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Fire Alarms
Could the clunky popup interface for Fire Alarms go away forever? Nobody ever ever ever ever uses the timer delay, just simply clicking the alarm to turn it on/off would be great
I regularly use the timer delay when I'm a traitor... it annoys the hell out of people.
Set time delay to 1 minute. No one ever checks. synchronize every for alarm to that rough time as you run around. Laugh like an idiot when people start screaming AI FORELOCK left and right
As a captain traitor once i collected as many crowbars as possible then i set all the alarms to go off at the same time big grin
herpmcderp Wrote:As a captain traitor once i collected as many crowbars as possible then i set all the alarms to go off at the same time big grin

Mad geniuses, All of you. Firelocks are hell spawned.
One round, as Chief Engineer, I instructed my minions to gather every single wrench on the station, by force if needed. I then took a sheet of metal and created about a billion rack parts to scatter about the station. v

I ended up dying by jumping out an airlock after the golden wrench, and realized afterwards that I had forgotten to take out the manufacturers... but it was still pretty damn fun!
For actual content: How hard would it be to code in to the fire alarms two different reactions, based on the fire alarm state?

What I mean is, if the alarm is not currently going off, clicking it brings up the normal popup menu. If the alarm is active, and blinking, then clicking it will just automatically turn off the alarm and lift the doors.
Captain_Bravo Wrote:For actual content: How hard would it be to code in to the fire alarms two different reactions, based on the fire alarm state?

What I mean is, if the alarm is not currently going off, clicking it brings up the normal popup menu. If the alarm is active, and blinking, then clicking it will just automatically turn off the alarm and lift the doors.
But that'd eliminate half the fun of dying In a fire outside the airbridge because the fire locks keep closing at just the wrong moment
i don't get why firealarms automatically detect heat and close, it never allows a fire to get past toxins if it is a genuine accident, or engineering.

also its pretty fucking annoying when the detective happens to be smoking a cigarette and you are stick in a corridor for a couple of minutes waiting for crowbar rescue.

firealarms should be like in real life, you pull the alarm if you see the fire, making it this way will spawn a bunch of fun scenarios where people didn't see the fire coming and oh god suddenly escape and medbay is on fire.
Make it possible to hack open the fire alarms and connect the proximity and remote signallers to them.

I want fire doors to activate every time someone walks up to a fire alarm.

Also trigger a bunch with one radio signal along with a bomb.
Shoddy Wrote:i don't get why firealarms automatically detect heat and close, it never allows a fire to get past toxins if it is a genuine accident, or engineering.

also its pretty fucking annoying when the detective happens to be smoking a cigarette and you are stick in a corridor for a couple of minutes waiting for crowbar rescue.

firealarms should be like in real life, you pull the alarm if you see the fire, making it this way will spawn a bunch of fun scenarios where people didn't see the fire coming and oh god suddenly escape and medbay is on fire.
I could not agree even more. In certain areas, the auto-close makes them death traps when a plasma fire occurs. It also makes it EXTREMELY hard to extinguish plasma fires in the engine room. This should happen when an alarm is Emaged not normally.
epicdwarf Wrote:
Shoddy Wrote:i don't get why firealarms automatically detect heat and close, it never allows a fire to get past toxins if it is a genuine accident, or engineering.

also its pretty fucking annoying when the detective happens to be smoking a cigarette and you are stick in a corridor for a couple of minutes waiting for crowbar rescue.

firealarms should be like in real life, you pull the alarm if you see the fire, making it this way will spawn a bunch of fun scenarios where people didn't see the fire coming and oh god suddenly escape and medbay is on fire.
I could not agree even more. In certain areas, the auto-close makes them death traps when a plasma fire occurs. It also makes it EXTREMELY hard to extinguish plasma fires in the engine room. This should happen when an alarm is Emaged not normally.
If this happens, it'd be kind of cool to see a Smoke Detector added that goes off if smoke occupies the tile next to it. It'd also stop mad chemists from smoking up everything.
I will, however, miss getting to smoke up everything.
ctrl-click should quick-activate them like with airlocks when you're a borg

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