Complaint instant ban my mexicat without even talking to me.
(03-13-2023, 04:28 PM)CaptainBravo Wrote: An attempt at roleplaying escalation counts, but waiting until you get caught with your pants down to hurriedly threaten to set off a bomb is not escalation through roleplay. It's sour grapes finding an excuse to blow a huge hole in the station.

This is the fourth or fifth thing you would have been "talked to" about regarding the roleplay rules, if that had happened. That's not really a requirement in the first place. You are not owed a talk before receiving a ban and not receiving one is not cause for a complaint. On top of that, it is past the point where you should have taken the time to thoroughly read the rules of your own volition and internalized concepts like "don't just look for excuses to blow giant holes in the station".

The complaints forum is not the place to litigate your bans like this.

I've read the rules many times, and I understand that antagonists exist to further roleplay, not suppress it. I find danger to be part of the fun, what gets a station together like a bomb threat onboard the station? I don't see why looking for legitimate reasons to bomb things in RP is bad, especially if you have a fun scenario planned.

(03-13-2023, 04:36 PM)CaptainBravo Wrote: Okay well our counter feedback is that talking before issuing a ban is not a requirement and we are not considering making it one. Thank you for your idea.

Alright. I feel that issuing sentences like this without any discussion beforehand is unprofessional and doesn't contribute to the wellbeing of the server or player base, but if you guys are okay with not giving people fair trials I guess that's your imperative.

Messages In This Thread
RE: instant ban my mexicat without even talking to me. - by Skye14 - 03-13-2023, 04:37 PM

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