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BYOND Username: Rhassalan
Character Name: Haelath Voranne, Ratham, Phaelbot, Assorted Others
So, a situation cropped up. Not naming names but as an antag I was conversing with a character and while they were moving I stung them (as changeling). The person falling over was witnessed by another as they fainted so I ran with the body. Chase ensued which I was enjoying and, in the end, I was able to escape with the body and absorbed them. After this I get a hivemind message of 'I was AFK. I thought this was RP.' Not once did this person state they were going AFK. We're not talking someone standing in a corner with the SSD tag in the examine, but someone who had been talking and moving moments before.
Now, the question is.. should it be up to the Antag to know the person is AFK or should the other person STATE they are going AFK?
It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth because what's stopping someone from just pushing their keyboard away the moment something happens and saying 'Dude! I was afk!' the moment it's over.
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just my 2c, but you can ahelp stuff like this in the future if you didnt this time around.
AFK happens, 30-second disconnects with no examine text happen. no one's at fault for these things, it is just a game and prone to the things all games are prone to--client crashes, interruptions from life.
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(11-28-2022, 10:56 PM)Rhassalan Wrote: So, a situation cropped up. Not naming names but as an antag I was conversing with a character and while they were moving I stung them (as changeling). The person falling over was witnessed by another as they fainted so I ran with the body. Chase ensued which I was enjoying and, in the end, I was able to escape with the body and absorbed them. After this I get a hivemind message of 'I was AFK. I thought this was RP.' Not once did this person state they were going AFK. We're not talking someone standing in a corner with the SSD tag in the examine, but someone who had been talking and moving moments before.
Now, the question is.. should it be up to the Antag to know the person is AFK or should the other person STATE they are going AFK?
It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth because what's stopping someone from just pushing their keyboard away the moment something happens and saying 'Dude! I was afk!' the moment it's over.
as the other person mentioned this is something that should be ahelped, but its worth noting, antags are allowed to antagonise afk people and are immune to most of the rules dealing with afk people, you didnt do anything wrong and there was no easy way for you to tell they were afk anyway if you were expressing curtesy. The antag who had their round ended early may get an antagonist token (or maybe even an effective respawn if an admin was present during the round), such is the purpose of these tools.
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BYOND Username: Rhassalan
Character Name: Haelath Voranne, Ratham, Phaelbot, Assorted Others
11-29-2022, 06:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2022, 07:07 AM by Rhassalan. Edited 4 times in total.)
I will add that it was ahelped, but not by me. Had a good conversation with the admin over it (though I may have been a tad heated at the time because, as I said, it left a bad taste in my mouth). I was told by the admin, categorically, that it's not cool to go after AFK people before I clarified the event. Then when the round ended I was called 'cringe' and told to 'go back to classic' by the AFKer in OOC. I just didn't want to go into too much detail in the original post as I felt the important question is: Should it be up to the antag to figure out if the person is AFK or if the person going AFK should let it be known they are going AFK?
Most likely it's obvious that I think it would be common curtosy to say 'LOOC: Hey, man. Gotta AFK real quick!' rather than lamenting after the fact and calling the non-psychic cringe.
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What most people say:
If you don't announce AFK, it's your fault you get killed. Go somewhere safe 1st (hiding in a locker doesnt count) or go into cryo for 5 mins.
If you announce AFK for a 1 or 2 mins. It would be rude if someone else kills you, but no where in the rules does it say: "YOU CANT DO THIS" It's a heavy Faux Pas.
Personally don't.. if you know the person is AFK, don't kill em. But if they still get killed in the end because an antagonist runs up to them or a bomb goes off nearby where neither players nor antagonist knew of their area... Again.. afker's fault.
Also let's move on to SSD players as an antagonist. I for one, do not kill SSD players when I find them. I mostly bring them to cryo.... yes that's right I as an antagonist will cryo your ass and stop my antagonizing so you can return later. (Unless I am doing something big.. then you are colleteral, sorry, I can't Robust and SSD)
BUTTT... if you hide in a locker and SSD, then I will kill you. If you sleep on a bed and SSD? I will kill you. Cause now you intentionally logged off in spots hoping no one will bug you since you are "taking a nap", thus you have left your charater IN RP vunerable.
