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On Oshan Werewolves should be Weresharks
Having recently watched Jaws, werewolves on Oshan should totally be weresharks
This seems like way more work than it's worth. Considering it would require a bunch of new audio, sprites, and ability icons.
I'm all up for the idea, but like Dim said, it's allot of work for really no gain. So you better do the legwork yourself.
just recolor the werewolf sprites and ability tabs to be blue
and you'd need to replace the scooby doo accent with a curly from the three stooges accent
While fun for just a flavoring. I don't see any point to it overall.

We got sea monkeys too for Oshan though but they can also be obtained in space, same as water chickens.
If someone made it their personal spriting and coding pr I wouldn’t object.
It should actually be a sea bear, you’ll be safe as long as you draw your anti-sea bear circle on the floor

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