03-29-2022, 01:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2022, 01:36 PM by Delta_Dav. Edited 1 time in total.)
Aeon Von Ludwig
(Trying to be, but Absolutly not lore accurate)
The story I am going to tell is about the tale of a young boy drafted in a conflict tearing is nation… Well, is Nation even a good name for it ?
From a Station to a Nation.
When Plasma was discovered, many company tried to get there hand of it. Going in space, trying to make research facility. Nanostraten was one of them. They were big boys. But they were others. « Unterwald » A European group, mainly French and German, invested big in logistic and in a shit ton of money to go colonize Enceladus. Yeah this moon of Saturn was a giant blue ice planet with an ocean underneath ready to get visited and exploited by humans. It was quite particular : They send also a shit ton of people there ! All social class was going on those old « Ariane 8 » rockets to begin a new life, on a brand new station. Family of rich investor were send there to be officers. The smart one, they got the science and medical jobs. Other, poorer , were made … Well, the rest.
But all you need to know is that : YES, this was a big ass crew. You think that 60 – 80- 100 is a High populated station ? Imagine 1,500 people on a station. And this station, it was « The Unterwald “Hoffnung” Colonial Research Station» … Yeah they called it « Hoffnung ».
Hoffnung was a big station. Quite particular in design : It was part under water, but also part surface/space station. The two part were Linked by 6 underwater elevator, trans-piercing the thigh layer of ice, and capable to transporting 250 people every 5 minute. Imagine a cooler London Subway. The Riches lived on the top level, well the rest on bottom, but the service on both part was quite balance. The medbays are not some petty medical place, they were full hospitals. And most importantly : people were born there. The population of hoffnung got from 1,500 people too 1,972 people. There was some individual quarters, dorms, family quarters, schools, library, churches, museum, restaurant, shopping center, food stand, a small water park with false beach, multiple sport court, botany, kitchen, security checkpoint, and more on both side, maybe in case one of the 2 part didn't function well.
Functioning, lets talk about that ! Yes, « Hoffnung » was big station, with some good result result in plasma production, but the expense made from earth were low, since the station was self sustainable. No need for shift change, and the salary were small because for one the cost of life was smaller because they weren’t employees, they were colonist. They made Unterwald proud. So much Proud that Unterwald began to make some shit decision : « Lets focus all of our resource on THIS station, don't make some others ! » « Yeah, great idea, we are the biggest company with the biggest station, what could go wrong ? »
Well, 2 things actually :
First : Concurrence. Yeah, having only one Major Station on Enceladus was profitable, Only not so profitable as many cheaply made station than can be easily manageable and bring you more moneys.
Second : A fucking War. The Incorporated war was… Quite a blow for Unterwald. Many project got scrapped, panic made the higher up lose there shits and made some even more shit decision, and finally the quarters of Unterwald got blown away by some good old bombs.
In fear of a massive attack, without help of Unterwald, and a with Nanostraten blowing up there concurrent and other company like plastic Balloons, Station Hoffnung found a solution… Well, to not be part of a company anymore. To be an independent Nation.
This was now a nation.
The Nation of Hoffnung.
Okay, they were not recognized by ¾ of earth government… But who cares at this point ?
Hoffnung cease all company activity. No more transfer of money, no more making of a profit. Just… Independent. Unterwald quickly died alone.
NT though that was a bit weird. Sure they could have taken the station and claimed it there own ; adding it to large variety of station… But what to do with the people on it ?
NT couldn't speak with Corporate Language, like « Merging » or « Mutation », but more like « Invasion » and « Making a shit ton of refugees ». They tried to send a little army, but the security of Hoffnung, now renamed to « Hoffnung Waffen » was also a full fledged army, able to give a fight. So NT left them alone.
Life on the Nation of Hoffnung was… Honestly, not very different than before. It has become a monarchy. The Bridge and the Commanders still in charge. The Captain Herman von Augustus… Now King Augustus, stayed fair and wise. It was maybe the greatest leader of all team, a Leader who could make NT jealous.
Security, now was a Military Police force, gun ready with a taser for peaceful situation. Food came from botany, but also from some off station outpost, and was actually enough to feed the growing population of the station. Yes, people were born in Hoffnung. The Technology came from the 2020. The « Hoffnung Waffen » was still using some old gun like the UMP45, FAMAS, HK416, USP… With the Plasma they harvest they powered the generators, the Subs and the Shuttles. Expedition were made to explore the planet and its trenches. There was some minerals for construction, very good for repairs.
