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Add a roundtime cap for sleeper agents
Right now, sleeper agents can spawn anytime after a certain time. But this can cause either issues or frustration on RP, where 3 minutes before the shuttle arrives is just too little time to build up to anything. The round is essentially over, you've lost all chances other than going in hard which you may not be able to get any tools for in the next 3-5 minutes.

I'm proposing that you can't become a sleeper agent after 70 minutes into a round. This should let classic do classic things and go wild on escape if they want, since the usual roundtime for classic is around 60 minutes give or take. This also gives RP about 20 minutes to plan and execute something or at least give them more opportunities to get into a good antag position.

If possible, I'd also recommend letting sleepers spawn in after a certain time has passed after the 70 minute mark so extended rounds are able to continue on as long as they'd like without losing out on sleeper agents. Maybe 100 minutes in or so?
I agree... I even once gotten Sleeper Agent 1 minute before Shuttle arrival and I did some "Ow my head, I felt like I woke up."
Seriously what can I do in 1 minute? Either be a "LAAAAME" antag or be a "lame" antag.
i would say don't make antag spawn like 5 minutes before the shuttle gets auto-called. Very often that late into the round people are fully geared up or their projects are dying out, so giving it a nice little boost by misusing their project for antagging gets kinda nice. I remember killing someone with dreamsickle eggs by cold/sugr overdose just because i had them in the moment i rolled sleeper.

Sleeper agent is very often "hey, i get to betray the person i was RP'ing with the whole shift" and these moments are awesome.
I am inclined to agree, but I'd say maybe set the limit to 80 minutes instead of 70, I feel like 20 minutes is still enough to set up a murder on RP.
Isn't the idea that they can set up a murder?

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