Fab Houlous for Mentor
Usual Character Name: Fab Houlous
BYOND Username: sankto
Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Times Available: Afternoon until close to midnight, on and off, gmt-5 EST

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum):
Well, i've been playing for what seems to me to be 2 or 3 years (from toward the end of Donut station), pardon me if i'm wrong. I've always came back to SS13 for the goldmine of entertainment that it is, even if i was acting like an idiot at the beginning. Little to no other game has that much my attention. I apply because i assume i know enough of the mechanisms of the game to help others get immersed (so to speak) into it. Even if sometimes my actions seems to come from a lunatic clown high on crank, i believe i can be serious and help fairly.

Throughout the time i have spent playing, i have been many roles. One of them is a medic, and it has stuck to me like a standard, go-to job. I dunno, there's something satisfying from helping people not becoming chair-rotating ghosts. Mostly due to proximity, i increased my range of competency to science, mostly chemistry. I can make hellfoam in only a couple minutes, 3mins if i'm the RD, last i checked. Hell, i even programmed (in C#) my own searcheable recipe book to help learn those darnable recipes. Sometimes, i switch to a calmer job, like Barman, or Janitor. Although i usually end up with some devious chemical concoctions in my pockets, anyway. My detective rounds can be described as either "full-on, serious shit", or "drunken, i don't care about anything, mess".

For the jobs i do not engage in anymore, there is Engineering. I used to be an engineer in the age of Singular Simplicity, but nowadays, i don't even know how the engine work, i just assume it's voodoo magic. Aside of that, i've been AI only ONCE. I didn't like that, too many controls. I'm also never a botanist, even though i've been it some times in previous stations. Same thing for sec officer, if i can avoid it.

Traitorwise, i never ever play vampire, spy or gangleader. As a simple traitor, i sometime try to be original, but end up doing the same, tried-and-true tactics i honed in the past, essentially becoming a murderboning clown high on crank. I can be VERY efficient changeling, and it's not rare that the station is empty after a while (if i can get a good start). Still learning the ropes as a nuke ops, though.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum):
Gee i don't know, i haven't even owned a TV for close to a decade. Is he the green dude with a stupid goat or something? Cool guy, i guess.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will):
I've been banned a couple times. One was me being a newbie, not taking the game seriously and assaulting people with random tools while being non-traitor. Another was because i blew up the toilets with an hand-made pipebomb for no god-damn reason. Yet another ban was me being reckless with hand-made pipebombs, chucking them around at a nuke op and accidentally killing some other crewmembers. Another one was me, suicide-bombing a traitor; not only did i went waaay overkill in my attempt at stoping him, but i killed several other crewmembers, again. I think i learned a thing or two and know now to think of the potential collateral damage of my actions, and i've been checking myself ever since.

So yeah, that's it i guess.
I've played with this guy a few times and he is really helpful. I vote yes
Disregard my vote totally forgot I can't vote if I have a app out sorry man
Hey, he's helped me out in the past and seemed like a pretty nice guy. I don't see why he shouldn't get the name color and command to go with it.
I've had good times with Fab, you have my vote.

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