But the nation was isolated. No marketing contact with the outside world. No economical trade either. Even if the station was self-sufficient, the technology in it became old. People were getting divided on what to do : staying isolated and safe, or go for a more capitalistic approach, and connect to the rest of the world. This division was once just some conversation you had with your family at diner.
But it got worst, when the Captain died at old age. Some of the commanders tried to take is place. They even tried to get rid of the Captain’s Family. So a new King came in : Riegeln. He was the Head of Research, and a Coward. Trying to keep order from riot and protestation. Protestation because of some bad decision he made. Yeah, he was ruling for him, the army, his family, the commander and research team. The others could… Rot. Be he was liked. Because he kept the station safe and fair. It was just an illusion, but many didn’t see it trough. But the shit came one day one Riegeln inspired by NT, green lit Artifact research. He wanted to find some cool artifact we could use.
Unfortunately, Hoffnung was no NT. One artifact was a bomb. There was a massive Breach, water was going in. 142 people died. Riegeln put the fault on the house of Ludwig and security. He said that this was a terrorist attack. So he minimize the action of the “Hoffnung Waffen” to make is own army : “The Sturms”. And yeah, he gave them weapons, the lethal one.
The situation was even worst when the money ran out. No more salary, everything in the station was now free and / or rationed for all crew members. This made the poorer people happy ! But not the richer. Where was all the money gone? Many tried to call the king for an audience, he listen to no one. They wanted to return to make money, sell the plasma and technology, to not be shut in.
And so, a confrontation began wenn the Chief of the “Hoffnung Waffen” called all of there partisan to make known that they did not agree with those decision.
This how the War begun.
The House of Ludwigs
Unterwald was supported by a family of Elites dispersed in Houses. There were the House of Augustus, the House of Riddle, the house of Riegeln, the house of Joanes and The house of Ludwig. It were the name of one of the most important contributor for the Unterwald company. Back on earth, they was a family of noble knights. They were legendary knights, then pilots, defending their country from all kinds of dangers. The Augustus was a small but powerful family. Arlett von Augustus was the CEO of Unterwald, and Herman von Ludwig was the first Captain, then King. They were essentially the pillar, the backbone of this Elites Family. Second was the Riegeln. They were in the science department, but wasn't very liked. Yet, they still have the biggest family and was the second most powerful. The house of Joanes is a pretty chill house. Business and engineering is there thing. They Riddles was a small yet cunning house. They were soldiers, maybe the best, if the Ludwig’s House wasn't around.
But the Ludwig house, once the most formidable warriors and pilot of this elite were quickly falling from graces. The three last members, Daniel, Krebbet and Gerard had a very bad reputation. They have lost many things on earth. They only got in space because were promised a good deal in Hoffnung : Krebbet became a member of the army, Gerard was a Researcher, and Daniel became a Medical Chief.
But when Riegeln tried to take power, they were… well, caught in some weird accident. They were also blamed for the plasma accident. Yeah, there Honor and pride of the Ludwig House after that was tarnish. They were seen as traitor. Dead Traitors and some past history. But Riegeln didn’t know about a Last Ludwig : Aeon.
Aeon Von Ludwig : The last Ludwig
Aeon is the son of Daniel von Ludwig. His weird name come from “Alphonse, Errich, Otto, Norger “, the name of his ancestors. Born on the first day of march, he was the fruit of a secret relation between Daniel and Maria Schnee. The two of them became close when they created the first search and rescue team. Maria doesn’t consider herself has a Ludwig, the relation she had with Daniel was… Complicated. But she respected Daniel has damn father too Aeon, the son she loved so much. She trained Aeon to be a Pilot too : He knew young how to shoot and fly around on the icy moon.
He was 12 when his father died in the explosion. At first, Maria didn’t want Aeon to bear the name Ludwig. Too dangerous. But to no avail. He wanted to keep it. He has grown up with the history of this family, the glorious days on earth, but also the new hope that Hoffnung gave them. So the next best thing to do was to lay low. Maria didn’t not send Ideo to an on-station School. Instead, she used an old exploration outpost on the surface to create a school “The Anfag Lighthouse School”, and use the service of Ideo Hartman, a private eye who became the English, French, and history teacher and was Aeon’s a mentor overall, Archer Bandog, a member of the army, and a radio operator who became the math teacher and Lina Dietrich, an actual instructor, who became is Science and German teacher. He was not alone, and he made some friends, a little group of misfit.
