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Make CBD cancel the effects of the "Nervous" trait
Exactly as it says in the title - allow taking CBD to calm you down enough that you won't scream and drop your stuff when you see something frightening.

That said, because I don't think many people take the Nervous trait, I'll explain it a bit:
From my experience with the nervous trait, it has a slim chance (8%, apparently) to make you scream, get briefly stunned, and drop whatever you're holding whenever you see something "scary." This means people being getting attacked, bleeding, guns being fired, etc, although some of the specifics of how it gets triggered are unclear to me. What I propose is that, so long as you have the CBD chem in your system, you are immune to this effect. You'd still suffer all of the debuffs that CBD normally comes with, but you wouldn't freak out and get stunned by seeing horrifying events. Additionally, your regular trinket would be replaced by either a single 30u CBD patch or a box of 4 CBD patches to help manage your condition.

Why is this needed? Three words: The Emergency Shuttle. Holy SHIT. Even on Classic, the nervous trait is reasonably manageable if you play your cards right - you just have to play extra-cautiously, since you'll be easier to take down in the event that a fight breaks out and blood gets spilled. But the shuttle changes all of that. You will be damn near CONSTANTLY screaming with the amount of random shit happening on screen, meaning that you're stunned half of the time and have a lot of trouble defending yourself...or doing much of anything, for that matter. You can take preventative measures for this, like hopping in a sleeper or a locker to protect yourself, or lying on the ground and hoping nobody notices you, but you don't really get a way to counter all of the screaming and stunning directly. Giving CBD this effect would not only give a counter for this situation and others, as well as making sense based on the real-world effects of CBD, but it would give CBD an actual in-game use besides being a side effect of smoking weed. (If I recall correctly, THC increases the length of food buffs while active, while CBD has seemingly no useful applications, as it's too weak to be used to debilitate someone.) It also means that people with the nervous trait have to consider the trade-off inherent to getting immunity to their stunning condition with CBD, as the drug can occasionally inflict weakness or confused movement, making the trait more interesting overall.

Messages In This Thread
Make CBD cancel the effects of the "Nervous" trait - by RelentlessGarbage - 03-07-2023, 09:19 AM

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