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Give Botany's Seed Fabricators a TGUI for hacking
Exactly what the title says. At present, the Garden Gear vendors in botany - and a lot of other equipment that can be hacked, in my experience - has a nice TGUI insert into the normal machine interface when you open it up and use a multitool or wirecutters on it. The stand-alone seed fabricators, however, are one of the exceptions to this, as they pull up an ancient-looking hacking window separate from the clean-looking seed dispenser window.

This is extremely low priority - hacking works just fine with the old window - but it seems like an odd inconsistency when the Garden Gear sat immediately next to most of these Seed Fabricators has TGUI for hacking. Given that many of the the other fabricators (such as the general fabricators) don't have TGUI hacking yet, I'd imagine that this is something that will simply be implemented in due time, but in case it was something that had simply been missed I figured that it should be mentioned.

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Give Botany's Seed Fabricators a TGUI for hacking - by RelentlessGarbage - 01-31-2023, 06:31 AM

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