Aeon is a friendly fellow. He is curious, a bit naive and careless. He can be a bit clumsy. He has good spirit and he is quite good spirited, but can lose is temper. Aeon is a Pilot, and always will be. He does not like to harm other, except for defense of if they insult the house of Ludwig or his friends.
He is 1m80, and weight around 77kilo. (Wont Convert that, im so evil). He got blond hairs, and the green Eyes of the Von Ludwig House. He looks like is Father, but also his Uncles and Cousin from the Riddle House. He has Inherit the red cheeks from is mother.
His favorite dish are the Wiener Schnitzel that is mom made sometimes. He also reality likes the noodles served at little food stand back on Hoffnung.
He is 21 years old but was 17 as the Civil War began. The war was fought for 13 months, from December 2049 too January 2050.
The Hoffnung Civil War
When the war broke out, Aeon joined the Rebellion. For him, the only way to restore the name of his family in Hoffnung was to get rid of Riegeln.
The rebellion used some exploration outpost installed on and beneath the ice and some shuttle to fight this war and make some base. They had some hidden base in the station, for spy.
But they had also a little advantage : an Alliance with NT.
NT had everything to win by giving supply to the rebellion. If the rebellion won, they could have a share of the profits made by the station.
So every soldier got a PDA, phaser gun, headsets…
Aeon had no difficulty piloting the NT pods. He got to be a Search and Rescue pilot, getting wounded soldier out of a battle field or getting spy to safety. He was also issued with a Phaser gun.
Long story short : During the war, Aeon witnessed the horror, had to pod fight his way to safety, got to duel against is Cousin Aneo Riddle (he has the same origin name) and Krieg Riddle, and even going briefly undercover! He was the one too discover that some of the Riegeln House and Johanes House was unaware of the fight ! This war did some damage to the nation and scared Aeon. Many died on both side. But with the NT support, the rebellion had the advantage.
Until the Syndicate started supplying the « Hoffnung Sturms ». Yeah, they didn't want for a some NT controlled rebellion to win this station, so they began given Riegeln some Guns, drones, pods, explosives. And it was in far more quantities than NT supply.
A flock of Syndidrone, modified to obey the orders of the Sturms malfunctioned and killed 300 people, man, women and child a like, until they were destroyed by Aeon’s old group of Friends.
Even if the group got a bot of glory and respect from the Johannes house and some more people, The Rebellion was blamed for the malfunction, losing public opinion. The Tide quickly shifted, has the rebellion fall. Base after base was destroyed, and the commanders got arrested, judge, and killed. The rebel survivor had to lay low, or got imprisoned. The other, who got to run, fled to NT. Aeon was one of them. He joined NT, only keeping is gun, Broken.
In NT, Aeon quickly saw that yeah, it was very Imperfect. Clown? Mimes ? Cloning facility ? Possible crime and ethical problems ? He even got to a point that he was kinda happy that the Rebellion lost… But in honesty, Aeon like NT. Not the company, but the people. Some Weird, Some Kind, Some Jerks… There is so much to discover too. He discovered Robotist and the world of the Silicon and liked it.
Maybe is best experience was in the Bellerophon fleet. He did a bit of exploring too, going to the Debris Field where he meet Wally, a lone guard buddy in a weird time wreck.
But Aeon didn’t forget Hoffnung. His friend are still there, his mother too. He still need to kick the syndicate, Aneo and Riegeln Ass… He was so close last, even having support from the Daughter of Riegeln ! But it will do it without NT : Its a Hoffnung problem, and he will bring back the Ludwig House as a new Hope for the Nation.
Jobs/Antag timeline :
The Day 1 rebellion in bad shape timeline.
Sec Assistant/Officer: The Rebellion was lower on soldier on this timeline, so also low on pilot and spy, So Aeon had fill in. he served has Pod Fighter, and also has a spy, using the origin of his family to approach the Riegeln and Johannes. The rest of this story is normal: Rebellion lose, he joined NT. Assigned has Sec ass/officer, Aeon will have a Red and Black Jumpsuit and some red googles. Keen on paperwork, he will try to provide support to is team, by doing paperwork or going on patrol. Aeon is not a very robust guy, and will try to solve problem peacefully. He will also ask to go undercover, as a simple Staff Assistant.
