HoS application (Louise Valentine)
Usual character name: Louise Valentine (I also play as Patty and Bianca depending on the department, but Louise is my sec main)
BYOND username: Cthulhutacos
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Cthulhutacos (Hunter#3911)
Goon servers you play: I always play RP3 and RP4

Reason for application: I've played a pretty solid amount of hours as sec, and a lot of times I end up in rounds that don't have an HoS. I generally prefer detective to sec, but I'd like to be able to fill in as a head when there isn't one. The other reason is because I think I've learned a decent amount about Sec specifically, and while I wouldn't want to apply for mentorship, I think I could do a good job at teaching newer Sec the ropes.

Security experience (300 word minimum): I started out as Sec about two months ago now, and I've been mainly a sec main since then. I don't actually remember the name of the other security who was on, but it was like 3am and there was just me and one other sec, who was nice enough to teach me the ropes of pretty much everything as an assistant. After that I spent about 15-20 hours playing Sec, and eventaully I transitioned into playing detective, which is more my main now. I like Security, but I generally find the investigating and interrogating part more fun than having to actually hit people with my baton. Usually I leave the revolver behind because I like to do kind of a Columbo thing RP wise where I don't carry my gun. But other than that, I've had probably about 30-40 Sec/Det hours of experience, and been enjoying it so far. There's a lot of people I recognize a lot that I like seeing.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    The biggest piece of advice I have is that I've seen some new Sec assistants get a little too bloodthirsty to start swinging their baton. I don't see much killing, but very rarely I'll see someone who goes straight to beating up a staff assistant for something minor. I try to correct it when I see it, though I sometimes just tell the Head and let them handle it.  To be honest though, I've largely had good experiences with other Sec. I can count on one hand the number of things I've seen that I didn't think were right, and in general my experiences have all been positive and there isn't much I'd really advise them to do differently.
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    Probably my favorite moment so far as Sec was the Nuclear Operative round we had a few weeks ago on one of the RP servers. I'd never been in the Armory before and I had never played Nuclear before, so finding out there's a nuke on the station and having it turn into a full on shootout in medbay was fucking terrifying. I died almost immediately because I tried to throw my baton at someone and got sniped through a wall, but it was still fun. Another one of my favorites was when we had someone who was playing a Changeling that didn't know what they were, and we were trying to apprehend someone who couldn't control themself.
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
    I wish the Detective's non lethal rounds were more obviously non lethal to other people. I've had a few times where in an emergency I needed to stop someone so I fired my stun rounds (although nowadays my detective character doesn't carry a gun at all) and the person lost their shit and thought I was shooting them with real bullets. The sound and the effect of being hit by it is a little too similar to real bullets, and having a different effect would be nice, although it isn't a huge deal.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.
    Generally when I'm part of a full Sec team I try to work with the others a lot. I don't do arrests by myself, I usually wait for backup and communicate constantly on where I'm patrolling and what I'm looking for.  When I'm mostly alone (just like me and an assistant) I still communicate a lot more, but I try and organize things. I don't try to boss people around obviously, but I try and at least sort out what we're doing and if we're looking for someone.
    I've also played 4am games where it's just me on Sec staff, in which case I usually pick an assistant or even the Captain to enlist the help of. I had a game a few days ago where it was just me (a det) as  the sole Security officer. The Captain stopped by the Brig to check in on us, and it ended up in like a buddy cop thing of me and the Captain, which was fun. I was unfortunately eaten by a Changeling, who then pretended to be me, but luckily the shuttle killed them. It was a fun experience though.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
    I wrote this Haiku to memorialize a round I had as a Scientist.
    Ice Moon killed six guys But I found a cool spiderSecurity threw it back
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    I'll admit I'm not very good with coming up with Gimmicks. I had a gimmick a while ago that I dedicated myself to as an officer for the entire round when we had a Wraith, where I was focused entirely on trying to recruit the ghost to join Sec, but unfortunately it didn't work. I've had another idea of recruiting a doctor or psychologist to try and rehabilitate the weirder prisoners as a fun little side thing.
  • Draw a picture!
    https://i.imgur.com/pFeOZyR.png my usual sec character
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I've never been banned.
not a recommendation in either direction, i just want you to hold onto the thought: in the role of hos and aec general, you have to be able to make context-dependent decisions based on the course of the round. for the rp servers in particular, this sometimes means dealing out punishments earlier or later than you'd expect in the round duration. not all antag actions fit a mould of spiking near the mid-end of a round, and sometimes the biggest things are happening only minutes before the shuttle arrives.
it's important as hos to keep that in mind to make those context-dependent decisions, which i've seen you struggle with.
best of luck.
(04-16-2022, 05:35 AM)nefarious6th Wrote: not a recommendation in either direction, i just want you to hold onto the thought: in the role of hos and aec general, you have to be able to make context-dependent decisions based on the course of the round. for the rp servers in particular, this sometimes means dealing out punishments earlier or later than you'd expect in the round duration. not all antag actions fit a mould of spiking near the mid-end of a round, and sometimes the biggest things are happening only minutes before the shuttle arrives.
it's important as hos to keep that in mind to make those context-dependent decisions, which i've seen you struggle with.
best of luck.

