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Security RP ideas.
Ah security, the guys in red. We love em.
Our defacto cops on the stations and yet we see em called things like "Glorified Mall cops"
But in the end they are our batoning agents of ticket dispensing justice.

Now I have NO PROBLEMS with how Security is in Roleplay most of the time. Rarely is there a Super Cop or someone trying to play like "Classic mode"
And when it happens there is another security officer there to calm em down and let the suspect get a correct punishment.

So this topic is NOT about security being bad or lame, but more... lack of roleplaying scenerios they could do. Something even I am a guilty of as a detective main/sec officer player and after some media consumption... I noticed some of the following things security NEVER DOES in Roleplay, but could be considered doing.

Again NOT critism, but just adding some flavoring to the Roleplay when you feel like it.

Off Duty Officer/Off Duty HoS
Now this is not an attempt for "Staff assistants" to be security officers, more like Security officers being "off duty" and bumping into crime thus responding into action.
Take a security member who goes into regular clothing, no security stuff and a normal headset, but then bumps into someone doing crimes and goes: "okay buddy I am off duty here and yet here you are causing issues. I gotta ticket ya."
It would be a fun offical "flavor role" to be an "off duty officer" being sent on a cheap vacation to one of the stations. But as a roleplay gimmick it wouldn't be bad.

However.... This gimmick might have security players not want to play security or someone pretending to be security as staffy. But it just seems to be a fun idea to have a security member be off duty and in the bar or going to medbay then hell breaks loose.

Safety training
You know... Security should be having people get to safety during alarms and evacutions and even train people how to be SAFE on station.
As a captain I once tried to set this up, but failed miserably since Security didn't feel like it, thus it went to engineering.
But the idea of a Sec officer teaching crew about safety or even the HoS announcing a "Evacution Drill" would be a fun way to spice up a round.
And of course every security member can ticket those who DID NOT PREFORM their trainings.

I think something like Safety drills also allows antagonists a small oppertunity to do a lil sneaky thing during them. Eitherway... it just seems like a quick fun 10 min thing to do during a shift.

Officer Safety
LOOK OUT HE HAS A GLASS! *batons and handcuffs* ...Yea sounds lame and funny, but sometimes you just need a paranoid Security member that litterly goes: "BUT ITS FOR OFFICER SAFETY!" Be that guy once in a while that only advocates for Security, but not crew.
Still a good guy, abit overzealous that's all.

Prioritizing Crew Safety
Chases of suspects are intense and fun, but in real life, police sometimes ends chases for the "Safety" of the people. And thus I think it's time we add "Crew Safety" as a thing Security should exercise more. If the chase is heading into civilian zones or crowded departments, end the case.
I do see this thing done abit more when it comes to bomb threats and kidnapping scenerios.. but never in chases or when an officer has reason to suspect an antagonist. It would just be a fun thing to see the officer knowing an antagonist is in the bar, but refusing to act because: "Crew Safety 1st"

Complaint forms
Paperwork, the HoP's favorite and thanks to the community there is always a copy of certain forms found on the billboard ready to be recopied.
But you know what we lack? COMPLAINT FORMS FOR SECURITY! Infact security is lacking a lot of paperwork, but I am okay with that.
But there is nowhere to put in COMPLAINTS to security members.

Soberiaty Testing
While Botany might be growing the whackiest weed, we can't have those people smoking the stuff work dangerous equipment like NUCLEAR REACTORS!
So why not roleplay abit of testing to see if someone is not too drunk or stoned to go back to work. Can lead to fun escalations to be brigged to sober up or even forced into rehab in medbay...There are areas of bigger medbays that are never used, so perfect spots to roleplay.
Heck have someone stationed at the pod bay and have them test anyone on being drunk.

Speed traps
You know I never see officers actually enforce a no running policy, but it would be funny to see an officer actually telling crew not to DASH EVER!
And starting to ticket people and even give them minor fines (or attempt to)
Or even stoppping over players who are "shoving others" out of the way. Medbay being a common problem with shoving doctors out of the way of patients cause you are on your way out. Just fun oppertunities to interact.

Security Recruitment/Open day
This one involves all of security... but basicly put... Security needs you next shift. We see the posters and yet security never really opens it's doors to the public unless they are baton'd and cuffed. So why not go on a recruitment drive?
Have security open to those who want to see it. Have them try out security gear for fun. Start actively recruiting and advertising for one shift and have crewmates try out being a security officer.
Infact I think a lot of departments can do this as well... but security should be leading on this.

Security has a bit of a military feel as well.. so leanfully into it. THIS IS WAR! You aren't taking in criminals.. You are capturing POW's to get information out of it!
You are more tatical then straight up talking. Securing positions, peaking around corners and more.
It would just be more fun to see the salute emote being used in a more military styled officer then just a greeting.

And.. that's it...
What do you guys think of my little ideas?
I do think security drills would be a fun thing to see more often for example as it involves the whole station to move to escape and allow some crew movement in unexpected ways.
(02-09-2023, 08:01 AM)Kotlol Wrote: Officer Safety
LOOK OUT HE HAS A GLASS! *batons and handcuffs* ...Yea sounds lame and funny, but sometimes you just need a paranoid Security member that litterly goes: "BUT ITS FOR OFFICER SAFETY!" Be that guy once in a while that only advocates for Security, but not crew.
Still a good guy, abit overzealous that's all.
I'd recommend a bit more build-up before you go into the baton into cuffs. Maybe you could tell them they have a HIGHLY dangerous item in their hands and that they MUST put it down. Don't say what the item is and maybe gunpoint at them a little. Then, if they don't put down this HIGHLY dangerous item down then you could start firing at them. Probably don't cuff them and just wag your finger at them for being HIGHLY dangerous and unsafe.
(02-09-2023, 11:40 AM)Goat_Real Wrote:
(02-09-2023, 08:01 AM)Kotlol Wrote: Officer Safety
LOOK OUT HE HAS A GLASS! *batons and handcuffs* ...Yea sounds lame and funny, but sometimes you just need a paranoid Security member that litterly goes: "BUT ITS FOR OFFICER SAFETY!" Be that guy once in a while that only advocates for Security, but not crew.
Still a good guy, abit overzealous that's all.
I'd recommend a bit more build-up before you go into the baton into cuffs. Maybe you could tell them they have a HIGHLY dangerous item in their hands and that they MUST put it down. Don't say what the item is and maybe gunpoint at them a little. Then, if they don't put down this HIGHLY dangerous item down then you could start firing at them. Probably don't cuff them and just wag your finger at them for being HIGHLY dangerous and unsafe.

Agreed this is one of those gimmicks that is gonna be very annoying.. but saying the item they are holding is DANGEROUS can lead to hilarity.
Infact think this as the uncle Jimbo's "HE'S COMING STRAIGHT FOR US!"

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