Aneo Riddle Timelines
Lets go back a bit back in time. Aeon Von Ludwig is the Cousin of Krieg and Aneo Riddle. Aneo and Aeon are pretty similar in quite some way: Same origin of names (Alphonse, Norger, Errich, Otto) Blond hair, young at the same age, and both are pretty good pods pilots. But they hate each other. They Family are rivals. During the civil war, Aeon will fight for the rebellion, but the Riddles are the right hand man of the king. After the rebellion got destroyed, Aneo, in full syndicate supply attacked a fleeing Aeon, and they both fought like Knights, in a dog fight, like joust that there ancestor did... In the normal timeline, Aeon won the fight, and let Aneo retreat to Hoffnung.
But in those timeline, Aeon Didn't. Aneo destroyed is pod, and brought back Aeon has a prisoner. Since Aeon was invited to join NT, it was good opportunity for King Riegeln and the syndicate to send… A False Aeon. With a new haircut, some contact lenses matching the eye of Aeon, the boy was ready to take the place has is cousin. A good way to spot the difference is : Aneo don’t speak french fluently, Aeon does. Aneo has no grudge or fear about the Syndicate. Aneo is a bit more violent. Sleeper Agent : The Syndicate saw the difference between Aeon and Aneo and tough that it might be a bit obvious… So with a bit of mind slaving machine and some information, They Transformed Aneo into a Real Aeon ! Even capable of speaking french… Until… the Numbers Counts down. Traitor : Aneo can act freely. Make some Chaos, Stay Peaceful (And insult NT)… The simple presence of Aneo in the station is a failure for NT. Spy/Thief : Well, Aneo got the orders to find some object, and he will do it.
The rebellions wins timeline
When NT saw that the Syndicate Supplied the Monarchy, they were Pissed… Very Pissed. A squad of legendary NTSO and the Bellerophon fleet got suddenly send to hoffnung to deal with the sturms and Drone. Yes, NT declared a real war against Riegeln and the Syndicate. Even with Syndicate Supplies, he could not defeat the company bringer of chaos. He surrendered.
The rebellion won but… NT was now in charge. I will not explain the pro and cons, but the National Spirit faded slowly…
Aeon Joined NT a bit later in this timeline. Its just for gimmicks jobs :
Lawyer : After the war, he became a lawyer. His goal is to liberate Hoffnung from NT, so it can be a nation Again.
Radio host : He joined Bandog who created little show called Pod gear.
Union : Aeon became aware of the shitty technique of NT, and desired to protest !
CEO : The NT board member got rid of Riegeln ! But who to let in charge ? The House of Riddle are some Syndicate Fans, The House of Johannes doesn’t want to work for NT. One candidate was Riegeln Daughter and Rightful honor of the Hoffnung throne but, like the Johannes House, she don’t want to be the slave of NT. Welp, no new Lea- wait, isn't Aeon Von Ludwig also from a House AND a NT member ? So Aeon was made the CEO of the Hoffnung Station to NT. This actually a great deal for everyone. NT trust Aeon, The house of Johannes knows that Aeon loves is nation, and the daughter Riegel really like him.
On station, Aeon will try to suggest Hoffnung services and way of life.
![[Image: Aeon.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/890223118482800790/958206908152549436/Aeon.png)
Sorry if there is too much typos, its was actually my first time writing the Lore of a Charactere fully in english.
(Trying to be, but Absolutly not lore accurate)
The story I am going to tell is about the tale of a young boy drafted in a conflict tearing is nation… Well, is Nation even a good name for it ?
From a Station to a Nation.
When Plasma was discovered, many company tried to get there hand of it. Going in space, trying to make research facility. Nanostraten was one of them. They were big boys. But they were others. « Unterwald » A European group, mainly French and German, invested big in logistic and in a shit ton of money to go colonize Enceladus. Yeah this moon of Saturn was a giant blue ice planet with an ocean underneath ready to get visited and exploited by humans. It was quite particular : They send also a shit ton of people there ! All social class was going on those old « Ariane 8 » rockets to begin a new life, on a brand new station. Family of rich investor were send there to be officers. The smart one, they got the science and medical jobs. Other, poorer , were made … Well, the rest.
But all you need to know is that : YES, this was a big ass crew. You think that 60 – 80- 100 is a High populated station ? Imagine 1,500 people on a station. And this station, it was « The Unterwald “Hoffnung” Colonial Research Station» … Yeah they called it « Hoffnung ».