If you want to afk for a quick min or 2? Fine.. go ahead. But do it somewhere safely, but don't get angry you might get killed since that's what AFKing gets you.
If you willingly go SSD on a bed or locker? You are free game.
But if I see someone SSD in a maintance shaft, bar, middle of the hallway/department , I will just put em in the Cryo.
DO NOT STAY IN THE OPEN! And don't go like: It's only 3 mins.. I gotta wait 2 mins to get back in.. guess what.. it's either you take the full L of waiting 5 mins "SAFELY" or Afk for 3 mins and RISK being killed.
If you afk longer then 5 minutes... you are free to kill. Cause you could have used that time to cryo.
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BYOND Username: Lord_Earthfire
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11-29-2022, 10:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2022, 10:29 AM by Lord_earthfire.)
Personally, i have been jelled at by an admin for calling out SSD targets as eyespider. So i that makes me steer away for going against afk targets as antag.
(11-29-2022, 06:48 AM)Rhassalan Wrote: Then when the round ended I was called 'cringe' and told to 'go back to classic' by the AFKer in OOC.
well... that's cringe behaviour of that person.
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BYOND Username: Jan.antilles
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11-29-2022, 10:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2022, 10:52 AM by jan.antilles. Edited 1 time in total.)
Do not attack/antagonise people who are AFK/staring into space on the roleplay server. If they're AFK, you can't escalate with them in any meaningful way. Take them to Cryo.
Messing with people who are AFK/disconnected/staring into space is not against the rules on the Classic servers because of the lack of the escalation expectation.
That being said: accidents happen. No one is expected to be omniscient.
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(11-29-2022, 10:50 AM)jan.antilles Wrote: Do not attack/antagonise people who are AFK/staring into space on the roleplay server. If they're AFK, you can't escalate with them in any meaningful way. Take them to Cryo.
Messing with people who are AFK/disconnected/staring into space is not against the rules on the Classic servers because of the lack of the escalation expectation.
That being said: accidents happen. No one is expected to be omniscient.
No exceptions? Got it.
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Mid-convo like this situation specifically? Definitely not your fault. You had no way of knowing they were going afk and typing in looc: BRB takes likes seconds.
In these it depends on on the situation.
Generally I wanna say if you’re going AFK you should show that in some way. Examine takes a second, typing in looc or over the freq you’re taking a locker nap/going ssd is really easy. Cryo is obvious. If you’re in conversation or chasing a baddie, only to step away from the game wordlessly I can’t really say it’s the antags fault that they get you while AFK. You aren’t psychic, yknow!
If the antag goes after someone who is ssd thats on the antag. If they aren’t moving or talking and haven’t been for a while seems obvious. Anything besides that ahelp and talk to the admins to see how to go about it. This said on RP I wanna say antags are generally good at escalation.
I know there’s some situations you can’t help though. In instances of like. A bombing or a shoot out or the like, if you die while ssd during those it’s just kinda. Cross fire. Sucks but you’ll be back in 10.
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(11-29-2022, 06:48 AM)Rhassalan Wrote: Then when the round ended I was called 'cringe' and told to 'go back to classic' by the AFKer in OOC. I just didn't want to go into too much detail in the original post as I felt the important question is: Should it be up to the antag to figure out if the person is AFK or if the person going AFK should let it be known they are going AFK? More detail! if you are willing, Also him saying go back to classic and calling you cringe is just trying to get you to leave, Violating rule 6, Be kind to other players. Be respectful and considerate of other players, as their experiences are just as important as your own. Do not use LOOC or other means of communication to put down other players or accuse them of rulebreaking. If your problem with another player extends to rulebreaking, press F1 to contact the admins. It is your responsibility to respect the boundaries of others when you RP. If you feel uncomfortable, or worry that people are uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to use LOOC to communicate. Furthermore, do not advantage your friends in game or exclude others from roleplaying opportunities without good cause.
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My two cents which are worth less than a nickel.
If I'm standing up not reacting but not staring blankly into space in a main hallway something urgent came up and I had to AFK really quickly yeah please leave me alone.
If I'm not reacting while in the crew quarters sleeping in a bed still not staring blankly into space it's because I had to AFK but not urgently and wanted to roleplay sleeping and the vulnerabilities that come with it, so murder away you bloodsucking vampires.