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BYOND Username: Caio029
Character Name: Winston Mercado
To go a bit more in-depth about the "exorcization" mechanic, a Chaplain would require to have the thrall bounded, sitting in a chair and surrounded by candles inside the Chapel. Once that's done, the Chaplain will have to give the Thrall a proper bible beating with a cooldown of 10 seconds(while automatically saying latin phrases, depending on what clothes the Chaplain is wearing), with a huge random chance for things to go wrong, ranging from everyone around the Thrall to get a short stun, to the bible getting burned up into the air to everything being thrown around to the thrall breaking free. Not excluding each other. With an initially 0% chance of successfully exorcizing the thrall and that chance slightly increasing each beating, the Chaplain would have to do a long Bible beating (I intend something from 10-20 beatings) with some support to restrain the Thrall and remain alive. At last, if the Thrall is dead-dead, there will be a good chance for them to revive, get a strong stamina/health buff and break free from their restraints, with a large but non-disruptive message that they have been brought back to life as a Thrall again, and should help their Vampire.
This whole idea makes Vampire rounds more dynamic and full of unexpected turns, and more centralized between the fight of the holy and the evil, besides being badass. I'd be leaning much more towards giving the Thrall and Vampire the advantage during this exorcization, since it *is* unfair how the Vampire wasted all their time getting thralls and they all get turned back into humans at the blink of an eye, but I've also got some worries about how this whole dynamic breaks as soon as there isn't a Chaplain. If there isn't a Chaplain (and the bigger chances are there isn't a Chaplain), Thralls are pretty much perma-dead with no chance to return to the game, unless through the respawn mechanic in RP servers. So I'd like to hear your ideas and what do you think of this mechanic.
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
Character Name: Selena James
While I am for Chaplain buffs to let em do shit.
Cause it means the only way for Thralls to come back is via the chaplain... wich means other antags will target the chaplain to remove them so the Vampire can cause chaos and remove crew. And I consider the Chaplain already HEAVILY TARGETED by antagonists for a "FREE KILL"
There is a reason the chaplain got a gun.
But the biggest reason, it doesn't make sense. If a thrall has been pre-scanned before thrall, they cannot be cloned after they die?
It's kinda lame to get removed from game cause the chaplain didn't save your soul...
And trust me... in Classic and you are a thrall... 90% for sure no one will drag you to the chapel and the chaplain will save you, if anything you will be killed cause THRALL! You are a kill for the robust players.
So to summerize the pros and cons.
- Gives Chaplain something to do.
- Gives a reason to use restraints on a thrall
- More reasons to target and remove the Chaplain.
- Perma-killed off cause an eager crewmate wanted you dead.
- Vagueness on being clone-scanned before thralling.
- Only adds steps to something that is easy.
While you want more dynamic, this ain't it chief. There is one thing SS13 is known for... being able to solve the problem yourself in some way without the required job.
A SCIENTIST can do engineering if they know how, they are just not EFFECIENT at it.
Chaplain for example is great for super natural stuff, but you can make Holy Water and make salt circles or even a skull latern to deal with this stuff yourself as a security officer. By adding a "CHAPLAIN" must be on board to save thralls... it removes any aspect of other jobs of saving their comrades.
You don't see the clown being the ONLY ONE to be able to make clown stuff appear right?
The only thing the chaplain can do is removed cursed objects from people (but at the same time for some reason they can't...sometimes they can.. it's weird)
But even then.. there are other ways of removing cursed items like Acid or just dieing and respawning.
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BYOND Username: LadyGeartheart
Character Name: Paladin
Reasons i oppose:
Automatic assumption of Christianity
The chaplain isn't always there and could be dead
I really dislike bible beatings by a holyman as a mechanic
Unnecessary slowdown of the combat against the strongest standard antag
Reasons i see merit
Giving a chaplain a power to drive out the evil of a thrall IN ADDITION to the normal methode could allow a chaplain with a puritan thrall who has been subdued to return to play
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
Character Name: Selena James
(01-30-2023, 05:47 AM)Silent Majority Wrote: Reasons i oppose:
Automatic assumption of Christianity
The chaplain isn't always there and could be dead
I really dislike bible beatings by a holyman as a mechanic
Unnecessary slowdown of the combat against the strongest standard antag
Reasons i see merit
Giving a chaplain a power to drive out the evil of a thrall IN ADDITION to the normal methode could allow a chaplain with a puritan thrall who has been subdued to return to play
Just have em say gibberish when they chant like Lorum ipsum.
But we agree on the fact it just is bad for players.
IF ANYTHING..I think the chaplain shouldn't force cure players but insted use holy water on the thrall as well and bible beatings just do alot of damage to thralls.
Non of this: "Perma death no cloning stuff"
Just have the chaplain be super effective like they are with the vampire.
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BYOND Username: Goat_Real
Character Name: Tin Claw
If you're going to go wanting to make thralls unclonable, why not try having them drink holy water to unthrall them? This allows the people besides the chaplain to unthrall. The process wouldn't be instant and work maybe like how a counter-rev implant would work? This would make it so the strong thralls, the ones with lots of blood, would require lots of holy water to unthrall while weaker thralls would need less holy water. I don't know about counter-play though since thralls aren't allowed to hold items if I remember correctly.
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BYOND Username: Kotlol
Character Name: Selena James
(02-01-2023, 01:53 PM)Goat_Real Wrote: If you're going to go wanting to make thralls unclonable, why not try having them drink holy water to unthrall them? This allows the people besides the chaplain to unthrall. The process wouldn't be instant and work maybe like how a counter-rev implant would work? This would make it so the strong thralls, the ones with lots of blood, would require lots of holy water to unthrall while weaker thralls would need less holy water. I don't know about counter-play though since thralls aren't allowed to hold items if I remember correctly.
They can hold items, they just don't pick things up INSTANTLY, it takes for them about 1.5 seconds to grab something.