Hoffnung was a big station. Quite particular in design : It was part under water, but also part surface/space station. The two part were Linked by 6 underwater elevator, trans-piercing the thigh layer of ice, and capable to transporting 250 people every 5 minute. Imagine a cooler London Subway. The Riches lived on the top level, well the rest on bottom, but the service on both part was quite balance. The medbays are not some petty medical place, they were full hospitals. And most importantly : people were born there. The population of hoffnung got from 1,500 people too 1,972 people. There was some individual quarters, dorms, family quarters, schools, library, churches, museum, restaurant, shopping center, food stand, a small water park with false beach, multiple sport court, botany, kitchen, security checkpoint, and more on both side, maybe in case one of the 2 part didn't function well.
Functioning, lets talk about that ! Yes, « Hoffnung » was big station, with some good result result in plasma production, but the expense made from earth were low, since the station was self sustainable. No need for shift change, and the salary were small because for one the cost of life was smaller because they weren’t employees, they were colonist. They made Unterwald proud. So much Proud that Unterwald began to make some shit decision : « Lets focus all of our resource on THIS station, don't make some others ! » « Yeah, great idea, we are the biggest company with the biggest station, what could go wrong ? »
Well, 2 things actually :
First : Concurrence. Yeah, having only one Major Station on Enceladus was profitable, Only not so profitable as many cheaply made station than can be easily manageable and bring you more moneys.
Second : A fucking War. The Incorporated war was… Quite a blow for Unterwald. Many project got scrapped, panic made the higher up lose there shits and made some even more shit decision, and finally the quarters of Unterwald got blown away by some good old bombs.
In fear of a massive attack, without help of Unterwald, and a with Nanostraten blowing up there concurrent and other company like plastic Balloons, Station Hoffnung found a solution… Well, to not be part of a company anymore. To be an independent Nation.
This was now a nation.
The Nation of Hoffnung.
Okay, they were not recognized by ¾ of earth government… But who cares at this point ?
Hoffnung cease all company activity. No more transfer of money, no more making of a profit. Just… Independent. Unterwald quickly died alone.
NT though that was a bit weird. Sure they could have taken the station and claimed it there own ; adding it to large variety of station… But what to do with the people on it ?
NT couldn't speak with Corporate Language, like « Merging » or « Mutation », but more like « Invasion » and « Making a shit ton of refugees ». They tried to send a little army, but the security of Hoffnung, now renamed to « Hoffnung Waffen » was also a full fledged army, able to give a fight. So NT left them alone.
Life on the Nation of Hoffnung was… Honestly, not very different than before. It has become a monarchy. The Bridge and the Commanders still in charge. The Captain Herman von Augustus… Now King Augustus, stayed fair and wise. It was maybe the greatest leader of all team, a Leader who could make NT jealous.
Security, now was a Military Police force, gun ready with a taser for peaceful situation. Food came from botany, but also from some off station outpost, and was actually enough to feed the growing population of the station. Yes, people were born in Hoffnung. The Technology came from the 2020. The « Hoffnung Waffen » was still using some old gun like the UMP45, FAMAS, HK416, USP… With the Plasma they harvest they powered the generators, the Subs and the Shuttles. Expedition were made to explore the planet and its trenches. There was some minerals for construction, very good for repairs.
But the nation was isolated. No marketing contact with the outside world. No economical trade either. Even if the station was self-sufficient, the technology in it became old. People were getting divided on what to do : staying isolated and safe, or go for a more capitalistic approach, and connect to the rest of the world. This division was once just some conversation you had with your family at diner.
But it got worst, when the Captain died at old age. Some of the commanders tried to take is place. They even tried to get rid of the Captain’s Family. So a new King came in : Riegeln. He was the Head of Research, and a Coward. Trying to keep order from riot and protestation. Protestation because of some bad decision he made. Yeah, he was ruling for him, the army, his family, the commander and research team. The others could… Rot. Be he was liked. Because he kept the station safe and fair. It was just an illusion, but many didn’t see it trough. But the shit came one day one Riegeln inspired by NT, green lit Artifact research. He wanted to find some cool artifact we could use.
Unfortunately, Hoffnung was no NT. One artifact was a bomb. There was a massive Breach, water was going in. 142 people died. Riegeln put the fault on the house of Ludwig and security. He said that this was a terrorist attack. So he minimize the action of the “Hoffnung Waffen” to make is own army : “The Sturms”. And yeah, he gave them weapons, the lethal one.
The situation was even worst when the money ran out. No more salary, everything in the station was now free and / or rationed for all crew members. This made the poorer people happy ! But not the richer. Where was all the money gone? Many tried to call the king for an audience, he listen to no one. They wanted to return to make money, sell the plasma and technology, to not be shut in.
