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[CLOSED PR] Enables hunger motive on classic servers
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About the PR

This PR enables the hunger motive for all players on classic servers.
It depletes at the same rate as the RP server hunger motive, you'll generally have to make time to eat twice in a 60 minute long round.
I tested this locally and it seemed to work fine, but I'm writing this at work and would appreciate some folks looking over this and making sure I didn't do it the dumb way.

Why's this needed?

I've long discussed how the Chef suffers from a lack of responsability. The crew don't need him and he doesn't need the crew. Sure, if they do cooperate, the chef can cook with more interesting ingredients and the crew gain access to more food buffs which is great. But they can just as easily ignore each other.

This PR would draw the crew together at the kitchen/cafe/bar roughly twice per round, a mandated lunch and dinner-time when crew naturally get hungry.

The Chef gets to spend the start of their round preparing for the lunch service, safe in the knowledge that their dishes will be eaten.
The crew have to take a small break from their work to head to a central location and spend 30 seconds eating food. (Shenanigans will likely occur during this time, in the same way that they do when the shuttle arrives.)

Note: There are numerous other ways for a crewmember to obtain food, so if a Chef isn't present or they don't want to stop what they're doing, they're welcome to head towards a vending machine or their lunhcbox or otherwise plan ahead expecting to be hungry once every half-hour.


(*)Enabled the hunger motive on classic servers.


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[CLOSED PR] Enables hunger motive on classic servers - by github_bot - 04-21-2022, 07:52 AM

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