07-30-2022, 09:14 AM
Usual character name: Paul Miller
BYOND username: Patfur
Discord username (if you are on our discord):
Recommended by (if applicable): I have asked a lot of people "Would I be a good HoS" and almost all of them said yes, they didn't recommend me to write it but they gave me the motivation to do so.
Goon servers you play: Goon 2 Classic: Bombini
Reason for application: The entire station on goon 2 often gets wiped out by antagonists easily because of the lack of security or cooperation between the security team. If there was an HoS present on goon 2 (which I didn't see in a long time), I think that more people would be interested in joining the security team, and as the HoS I could coordinate the officers to plan attacks on the more dangerous antagonists.
Security experience (300 word minimum):
I started playing security about three months after my first shift, I quit very often due to being unrobust and incompetent. However I kept coming back as I became more robust and more familiar with the game, and with time I started doing better, I arrested correctly more often, and My demise became unusual. When I got good at sec, I began thinking of ideas that could make my life and my teammates' lives easier. I decided to be more talkative with the crewmembers and my team, did forensics more often, and began to gear myself up more accurately. I always found the shifts with a big security team better, since they were calmer and it is fun to talk with other people, it also is great because you know you will be able to plan attacks in dangerous situations like when there is a shambling abomination killing everyone on the station, I learned that with a team these monsters are easily defeated. Goon 2 often gets 1 officer per shift however it has recently gotten up to 3 or 2, On the shifts where I am alone I have to be more on guard to not get killed permanently by the dangerous antagonists. When I play alone as security, I often carry a calomel auto-injector because, in the case that I get stung by a changeling I can use it to save myself, you usually will get knocked out before you can take some action against it. I often think of more smart ideas like the auto-injector and recently I thought of an idea where if an officer enters crit a securitron is automatically sent to them, this idea requires a very good understanding of packets which I still don't have, I think that I am getting close to doing it, I don't know if it is even possible, but I hope that I could at least upgrade the securitron app to send securitrons to a location without me being there.
Answer two or more of the following:
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
I sadly can't write poems, and I'm just starting to draw, so nothing from these categories.
Previous bans:
All of my bans happened when I was new to ss13, I didn't read the rulesand did a lot of weird stuff.
This application probably won't receive a lot of feedback since I only play on goon 2 (where there is almost no one with a forums account), but it's still worth trying.
BYOND username: Patfur
Discord username (if you are on our discord):
Recommended by (if applicable): I have asked a lot of people "Would I be a good HoS" and almost all of them said yes, they didn't recommend me to write it but they gave me the motivation to do so.
Goon servers you play: Goon 2 Classic: Bombini
Reason for application: The entire station on goon 2 often gets wiped out by antagonists easily because of the lack of security or cooperation between the security team. If there was an HoS present on goon 2 (which I didn't see in a long time), I think that more people would be interested in joining the security team, and as the HoS I could coordinate the officers to plan attacks on the more dangerous antagonists.

Security experience (300 word minimum):
I started playing security about three months after my first shift, I quit very often due to being unrobust and incompetent. However I kept coming back as I became more robust and more familiar with the game, and with time I started doing better, I arrested correctly more often, and My demise became unusual. When I got good at sec, I began thinking of ideas that could make my life and my teammates' lives easier. I decided to be more talkative with the crewmembers and my team, did forensics more often, and began to gear myself up more accurately. I always found the shifts with a big security team better, since they were calmer and it is fun to talk with other people, it also is great because you know you will be able to plan attacks in dangerous situations like when there is a shambling abomination killing everyone on the station, I learned that with a team these monsters are easily defeated. Goon 2 often gets 1 officer per shift however it has recently gotten up to 3 or 2, On the shifts where I am alone I have to be more on guard to not get killed permanently by the dangerous antagonists. When I play alone as security, I often carry a calomel auto-injector because, in the case that I get stung by a changeling I can use it to save myself, you usually will get knocked out before you can take some action against it. I often think of more smart ideas like the auto-injector and recently I thought of an idea where if an officer enters crit a securitron is automatically sent to them, this idea requires a very good understanding of packets which I still don't have, I think that I am getting close to doing it, I don't know if it is even possible, but I hope that I could at least upgrade the securitron app to send securitrons to a location without me being there.

Answer two or more of the following:
- What advice would you give to other sec players?
- Always Carry a Calomel auto-injector or something similar that purges your bloodstream from chemicals, it could help you when you get poisoned, stung by a changeling, or stabbed with a sleepy pen.
- I don't recommend listening to intense music, instead, listen to something calm, when I started playing security, intense music made me overconfident which often lead to my quick death.
- You should try to learn the basics of every department as this could help you differentiate between crime and regular work.
- What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
- A small medbay in the brig to heal the prisoners in critical condition or the security force itself. This idea may be a bad addition to small maps like atlas, but on maps where medbay is very far away, a room with a nanomed dispenser, a defibrillator, and a bunch of other medical supplies could help ease the process of arresting someone.
- Or maybe the opposite of the last point, a small security booth in medbay, a lot of the maps I play on don't have that, which often leads to chaos and death in the medbay. Oshan has a security booth near medbay and I tend to use it more than the other booths because it's in a good location.
- Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
- When I play alone I often tend to be more careful, as no one is there to help me in difficult situations, I am forced to ignore the small crimes and focus on the big offenses.
- As a member of a big security team, I often talk with the other officers and try to engage teamwork with the entire security team, this makes all of us closer to each other and helps us last through the entire shift.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
I sadly can't write poems, and I'm just starting to draw, so nothing from these categories.
- What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
Previous bans:
All of my bans happened when I was new to ss13, I didn't read the rulesand did a lot of weird stuff.
- I depressurized most of the hallways by breaking down the walls.
- I spaced someone as a dare, and shortly after that, I got banned.
- After failing at toxins I called myself the r-word even after receiving multiple warnings from the admins.
This application probably won't receive a lot of feedback since I only play on goon 2 (where there is almost no one with a forums account), but it's still worth trying.