08-29-2023, 06:25 PM
Usual character name: Anderson Sheet
BYOND username: AndroidSheet12
Discord username (if you are on our discord): AndroidSheet#3434
Recommended by (if applicable): The Specimen
Goon servers you play: Goonstation 1
Reason for application:
During my time as secoff I have been trying to improve my skills and knowledge regarding the mechanics of the game, learn about the culture of a security member, and be able to depend only on my skills to help others during the round, I think that the potential for round security to have a large-scale impact on the game is underrated, and relies on capable and competent officers to keep the round consistently level, which is why I want to be involved in the lead, learning, and coordination of a security team capable of bringing order but at the same time a fair deal that allows the fun of the round to flow.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
Since I started in this game, the security role is the one that has given me the most intrigue and fun, in addition to having provided me with all the current knowledge I have from the game, since the role itself forces you to obtain all the knowledge of the game, the types of weapons, chemicals, heals, forms of stun, movement and effects the different strategies that the antagonists use during the round. My experience as a secoff is made up of failures, deaths, and victories, I have learned all the types of antagonists, their abilities and potential mechanics as well as the types of tools they use to deal with the security team, how to subdue a person without dealing any type of damage or how long they should be imprisoned before being executed if the situation does not require it, which person should be arrested for their crimes or how to help someone in a dangerous situation, intuit who is the one who really is committing a crime or is harming a member of the station, using different ways to locate a suspect, either through fingerprints or through AI, maintaining a level of order between antagonists and the crew. All this type of knowledge is what I believe brings the greatest potential to a secoff that seeks the level of competence that the crew deserves. When joining a round I try to look for the safety of my teammates, a lone security member has a potential risk much larger and therefore will not be completely effective when helping the station and will have to rely on somewhat more aggressive methods, I maintain a fairly active level of communication to be aware of the different threats present and prepare to deal with this if necessary, on many occasions it is not necessary at all to have to catch an antagonist just for being one unless it is a blob or a nukie that in any case will be treated differently than a common antagonist, I am attentive to the requests from my superiors and the needs of the crew as well as following the orders that benefit the well-being of the station, as secoff I always have my tools for good use and not become a tyrant who only abuses them for his amusement own. Finally, I try to help any security member new to the game who is looking to have fun and meet the needs of the station, whether it is teaching them how to get their tools, what to do when arresting a suspect, what to put in the contraband box and what should be confiscated, as well as when a certain type of force should be used or how an antagonist should be dealt with.
Answer two or more of the following:
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
BYOND username: AndroidSheet12
Discord username (if you are on our discord): AndroidSheet#3434
Recommended by (if applicable): The Specimen
Goon servers you play: Goonstation 1
Reason for application:
During my time as secoff I have been trying to improve my skills and knowledge regarding the mechanics of the game, learn about the culture of a security member, and be able to depend only on my skills to help others during the round, I think that the potential for round security to have a large-scale impact on the game is underrated, and relies on capable and competent officers to keep the round consistently level, which is why I want to be involved in the lead, learning, and coordination of a security team capable of bringing order but at the same time a fair deal that allows the fun of the round to flow.
Security experience (300 word minimum):

Since I started in this game, the security role is the one that has given me the most intrigue and fun, in addition to having provided me with all the current knowledge I have from the game, since the role itself forces you to obtain all the knowledge of the game, the types of weapons, chemicals, heals, forms of stun, movement and effects the different strategies that the antagonists use during the round. My experience as a secoff is made up of failures, deaths, and victories, I have learned all the types of antagonists, their abilities and potential mechanics as well as the types of tools they use to deal with the security team, how to subdue a person without dealing any type of damage or how long they should be imprisoned before being executed if the situation does not require it, which person should be arrested for their crimes or how to help someone in a dangerous situation, intuit who is the one who really is committing a crime or is harming a member of the station, using different ways to locate a suspect, either through fingerprints or through AI, maintaining a level of order between antagonists and the crew. All this type of knowledge is what I believe brings the greatest potential to a secoff that seeks the level of competence that the crew deserves. When joining a round I try to look for the safety of my teammates, a lone security member has a potential risk much larger and therefore will not be completely effective when helping the station and will have to rely on somewhat more aggressive methods, I maintain a fairly active level of communication to be aware of the different threats present and prepare to deal with this if necessary, on many occasions it is not necessary at all to have to catch an antagonist just for being one unless it is a blob or a nukie that in any case will be treated differently than a common antagonist, I am attentive to the requests from my superiors and the needs of the crew as well as following the orders that benefit the well-being of the station, as secoff I always have my tools for good use and not become a tyrant who only abuses them for his amusement own. Finally, I try to help any security member new to the game who is looking to have fun and meet the needs of the station, whether it is teaching them how to get their tools, what to do when arresting a suspect, what to put in the contraband box and what should be confiscated, as well as when a certain type of force should be used or how an antagonist should be dealt with.
Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players?
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
- What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?