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Authetication Disk alternate uses.
Ah yes the coveted Capn's disk that needs to stay out of Nukies hands.
There is just one problem.. not every round is nukies.
And on RP, nukies are ADMIN ONLY. So 90% of the rounds, the captain is just carrying this thing they can litterly leave anywhere and no one will bat an eye.

I suggest the disk have more alternate that the captain has more reasons to be targeted. And before you say:
"Well taking out the captain for their ID is a thing"
The captain's spare ID gets more stolen then anything in RP rounds then anything. If there is an antagonist somewhere...There is a high chance the ID gets swiped for their crimes. I am not sure on Classic.

Either way the point of the disk is that it has a tracking device on it so that both nukies and the captain can find it at all times.
Sure you can steal cap's pintpointer in RP to track the captain at all times, but the captain can also just ditch the disk...

So yes.. on RP the disk is litterly worthless if not a litteral way to track the captain at all time unless an admin gives a use.

So what shall we change of it so that it has use for non nukie rounds/RP server rounds?

One of them is simple... the disk allows you to make any ID the captain's ID, but that basicly exists, but now it's shadow hidden. So no need to steal the spare and such, but that's the weakest suggestion.

The disk can authorize Security Borgs to hunt down a target.
YOU HEARD ME BORGS! Not beepskies.
We talking heavily armed borgs that aren't player controlled... and can be set to Lethal or Stun.

"What if the Captain uses it for grief?" A-help it, but if the captain does this.. IT WILL LITTERLY SAY: "A security borg has been called to "capture/execute" <<Target Player>>" 

Note it will only call 1 per 10 mins. So it's not spammable and it's a borg that can cause chaos but it's still a borg you can take down. How to balance the borg we will decide later.. but yes. The disk can call down a borg wich "drops" into the station and starts hunting the mark.
Doing so will tip off everyone that the manhunt has begun...

Thus if stolen... the antag can use this to cause mayhem... 
Edit: I think the security borg will have enough fire power of one fully decked out security officer. The only difference is they keep going and they can track their target from a large range. Calling this borg down is considered a final resort.
The auth disk also has packet nerdery uses too right?
Yes, it does.
(05-27-2022, 07:16 AM)zcrow Wrote: The auth disk also has packet nerdery uses too right?

I DID NOT KNOW THIS!! Mostly since I never touched package stuff....

But yea.. that proves another problem. Not knowing and how to do it...
So yea.. more alternative uses maybe?
Yeah the disk is useful for packet nerds but besides that it could use more shenanigans.
(05-28-2022, 04:53 AM)TheMaskedMan2 Wrote: Yeah the disk is useful for packet nerds but besides that it could use more shenanigans.

Yea something more direct and easier then packet nerding, since not everyone knows how to packet nerd or would want to packet nerd.
Aka more direct methodes of wanting to take the disk or use it as a captain. Make it valuable outside of NUKIES and for RP.

Aka my dumb "killer borg" idea.
I am willing to hear other suggestions too. That's why I opened this idea. To give that disk more uses that we all want to see.
In the end.. I don't have the "PERFECT IDEA" but "AN IDEA"

So anyone else want to help the disk become more valuable to antagonists and captains so the Spare ID isn't the focus of most antags/clowns?

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