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add custom emote visibility to characters using the blindness trait
The title basically says it all. 

Understandably, blind characters can see 'set' auditory emotes but not visual ones I.E being able to 'see' someone laughing but not rolling their eyes. However, they are also not able to 'see' custom emotes, which i believe makes it harder to play as a blind character, and even actively discourages it.
As far as i know, custom emotes currently are treated as a " well possibly they are visual so they aren't able to be seen", but that does exclude uses of it on auditory or touch based custom emotes as well, which a fair amount of them are or can be.

While i understand to not have included it in the seen things as a blind character, i personally believe people who do play as a blind character have enough discretionary ability to make their own insight on whether they can act on it or not (whether it's visual or auditory or sensory), given that they are actively nerfing themselves to have it in the first place. 
As such, i think it would allow people who do want to roleplay as a blind character to be more engaged in RP, and give a little bit more viability to rocking blindness as a whole as well.

I do wonder how other people feel about this, so as such this thread.
there actually is a way for people to do custom emotes that blind people can (or should be able to...) hear

*customv stares
custom visible emote

*customh screams
custom hearable emote

but i assume the "m" hotkey does a custom visible one. hum.
Pretty sure this is a consequence of the custom emote hotkey (M usually) using the *customv emote, which indicates a visual emote. We have *customh too, which is for auditory custom emotes, there's just not a keybind for it.
ah, in that case the presumed reasoning is wrong, i do apologize! I have never delved into the code so i didn't realize there is already a thing as a player to differentiate between visual and audio emotes. I do think that the central issue still remains however; understandably, a lot of people use the 'm' key for custom emotes, and I'm not entirely sure how many people are aware the 'm' key emote does only convey visual ones.
While I do not know how much coding wise would be involved, perhaps the 'm' key could be a general emote rather than visual or audio? the thing is that i don't think using custom emotes should be more 'tedious' to use by having to differentiate between a visual or audio emote (like having a seperate hotkey or having to choose which one it is using the emote hotkey), so i thought allowing blind characters, at their discretion, to be able to make the distinction would be a best-of-both-worlds type of solution.
Ctrl+M now does audible custom emotes. Moving to 'good ideas'.

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