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What rev did wrong and how to fix it (maybe).
Revolution was most often a failure, but when it worked, with a few players defending the heads and revs who didn't just rampage across the station it was better than nuke.
It can get involved half the population of the server (because there's always some boring dude who will sit in electronics) to do what we like to do best, murder and crime.

There were issues that often turned it into a grief fest, maybe someone should give it a shot and see if it can be fixed.

There is a LOT of revs, and they are all murdering.
We could take something from spy mode and give revheads a four use injector. Each rev would only see an overlay on the slaves of his own master. The heads would still see each other however.
This would create smaller cells that can't just randomly murder, but need to coordinate if they don't want to fight each other.
On a 50+ people server it would still give 3 heads, plus 4 slaves per head, 15 people against 35.

Where the hell did the heads hide?
A time limit to deal with heads that hide in a closet was not a bad idea. However, there could be anonymous tips sent to the pdas of heads/revheads past a certain time, which reveal the position of a random head from the other side. A secret source tells us that Scub Mcscrubbin is in Tech Storage.
This would give people a reason to hold on to pdas and keep the messanger on. And let heads fortify their hideout for a stand insdead of diving in a disposal chute to never get found.

This guy might be a rev, how the hell do I know for sure?
If revs have implants, it will be clear when the implant is removed and the rev is loyal again. It should encourage capturing live ones instead of murdering anybody who seems hostile.

There is no police, what are heads supposed to do.
A few loyaltly implants should be brought back, and they should prevent a spy implant to work if that is injected afterwards.
If you loyalty implant someone who is already a rev without removing he mindslave implant however the joke is on you.
Never ever bring back rev mad
ngl if we fix gang that'd be way more fun than rev ever was

if revs had some sort of goal to capture revs to ransom them to NT instead of killing them things would be a bit more balanced, heads would know who's a rev and they wouldn't just be randomly jumped and killed in the first five minutes
Well spy is what was made to replace the awful revolution mode, but spy is literally rev mode 2.0. I think that spy mode COULD be a good replacement but as of now it just doesn't work well. One of the main things rev did perfectly is that you can see your fellow revs. I think that spy would be 100% better if you could see your fellow mindslaved individuals. The only problem with that is that you'd know if a mindslave implant failed but UGHHHHHHHHHH I would totally be willing to give that up for an actual working and fun spy mode.

As of now spy is played as such: Inject some dudes in your department/security. Kill everyone. Escape on the shuttle.

The main reason it is played as such is because there is no way to get a spy vs. spy mechanic going since if you catch a spy doing spy things and you're a spy you have to murder them or they'll murder you. It'd be better if the spymasters all had opposing objectives but the explicit rules that the spymasters are not to harm/cause harm to each other. This way it would encourage the spymaster to send out his henchmen to do his dirty work and to ensure that there is something (hopefully) interesting going on during the whole round. For instance, one of them gets the objective to murder the captain, while another gets the objective to capture the captain alive and keep him from escaping on the escape shuttle.
Concerning your "Notice the implant failed", what if they just make it so you can see if someone has been implanted? Like, that's what the "I" stands for? Maybe a special pair of sunglasses for spymasters that has metal detectors built in or something? It would keep you from (accidentally) implanting other dudes dudes, give you a big warning when someone who you didn't implant shows up with the "I" over his head, still allow other spymasters to retain the element of surprise if they get implanted and it doesn't take, plus security could stage raids and double agents by putting a loyalty implant in people, since it doesn't tell you what kind of implant someone has.

Maybe give a pair of those glasses to the HoS too? So, if a traitor implants the captain, he can just shrug it off with "Oh, I have a machine-translator", but if the HoS sees 25 dudes walking around with implants, he knows something's up?
Captain_Bravo Wrote:Concerning your "Notice the implant failed", what if they just make it so you can see if someone has been implanted? Like, that's what the "I" stands for? Maybe a special pair of sunglasses for spymasters that has metal detectors built in or something? It would keep you from (accidentally) implanting other dudes dudes, give you a big warning when someone who you didn't implant shows up with the "I" over his head, still allow other spymasters to retain the element of surprise if they get implanted and it doesn't take, plus security could stage raids and double agents by putting a loyalty implant in people, since it doesn't tell you what kind of implant someone has.