And so, a confrontation began wenn the Chief of the “Hoffnung Waffen” called all of there partisan to make known that they did not agree with those decision.
This how the War begun.
The House of Ludwigs
Unterwald was supported by a family of Elites dispersed in Houses. There were the House of Augustus, the House of Riddle, the house of Riegeln, the house of Joanes and The house of Ludwig. It were the name of one of the most important contributor for the Unterwald company. Back on earth, they was a family of noble knights. They were legendary knights, then pilots, defending their country from all kinds of dangers. The Augustus was a small but powerful family. Arlett von Augustus was the CEO of Unterwald, and Herman von Ludwig was the first Captain, then King. They were essentially the pillar, the backbone of this Elites Family. Second was the Riegeln. They were in the science department, but wasn't very liked. Yet, they still have the biggest family and was the second most powerful. The house of Joanes is a pretty chill house. Business and engineering is there thing. They Riddles was a small yet cunning house. They were soldiers, maybe the best, if the Ludwig’s House wasn't around.
But the Ludwig house, once the most formidable warriors and pilot of this elite were quickly falling from graces. The three last members, Daniel, Krebbet and Gerard had a very bad reputation. They have lost many things on earth. They only got in space because were promised a good deal in Hoffnung : Krebbet became a member of the army, Gerard was a Researcher, and Daniel became a Medical Chief.
But when Riegeln tried to take power, they were… well, caught in some weird accident. They were also blamed for the plasma accident. Yeah, there Honor and pride of the Ludwig House after that was tarnish. They were seen as traitor. Dead Traitors and some past history. But Riegeln didn’t know about a Last Ludwig : Aeon.
Aeon Von Ludwig : The last Ludwig
Aeon is the son of Daniel von Ludwig. His weird name come from “Alphonse, Errich, Otto, Norger “, the name of his ancestors. Born on the first day of march, he was the fruit of a secret relation between Daniel and Maria Schnee. The two of them became close when they created the first search and rescue team. Maria doesn’t consider herself has a Ludwig, the relation she had with Daniel was… Complicated. But she respected Daniel has damn father too Aeon, the son she loved so much. She trained Aeon to be a Pilot too : He knew young how to shoot and fly around on the icy moon.
He was 12 when his father died in the explosion. At first, Maria didn’t want Aeon to bear the name Ludwig. Too dangerous. But to no avail. He wanted to keep it. He has grown up with the history of this family, the glorious days on earth, but also the new hope that Hoffnung gave them. So the next best thing to do was to lay low. Maria didn’t not send Ideo to an on-station School. Instead, she used an old exploration outpost on the surface to create a school “The Anfag Lighthouse School”, and use the service of Ideo Hartman, a private eye who became the English, French, and history teacher and was Aeon’s a mentor overall, Archer Bandog, a member of the army, and a radio operator who became the math teacher and Lina Dietrich, an actual instructor, who became is Science and German teacher. He was not alone, and he made some friends, a little group of misfit.
Aeon is a friendly fellow. He is curious, a bit naive and careless. He can be a bit clumsy. He has good spirit and he is quite good spirited, but can lose is temper. Aeon is a Pilot, and always will be. He does not like to harm other, except for defense of if they insult the house of Ludwig or his friends.
He is 1m80, and weight around 77kilo. (Wont Convert that, im so evil). He got blond hairs, and the green Eyes of the Von Ludwig House. He looks like is Father, but also his Uncles and Cousin from the Riddle House. He has Inherit the red cheeks from is mother.
His favorite dish are the Wiener Schnitzel that is mom made sometimes. He also reality likes the noodles served at little food stand back on Hoffnung.
He is 21 years old but was 17 as the Civil War began. The war was fought for 13 months, from December 2049 too January 2050.
The Hoffnung Civil War
When the war broke out, Aeon joined the Rebellion. For him, the only way to restore the name of his family in Hoffnung was to get rid of Riegeln.
The rebellion used some exploration outpost installed on and beneath the ice and some shuttle to fight this war and make some base. They had some hidden base in the station, for spy.
But they had also a little advantage : an Alliance with NT.
NT had everything to win by giving supply to the rebellion. If the rebellion won, they could have a share of the profits made by the station.
So every soldier got a PDA, phaser gun, headsets…
Aeon had no difficulty piloting the NT pods. He got to be a Search and Rescue pilot, getting wounded soldier out of a battle field or getting spy to safety. He was also issued with a Phaser gun.
