cost.

On the other hand, allergies need a rework, because you cannot stack allergy, hyperallergic and medical allergy. If i want to be allergic to everything, let me be, damnit.
This thread was posted awhile ago that had some statistics about trait usage on Goon3, it may be of interest to you! Based on that, picky eater does appear to be very underused as they found it to be the lowest ranking trait that wasn't an accent. Medical allergy was actually pretty decently represented! Frankly, I'm most surprised people play with "All Ears," coz most of the time I don't even remember it exists.

I'd say the ones I see people discussing how detrimental they are the most would be the movement impairing ones like two left feet, trippy, and the one that prevents sprinting, but I don't think any of those require a rework since they're meant to be pretty rough. It's nice to have a decent spread of traits that very few people use, in my opinion, because it makes things more interesting.
id just like to see point costs rebalanced. real shit traits should be able to go up to like +4 imo. maybe also add an extra 0 to the end of the points (i.e. 1 point would be 10 points) so that there can be some inbetweens? night vision for example seems like such a 1.5 cost trait cause its too bad for 2 points and too good for 1 point

also bald people should be able to wear hats while keeping the wig on. no idea how to go about doing that tho.
People with the short sighted trait should be able to see floating text more clearly.

Human torch should give 1 trait point instead of 2.

SR shouldn't gib puritans, it should just fail to revive them.
(05-12-2024, 07:32 AM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: If i want to be allergic to everything, let me be, damnit.

I see you like spending spacebux on the "allergic to life" button (aka spawn as a corpse)

Jokes aside I see one trait I would change all together. (Since I didn't do it last time I posted)
Big bruiser.
It's -2, and yet fighting now costs twice as much stamina for a 25% increase in.. STAMINA DAMAGE.
So the trait off makes no sense. While I don't know the exact numbers of a 2x stamina punch landing on a 125% stamina damage is better.
To me it also needs to increase brute damage.
It's better to simply NOT take this trait at all.. as you are giving up half of your attacks for a 25% increase.

Where as Athelitc is better. Cause you get 10% more stamina and 20% more regen and you take 1/3 more brute damage.
A much fairer trade cause no you are avoiding getting hit anyway.

But most other traits been mentioned too.
(05-12-2024, 08:07 AM)Snoid Wrote: also bald people should be able to wear hats while keeping the wig on. no idea how to go about doing that tho.

I thiiink calliopesoups was working on that as a next steps for the hat component? I could be misremembering, but would be worth reaching out to see if they want/need help if it's something you're interested in.
(05-12-2024, 07:38 AM)JOELED Wrote: I'd say the ones I see people discussing how detrimental they are the most would be the movement impairing ones like two left feet, trippy, and the one that prevents sprinting, but I don't think any of those require a rework since they're meant to be pretty rough. It's nice to have a decent spread of traits that very few people use, in my opinion, because it makes things more interesting.
i understand but unpoplular trait is mean nobody gonna use it now and it should be great if we have new more intersting so player can choose what gimmick they want to do.for example some people try to give all strong combat trait which some funny debuff that possible they could. like new trait plasma lung i see many people tryto do gimmick and have fun with it alot.unused trait which can imply no one interest in it anymore and should be rotate
Addict trait. I haven't picked this trait and I like to pick addictive personality for RP reasons, but addict trait seems hellish. Not many people are a fan of addiction mechanic and, ngl, as much as interesting it is to make your character to have to take some drugs to combat addiction, it seems just not fun outside for a one time thing and you are more likely to spend your time in the sleeper unit because the other problem would be having to get the chem.
yeah my old character had the addict trait, and it was a nightmare whenever it was some super rare chem that nobody had time to get their hands on. Constant barfing and just an all-around bad time. Then again, it kind of makes sense. I just think it could be better implemented.
(05-12-2024, 09:11 AM)Kotlol Wrote: I see you like spending spacebux on the "allergic to life" button (aka spawn as a corpse)

Sadly, i joined goonstation when that spacebux pursache was removed. Like nitroglycerin, i haven't witnessed the (questionable) glory of some things.
Big bruiser and matrix flopout.
a possible change to traits may be reworking their costs to have a more granular point value, rather than most being +1, +2, -1, or -2. maybe a strong one is -8 and a weaker positive one is +2 or +3

some of them (accents) definitely need a note about how they make you incomprehensible, guh. some people take them without realizing how strong they are
Make jailbird set you to arrest instead of paroled on sechuds. I pick it expecting sec to chase me around but they just ignore me and in looc tell me they usually don't care about people with the trait.

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