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Goofy Moments Thread
Hello everyone, I would like to preserve short snippets of people's stories on here, including my own because I think that's what keeps me returning to ss13. 

Recently the engine was turned into cheese as I was a staff assistant. Me and a few odd folks rushed down to see the spectacle and eat it. Only one issue - no more engine. This was resolved by an engineer who made hamster wheels and told us to power the station by running on them. 

So about 4-5 of us including some guy who went by Old Man started running and repeatedly swore our fealty to the nanotrasen corporation. When one tried to run from inevitable plasma fires fueled by our activities, we reminded them to stay. The commanding crew decided to toss us meth to keep us energetic, faster, and squeeze out more plasma.

This eventually ended with an industrial action, explosion, followed by a seperate Nuclear Operative operation which successfully destroyed that station that decided workers rights was a suggestion.
In a similar vein to yours, Donut 3, I think the singulo was kaput. Engineering made hamster wheels and invited others to help power the station. I went over as HoP and popped down a chair and watched, managed to get a hold of Captain's megaphone, and became a taskmaster to keep them running. I kept them going until the shuttle docked with the station, where a few promptly collapsed from exhaustion.
A pretty small one, but I(a lizard person) responded to a crisis alert in telescience, only to find the floor covered in blood and severed lizard tails. Munches had a panic attack.
With a squad of Nukies, me and my compatriots made an active decision to fluke. We decided to be covert Ninjas of the Spitting Lhama Temple. With the great force of a thousand sun's on our shoulders we all took disguises and katanas besides our captain. Also the God's gave us shurikens.

I took it upon myself to track down and kill the captain, disguised as a janitor. This did not work and I attempted multiple assassinations failing all of them. Eventually the medical bay had enough of me and beat me up, however I managed to stand and cry "DISHONOR!" before suiciding to trigger an explosion. Many other Ninja Nukies died in similarly funny ways.

The commander, who was the only one in full gear believed us all to be alive and was the last of us. Stomping down the halls, he was massacring everyone and wondering what happened to his operatives. Unfortunately he met his demise when accidentally tripping into the crusher.

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