Long story short : During the war, Aeon witnessed the horror, had to pod fight his way to safety, got to duel against is Cousin Aneo Riddle (he has the same origin name) and Krieg Riddle, and even going briefly undercover! He was the one too discover that some of the Riegeln House and Johanes House was unaware of the fight ! This war did some damage to the nation and scared Aeon. Many died on both side. But with the NT support, the rebellion had the advantage.
Until the Syndicate started supplying the « Hoffnung Sturms ». Yeah, they didn't want for a some NT controlled rebellion to win this station, so they began given Riegeln some Guns, drones, pods, explosives. And it was in far more quantities than NT supply.
A flock of Syndidrone, modified to obey the orders of the Sturms malfunctioned and killed 300 people, man, women and child a like, until they were destroyed by Aeon’s old group of Friends.
Even if the group got a bot of glory and respect from the Johannes house and some more people, The Rebellion was blamed for the malfunction, losing public opinion. The Tide quickly shifted, has the rebellion fall. Base after base was destroyed, and the commanders got arrested, judge, and killed. The rebel survivor had to lay low, or got imprisoned. The other, who got to run, fled to NT. Aeon was one of them. He joined NT, only keeping is gun, Broken.
In NT, Aeon quickly saw that yeah, it was very Imperfect. Clown? Mimes ? Cloning facility ? Possible crime and ethical problems ? He even got to a point that he was kinda happy that the Rebellion lost… But in honesty, Aeon like NT. Not the company, but the people. Some Weird, Some Kind, Some Jerks… There is so much to discover too. He discovered Robotist and the world of the Silicon and liked it.
Maybe is best experience was in the Bellerophon fleet. He did a bit of exploring too, going to the Debris Field where he meet Wally, a lone guard buddy in a weird time wreck.
But Aeon didn’t forget Hoffnung. His friend are still there, his mother too. He still need to kick the syndicate, Aneo and Riegeln Ass… He was so close last, even having support from the Daughter of Riegeln ! But it will do it without NT : Its a Hoffnung problem, and he will bring back the Ludwig House as a new Hope for the Nation.
Jobs/Antag timeline :
Main time line(Where the story do not change.)
Medical Doctor : Assigned has a medical doctor, Aeon will stay in medbay and jump in a pod to recover wounded people. He can also ask the Med director if he can be a full fledged search and rescue pod pilot. He is quite keen on paperwork. He will wear his signature White and Blue Race jumpsuit, and blue goggles. He will be also accompanied by Wally the guard buddy.
Robotist : Assigned has a Robotist, Aeon will be quite a Newbie. He was trained by Miss Bouddle and Miss Helper. He wears a fairly normal Robotist jumpsuit, no goggles. Aeon will be doing mostly Borg, and rename Frames into “Aeon Custom” Units.
Staff Assistant: Assigned has a Staff Assistant, Aeon will try to be a full fledged search and rescue pilot by going to seek HoP or the Captain. He will wear is trusty White and Blue race Jumpsuit, with some google. Its pretty much the same outfit as the Med doc one.
Captain: Assigned has the Captain… Aeon will state that's its a mistake. He doesn’t trust his leadership and try's to hide it to the rest of the crew. He will avoid going full security captain, but still support them. He will focus on moral of all department. He has green Goggles, And a white shirt. He will use the sword and is Phaser together. In the Background, he will try to use NT assets to rescue Hoffnung.
Arcfiend: Before the Beginning of shift, Aeon traveled to the actual station with the Bellerophon fleet, when suddenly a weird electrical storm hit the fleet wile in a pod. He discovered that some people, and him got some powers… But NT saw them has menace. So, they tracked them down… Aeon Escaped. (He will be most likely peaceful)
Vamp : Something bite Aeon while he was coming to the station… Now, he wants blood… And fast, because if not… he will die. Unfortunately, Aeon need also blood to maintain is brain operational. And since he has no blood, he will act… Funny, Goofy, Trying to get blood without killing and taking it from someone. He will try to… “Heist” it and will have people at gun point… Until they realized that it was a welder. (He will be most likely be…. Peaceful ? Yeah; The hostage and heist situation he creates are comparable to petty crime, like stealing a donuts from Sec team. Mostly for comedy.)
Changeling: Aeon was serving on a weird NT station when suddenly something broke out from some secret containment chamber and used Aeon’s Body has a vessel. The Changeling is in command of Aeon Body and mind, the Changeling will KILL. Aeon can be saved : getting is mind out from is body.
