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Give Glowing Slurry mutagenic effects when infused
(02-09-2023, 11:45 AM)TDHooligan Wrote: if i'm remembering correctly it has a special, secret use in infusions that would not be helpful if this happened
While I am cognizant of Goon's desire to have fun secret interactions to learn, I don't think these should exist at the expense of features that make more sense or improve quality of life in some way. Obviously, I don't think the existing secret interaction should go away, but maybe it shouldn't be applied to Glowing Slurry in particular.

My personal take is that it would make more sense for the secret interaction Glowing Slurry currently has be shifted to another chemical that botany is less likely to have on hand and that currently does act as a mutagen while splicing (e.g. Stable Mutagen, Uranium), or another unusual plant extract botany can get that doesn't do anything when spliced right now (e.g. ????, Booster Enzyme, Melonium)*. Glowing slurry looks nigh-identical to mutagenic formula, and its in tray effects reflect it being a mutagen quite strongly - I think giving it mutagenic splicing effects makes more sense than whatever secret use it currently has.

(If anyone in the know would be willing to DM me with information on the secret effect, so that I can better evaluate this situation and the current behavior of Glowing Slurry, I would appreciate it. Obviously, not to share it, just so that I can better understand why things are as they are.)

*Just going to disclaim that I haven't personally tested these chemicals out while splicing - maybe they DO have their own secret effects.

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RE: Give Glowing Slurry mutagenic effects when infused - by RelentlessGarbage - 02-09-2023, 02:49 PM

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