Maybe give a pair of those glasses to the HoS too? So, if a traitor implants the captain, he can just shrug it off with "Oh, I have a machine-translator", but if the HoS sees 25 dudes walking around with implants, he knows something's up?

Yeah that would be a good work around for it, other than the fact that the mindslaves would still not know who is with or against them. It makes it really hard to come together as a team when the only way you recognize each other is the clothing they're wearing. Maybe other people memorize names but I SUCK at names, so perhaps this is a non-issue for most people. But yeah, I dig it.
Hmm... No, you're right, there should be a way to tell... What if we make it so implanting someone with a multi-use implanter gives them a special birthmark that's unique to that implanter for that round? So, if someone is a mindslave and they examine someone else, they could notice "This person has a mole in the shape of a butt on his face." "This person has a clown-shaped birthmark". Non-implantees can't notice either, so, spymasters or security won't have a dead giveaway.

And, if you wanted to bring back Rev, just make a special spymaster round where all the spymasters have the objectives "All heads must be eliminated" and "All fellow spies must be alive at the end of the round" and give spymasters the ability to purchase pinpointers.
Klayboxx Wrote:As of now spy is played as such: Inject some dudes in your department/security. Kill everyone. Escape on the shuttle.

Yea I've noticed this a lot too. Usually in a spy round a guy establishes his little fiefdom with a few other people and just starts murdering people in the halls in the most boring way possible. Instead of, you know, being a spy. Trying to actually talk to others and infiltrate other spy groups has the potential to be the most fun thing ever. If people changed their mindset about it I think it could be much better. Maybe some gear additions too to get the USE STEALTH thing across.
I don't want to hear your spy things, make yourselves a spy thread.
Clarks Wrote:I don't want to hear your spy things, make yourselves a spy thread.
What you suggested is essentially spy, with the objective of killing heads/security instead.
The problem with spy and rev imho was:
1) Being able to FORCE people to join your team
Flashing was lame as shit because it just became a numbers race, and people didn't resist because becoming a rev was fun. Multi-use implanters are still lame because it's still a numbers race, you're still going to scope out the better players, encroaching on the meta ground.
The fix: No flash, no implanter. Your team-mates are out there, but you gotta find them. There's this thing on other servers that would work perfectly for finding your team-mates, and requires no coding. Word association. You are given the words a random collection of words like: "Toilet, Clown, Beepsky" and so are your team-mates. There's no team leader. Can you imagine the hilarious paranoia of being a spy and trying to find you team-mates by instigating conversation:
Spy team red #1: "Hey, there's a clown in the toilet being stunned by beepsky, I have some of his stuff to sell, if you want it?"
Enemy spy team blue: "What, why would I want a clown's shit?"
Spy team red #2: "Hey man, I'll buy some of the clowns stuff, yeah"
Enemy spy starts to get suspicious and tries to murder spy team red #1 but backfires when #2 reveals his side and kills him.

2: Telecrystals
Compare with the nuke ops: They are armed to the teeth, but there's only 5 of them and the entire station is against them.
Spy/rev: Completely unbalanced, even if the team leader is the only one with telecrystals. It's not the amount of telecrystals, it's the amount of players that use them.
The fix: No telecrystals. You start off with an agent card in your pocket, and that's it. You want some cool gadgets? Make them or go and buy them, your agent card can get you some cool stuff.
Rev and spy are different modes with different dynamics.

Rev was never a stealthy mode, it was basically team deathmatch. And it worked best when both sides pushed at each other or when the heads fortified somewhere and the revs tried to break through.

The main problem with rev was always the imbalance in team numbers and the difficulty in identifying rev heads when they went stealth.

Let's talk about revv here. Pack all your spy toys and get out.
we don't need another horrible broken game mode while there's already a horrible broken game mode in the rotation
I like the idea of kidnapping heads rather then killing them.

Perhaps there could be a syndicate shuttle that could be called to old arrivals

Knock a head out, handcuff em, and sneak em to that shuttle.

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