Thanks for the feedback, I've definitely had some issues with being indecisive, although I think I've gotten a decent bit better at that. I'll admit I'm not entirely sure on what I should do to improve in terms of dealing with punishments specifically, I usually prioritize ticketing and brig time over anything else. If you have any specific feedback on times I should have done stuff differently I'd appreciate it, I'm not expecting to get approved but I would appreciate help improving at it. Thanks!

(Hopefully this doesn't come off as arguing, I'm just trying to improve at it).
I've played a few shifts with Louise, she is listening to comms, trying to talk with a suspect first and overall a good officer.
Recently played several shifts with you on the Sec team. You had good communication, good participation, and seems like you've taken feedback to heart as you were proactive in handling situations to an appropriate level given the circumstance.

Keep putting in Sec time and if it doesn't happen this time around, please definitely reapply in the future as you seem to be in it for the right reasons!
I would like to add on to my application as it's been a while, and mention that my reason for applying and wanting HoS has very slightly changed. as of the last few weeks, there is almost never a HoS available during the times that I play. A lot of these times I've ended up organizing things myself and taking on a kind of unofficial organizer role in Sec to try and gets things working more smoothly, as it tends to be complete chaos. This has given me a lot of experience in the kind of duties a HoS handles, and I believe that I would put it to a lot of use, seeing as there's very rarely a HoS when I play.
after some more observing and playing with you on a team, I have one other thing to caution about, and that's that HoS, and sec in general, require that you know your own limits when it comes to playing. You're not consistently mean, but you've let the stress of rounds get to you in the past week which has resulted in you ragging on teammates a lot. Saying that playing with the new summer players has been the worst experience of your life, even if in character, really stings and doesnt inspire confidence in me that you'd be ready for the mentoring and guidance that HoSes can provide to new players, or that you've been paying your own needs for breaks and aasuuuch much mind.
(06-22-2022, 08:26 PM)nefarious6th Wrote: after some more observing and playing with you on a team, I have one other thing to caution about, and that's that HoS, and sec in general, require that you know your own limits when it comes to playing. You're not consistently mean, but you've let the stress of rounds get to you in the past week which has resulted in you ragging on teammates a lot. Saying that playing with the new summer players has been the worst experience of your life, even if in character, really stings and doesnt inspire confidence in me that you'd be ready for the mentoring and guidance that HoSes can provide to new players, or that you've been paying your own needs for breaks and aasuuuch much mind.

I'm sorry if it comes off that way, I'll admit that the frustration has gotten to me some, but I believe I've generally tried to make it clear that my frustrations are entirely towards the people who come in and just griefing or generally acting undeservedly rude and abrasive that's worn down my patience some, and not towards the other Sec. I think that a lot of the new sec I've encountered have done very well.

I understand that I might have played it up too much IC and come off as too angry about it, but I think that I've generally made it clear what exactly my frustrations are towards. I apologize if it's come off as directed towards anyone other than griefers/the people I've encountered who have been pretty blatantly rude without any reason, but I hope that makes sense.
That said though, I know I've definitely let the frustrations of the bad interactions I've had in the past week get to me, and I'll put in my best effort to handle it better in the future. I appreciate the feedback and hope you'll let me know if there's anything else I can do better.
From a recent sec round with you I can say you have a fair understanding of punishments, slowly escalating in severity for repeat offenses. You report when you’re on a scene, but my one nitpick is that I’d love to hear a follow up on what you found. I know I had to ask several times since I felt out of the loop for some cases you looked into. Other than that, you seem like a good secoff. But as HoS, understand you’ll need to be on top of a lot of things for both you and your team. Improve on this and I’m sure you’ll be a solid HoS.
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to mixed community feedback. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be August 26. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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