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Defensive pepper spray for security
Security hasn't been touched for a while, so here's an tool I think would fit pretty nicely in the utility section for security's loadout. A little can of defensive pepper spray officers can use to escape being mobbed by attackers.

The can of spray would have around 10 uses and when used it would shoot a projectile, or projectiles, that spreads capsaicin in a cone towards the chosen direction. Very similar to how the flamethrower shoots. Now you might be thinking, "What's stopping people from using that offensively??" Well, it would have super short range(2-3 tiles), and the projectile would be very slow and visible. On top of that, before firing it would have to be primed with a visible action bar that lasts about a second or two. During the action bar a noise will play alerting everyone near. Ideally it would sound exactly like shaking a spray paint can. Once the (fart)cloud is down, anyone walking through would get hit by the stuns and slows that come with capsaicin.  

With these negatives I think we could have a tool officers can use to escape a group of attackers, with out giving a single officer the power to completely deny a gathering.

There might be concerns with giving officers even more survivability, but with more updates rolling in, antagonists get more and more ways to dunk on officers. So I think something to give them some breathing room(and some time for a donut before dying) would be awesome.

Additional Notes:
I cant tell the future, but I think this would stay useful even if capsaicin eventually gets nerfed

I'm thinking maybe the projectile could mark the tiles first, then place the capsaicin clouds after a delay, just to really show people that its meant for defense

please be gentle im not a game dev
Capsaicin is an instant stun and weapon drop. That is something that should be as far away from standard security gear as possible.
Not until it's nerfed or has some counter play.

Considering I posted recently a complaint on how strong it can be...
As sec it would litterly replace stun batons and force a gasmask/eyewear meta.

But.. it makes SENSE for security to have this methode.
Way to powerful. Secs tools may not be exciting but arw practical. This would be a large buff.
There is a reason they took crowd dispersal out of normal kits. Capsaicin is insanely powerful as it stands currently, and generally shuts down most antags. Having a target able capsaicin spray would definitely swing the scales in the way of security.

While I think Security absolutely needs an AOE "oh crap" button. That honestly can be found in the flashbang, as underutilized as they are.
To be honest, you can get basically the same by stealing a spray bottle and pestering botany for chilis.

But yeah, capsaicin is very powerful and has little to none counterplay.
You know what.. you know we drink milk to wash it away from our throat?
Why not use Milk or "calcium" to counteract Capscin.

This also means Cow people and Skeleton people will have a natural resistance (not immunity) to Capscin. (giving them an indirect buff)
Though I do fear now your normal bovine person will be requested for milk a lot.. but eh. It just seems the most logical way of dealing with it.

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