Alternate timelines or the “What If” timelines (where the core story is modified) Changeling: Aeon was serving on a weird NT station when suddenly something broke out from some secret containment chamber and used Aeon’s Body has a vessel. The Changeling is in command of Aeon Body and mind, the Changeling will KILL. Aeon can be saved : getting is mind out from is body.
The Day 1 rebellion in bad shape timeline.
Sec Assistant/Officer: The Rebellion was lower on soldier on this timeline, so also low on pilot and spy, So Aeon had fill in. he served has Pod Fighter, and also has a spy, using the origin of his family to approach the Riegeln and Johannes. The rest of this story is normal: Rebellion lose, he joined NT. Assigned has Sec ass/officer, Aeon will have a Red and Black Jumpsuit and some red googles. Keen on paperwork, he will try to provide support to is team, by doing paperwork or going on patrol. Aeon is not a very robust guy, and will try to solve problem peacefully. He will also ask to go undercover, as a simple Staff Assistant.
Aneo Riddle Timelines
Lets go back a bit back in time. Aeon Von Ludwig is the Cousin of Krieg and Aneo Riddle. Aneo and Aeon are pretty similar in quite some way: Same origin of names (Alphonse, Norger, Errich, Otto) Blond hair, young at the same age, and both are pretty good pods pilots. But they hate each other. They Family are rivals. During the civil war, Aeon will fight for the rebellion, but the Riddles are the right hand man of the king. After the rebellion got destroyed, Aneo, in full syndicate supply attacked a fleeing Aeon, and they both fought like Knights, in a dog fight, like joust that there ancestor did... In the normal timeline, Aeon won the fight, and let Aneo retreat to Hoffnung.
But in those timeline, Aeon Didn't. Aneo destroyed is pod, and brought back Aeon has a prisoner. Since Aeon was invited to join NT, it was good opportunity for King Riegeln and the syndicate to send… A False Aeon. With a new haircut, some contact lenses matching the eye of Aeon, the boy was ready to take the place has is cousin. A good way to spot the difference is : Aneo don’t speak french fluently, Aeon does. Aneo has no grudge or fear about the Syndicate. Aneo is a bit more violent. Sleeper Agent : The Syndicate saw the difference between Aeon and Aneo and tough that it might be a bit obvious… So with a bit of mind slaving machine and some information, They Transformed Aneo into a Real Aeon ! Even capable of speaking french… Until… the Numbers Counts down. Traitor : Aneo can act freely. Make some Chaos, Stay Peaceful (And insult NT)… The simple presence of Aneo in the station is a failure for NT. Spy/Thief : Well, Aneo got the orders to find some object, and he will do it.
The rebellions wins timeline
When NT saw that the Syndicate Supplied the Monarchy, they were Pissed… Very Pissed. A squad of legendary NTSO and the Bellerophon fleet got suddenly send to hoffnung to deal with the sturms and Drone. Yes, NT declared a real war against Riegeln and the Syndicate. Even with Syndicate Supplies, he could not defeat the company bringer of chaos. He surrendered.
The rebellion won but… NT was now in charge. I will not explain the pro and cons, but the National Spirit faded slowly…
Aeon Joined NT a bit later in this timeline. Its just for gimmicks jobs :
Lawyer : After the war, he became a lawyer. His goal is to liberate Hoffnung from NT, so it can be a nation Again.
Radio host : He joined Bandog who created little show called Pod gear.
Union : Aeon became aware of the shitty technique of NT, and desired to protest !
CEO : The NT board member got rid of Riegeln ! But who to let in charge ? The House of Riddle are some Syndicate Fans, The House of Johannes doesn’t want to work for NT. One candidate was Riegeln Daughter and Rightful honor of the Hoffnung throne but, like the Johannes House, she don’t want to be the slave of NT. Welp, no new Lea- wait, isn't Aeon Von Ludwig also from a House AND a NT member ? So Aeon was made the CEO of the Hoffnung Station to NT. This actually a great deal for everyone. NT trust Aeon, The house of Johannes knows that Aeon loves is nation, and the daughter Riegel really like him.
On station, Aeon will try to suggest Hoffnung services and way of life.
![[Image: Aeon.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/890223118482800790/958206908152549436/Aeon.png)
Sorry if there is too much typos, its was actually my first time writing the Lore of a Charactere fully in english.